equitable infrastructure development example

Integrated resource planning also considers wastewater and stormwater systems alongside water supply systems, because each system is connected to the overall quantity and quality of the water system. Modern infrastructure projects create power and store energy without the use of fossil fuels, such as solar-, wind- and geothermal-powered infrastructures. Examples of commitments to expand pre-apprenticeship, registered apprenticeship, and other high-quality training programs: Examples of commitments from community colleges: Examples of commitments to provide wrap-around and supportive services: Examples of commitments to expand or increase recruitment among workers who are traditionally underrepresented in infrastructure sectors: Examples of state and local government commitments to invest resources and take policy action: Examples of aligned funding commitments from the philanthropic sector: We'll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. Economic growth and social mobility are highly dependent on inclusive and gender responsive infrastructure. Intergenerational equity considers what customers pay for a specific project versus which customers benefit the most from that project over time, Rate structures that account for consumer type and ability to pay (also see equity entry). The majority of U.S. water infrastructure is gray infrastructure. This includes a philanthropic registry and matchmaking service led by America Achieves and the What Works Plus Collaborative for promising local initiatives that have applied forbut may not have receivedfederal funds for all or critical parts of their proposals, as well as a pooled fund portfolio by the Families and Workers Fund. Capital improvement plans list all planned projects, equipment purchases, and major planning/engineering studies of a utility or municipality. How utilities fund their operations and receive financial oversight at the local and state levels. Financial savings and efficiencies due to an increase in the number of users. Porous surface types include interlocking bricks, gravel, or permeable asphalt or concrete. . Water infrastructure includes both traditional, highly centralized and engineered systems as well as distributed components that often rely on natural processes. These challenges can all be tackled together through the research-based solutions and wealth of examples in this report. These are the basic components of a community that allows for the transportation of people and goods, and the delivery of services. 6552. Intersectionality and water issues come up when thinking about how BIPOC and low-income communities are more likely to have unaffordable water bills, and how those unaffordable bills perpetuate poor health, economic, and societal outcomes. Wastewater is water that has been used by a customer (residential, commercial, industrial) and wastewater services (sometimes referred to as sewer services) are the provision of services to collect, treat, and discharge wastewater. Examples of commitments to expand or increase recruitment among workers who are traditionally underrepresented in infrastructure sectors: Center for Energy Workforce Development (CEWD) is partnering with the National Urban League to develop pre-apprenticeship programs that will lead 500-1,000 underrepresented individuals into registered apprenticeships in energy. Infrastructure is right-sized when the amount of gray water infrastructure (pipes, tunnels, treatment facilities) is proportional to the population when an infrastructure system is too large, it can lead to high water bills because there are fewer customers to pay for its maintenance, and when an infrastructure system is too small, water bills may be higher due to stress, overload, and increased incidences of system failure. Used together, these drivers have the potential to transform systems and shift from the current trajectory of growth that marginalizes many populations and compromises the diversity that makes communities strong. An audit report supports good asset management practices. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT DISSERTATION to obtain . Loans are prevalent in water infrastructure financing, and federal and state governments often work to reduce interest rates so loan programs are more accessible to municipalities, especially those that have communities with economic hardships. How federal, state, and local governments pay for water infrastructure. More than 14,000 people have completed one of the company's workforce development and job training programs since 2019. What are the specific financial mechanisms for equitable infrastructure development, such as grants, loans (concessional or commercial), guarantees (concessional or commercial), and equity/financial equity of public financing programs? The federal legislative efforts that support affordability and equity outcomes. . Multistate nation (examples) Basques, Kurds. In the context of this toolkit, intersectionality refers to the interconnected nature of socioeconomic identity, and environmental and public health issues; in particular, intersectionality explores how certain social categorizations, such as race, class, or gender, taken together with environmental and health issues, drive different expressions of discrimination and privilege (attributed to the scholarly works of Kimberle Crenshaw). This was the case for the 606 trail in Chicago, for example, which saw a 48. Equitable development emphasizes that all residents should be protected from environmental hazards and enjoy access to environmental, health, economic, and social necessities such as clean air and water, adequate infrastructure, and job opportunities. Municipalities must make investments in aging water infrastructure to ensure its resilience: These investments will likely cause rate increases, which could create affordability issues. In contrast to a typical CBA, which involves negotiations between community groups and a private developer, the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) CBA involved negotiations between . An outstanding balance; overdue charges on a water bill can lead to penalty fees, water shutoffs, and other compounding, debt-driven issues. When we talk about equitable development, we mean investment without displacementin other words, making infrastructure upgrades while also thinking about the long-term impacts on nearby . Great places with equitable access. A green stormwater infrastructure technique, bioswales are generally designed to have engineered soil and native plants that improve stormwater infiltration and retention capacity. At todays event, tradespeople from unions participating in the Challenge will demonstrate how they train workers in skills critical to implementing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Exelon is on track to invest nearly $14 million in 2022 to support more than 75 different workforce development programs, including infrastructure academies across all Exelon locations that prepare workers for jobs in the energy sector, and programs that give young women hands-on experience in STEM fields. A term used to describe an infrastructure project that is considered to be at an advanced enough stage of development for implementation to begin; planning may be almost complete, and approval permits may already be in place, or can be quickly obtained. Initiatives created by federal agencies to implement federal policies. Water audits are an assessment of water treated, transmitted, used, and lost throughout the water supply system. As a community member, utilities and municipalities are responsible for providing safe, reliable and drinkable water to your taps, and ensuring that your local waterways are clean and healthy: You pay for these services, and these entities are responsible to you. Often they refer to a fixed fee for a certain volume of water, and this fee would be included in the base or fixed charge. Challenge (SPARCC) collaboratives in Atlanta, Chicago, Memphis and Los Angeles are focusing on ways to influence the equitable development of parks and open spaces and ensure that . Lifeline rates are defined differently in different contexts. The Pre-K entrance at the PS 130 The Parkside School . Water shutoffs can create enormous, and sometimes long-lasting, problems for those impacted, including health and sanitation, credit, child custody, and homeownership issues. Utilities treat and transmit billions of gallons of water every dayand every day billions of gallons of water are lost due to system leaks or water main breaks, loss that costs utilities and, subsequently, ratepayers trillions of dollars. For example, allocating the right amount of costs to a given customer class (such as residential versus commercial customers) is one main objective of equity in pricing water. In an upcoming study, my colleagues and I find that even one new bridge in a city increases high-growth startup rates by 16%. Also, some utilities use the lifeline rate term to refer to a specific customer assistance program (CAP) whereby only qualified customers receive the lower rate. Using a combination of traditional and distributed approaches can often provide multiple benefits to a community, stretching the value of the investment. Equitable Economic Development Economic Development describes the process of growing an economy by using policies and programs to create and retain jobs, increase wealth, strengthen the tax base, and improve the economic well-being of a community. t 303.736.2724 Distributed or decentralized systems serve smaller areas (a neighborhood, for instance) and, if implemented properly, can be more resource-efficient. Community members such as Urban neighborhoods, Suburban communities, Rural communities, and Cultural groups could use this Scorecard when: Community . The Department of Commerce (DOC)released its Internet for All Workforce Planning Guide, which helps states and territories develop a workforce plan as required by the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. they created six indexes: housing stress (homeownership rates, whether homes had kitchens and proper ventilation, housing debt); healthcare (premature death rates, low birth weight data, access to primary care physicians, insurance status); economic data (median household income, children living in poverty, single-parent households); They're organized under four broad categories: affordable housing, economic opportunity, health equity and place, and . a treatment plant). Equitable Water Infrastructure Toolkit June 22, 2021. The European-led Green Deal programme is a good example of a program which clearly demonstrates such a commitment. Ex: Britain has undergone more development than Ethiopia, as Britain has had far more access to knowledge and technology. You also should expect that utilities and municipalities have a way for you to communicate your water issues and broader concerns, so they can provide solutions. The Equitable Infrastructure Group has traversed over $300 billion in infrastructure and development in 2021, $790 billion in 2022. The U.S. Transportation Departments DBE program currently uses a 10% target that includes DBEs ready, willing, and able to contribute to projects. The process of infiltration may remove some rainwater pollutants, which can help protect local groundwater and surface water quality. Construction started in July 2019 (with anticipated completion in November 2021) on the publicly funded I-579 CAP Urban Connector Project, which hopes to attract more equitable development projects to the neighborhood. The volumetric charge is coupled with a fixed fee, which is a charge that helps cover infrastructure maintenance costs as well as the repayment of loans and bonds used to build said infrastructure. Flooding is intensified by more frequent and severe rain events due to climate change, and many communities do not have the wastewater or stormwater infrastructure capacity to handle these events. Beyond these conventionally recognized components of a water infrastructure network, there are other tools, technologies, and techniques that serve to manage, supply, protect, and conserve water. Customer assistance programs (CAPs) are used as a supportive mechanism for households who cannot afford to pay as dictated by the standard rate structure. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW shallow, covered drains). This allows this high-end development to exploit Opportunity Zone tax credits designed for the Hills neighboring low-income residents, a tactic that developers have used across the country. agricultural and industrial land use practices might contribute to source water quality impairments, requiring expensive clean-up efforts). Building Bridges Across the River - Building Bridges Across the River Chapter 6 Equitable Distribution of Growth for Utilitarian and Non . Sila is providing support for curriculum, internships, and funding; and offering employees tuition and training assistance. ChargePoint of Campbell, California and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) are partnering to provide training to NECA members who install EV charging infrastructure. The Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) and the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) have entered into a collaborative workforce development agreement to promote registered apprenticeship, develop curriculum, establish industry-recognized credentials and certifications, and articulate career pathways in the broadband industry. Accompanying ambitious equity goals with no-nonsense enforcement that keeps projects accountable to local communities could help America begin the process of redressing long-standing infrastructural wrongs. Broadly, equity means providing people and communities with the specific number of resources or types of opportunities needed to achieve an improved quality of life. The document that shows how much a water/wastewater customer owes the utility that, ideally, includes the volume of water that the customer used visit the Utilities section of this guide for details about the components and corresponding terminology of a water bill. air and water pollution contamination, extreme flooding impacts, etc.) Often, direct assistance programs constitute a cross-subsidy, where one group of customers bears costs on behalf of another; such deliberate cross-subsidies are illegal in many jurisdictions and forbidden by utility policies in others (EPA, 2016, Customer Assistance Programs). Utilities can look at their levelized costs over time to understand the efficiency of their drinking water production methods and identify any need to implement more efficient practices. Infrastructure development is the construction of basic foundational services in order to stimulate economic growth and quality of life improvement. The pricing method a utility uses to calculate how much a consumer will pay for water usage; it includes both the base (fixed) fee and the volumetric charge. ARRA requires that all states set aside a portion of their Drinking and Clean Water State Revolving Loan Funds for Green Project Reserve projects. Including equity metrics to further prioritize this backlog does not just right historical wrongs; it is simply good business. This River Network Equitable Infrastructure Toolkit is a one-stop shop for community stakeholders, advocates, and leaders to: Identify the factors that affect water affordability; Become familiar with water infrastructure funding and financing mechanisms; and. It also includes parks, housing, public squares, economic centers, and schools. Stormwater services are typically bundled with wastewater services, but due to the growing prevalence of flooding and stormwater management needs, some communities have begun to make stormwater services a separate, standalone charge. WRDA bills typically pass biennially, and their impact varies depending on the interests and commitments of the legislative and executive branches. For example, just 11% of top business school case studies feature a female protagonist. Such projects should not be allowed to proceed until mutually agreed milestones are met to prevent circumvention of review processes. Addressing these disparities requires reimagining the dominant ways water is funded in the U.S. "Systematic inaction as pursuit of equity in infrastructure can no longer be a leadership option passively deliberated by the unprepared and morally ill-equipped. All Rights Reserved. The Clean Water Act regulates the discharge of pollution into waterways and sets water quality standards aimed primarily at protecting natural resources. The cost to upkeep water infrastructure to ensure equipment continues to work efficiently and can achieve the operational goals, e.g. have faced due to discrimination. Washington, DC 20500. True equity must be a sincere indicator of leadership worthy of political and economic advancement.". Water rates that are set based on the full or comprehensive cost of water service (i.e. Next Build.gov Post: HBCUs Critical Role in Building a Better America, HBCUs Critical Role in Building a Better, https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/briefing-room/2022/11/01/president-biden-celebrates-new-commitments-toward-equitable-workforce-development-for-infrastructure-jobs/?utm_source=link, Office of the United States Trade Representative, philanthropic registry and matchmaking service. Other equitable development strategies such as inclusionary zoning (policies that encourage or require developers to incorporate affordable housing units into their developments) and housing trust funds (dedicated funds for affordable housing) can Meters can also help individuals prevent excess water loss by accurately reporting household water use. A block rate is a water rate structure that is based on customer usage (measured in blocks, or tiers). Examples of commitments from community colleges: Bunker Hill Community College is expanding its partnerships with companies and unions to respond to training needs in broadband, electrification, transportation, and clean energy. Northwood Technical College and NTCA The Rural Broadband Association are partnering to develop training programs through which students can pursue Northwoods online academic offerings matched with mentored, on-the-job work experience with hundreds of NTCA rural broadband providers and earn proficiency badges in the process. Arizona Western College will expand its registered apprenticeship program to serve up to 200 workers in the broadband installation field. Louisiana Community and Technical College System is directing $20 million in funding to establish the Louisiana Infrastructure Skills Academy (LISA).Examples of commitments to provide wrap-around and supportive services: Waste Water Industrial Solutions, a Black woman-owned contractor in Atlanta, Georgia, will explore expanding training opportunities and wrap-around supports for fabrication and construction careers. St. Mary Parish Economic Development in Louisiana will partner with community non-profits and employers to help non-traditional students address barriers to training, including a shuttle system to bring students and their children to and from campus, as well as a free child care and tutoring center for children of students. & # x27 ; s workforce development and job training programs since 2019 this backlog does not just historical. Community that allows for the transportation of people and goods, and major planning/engineering studies of a community stretching... Parks, housing, public squares, economic equitable infrastructure development example, and lost throughout the water supply system Equitable of. In blocks, or tiers ) are set based on customer usage ( measured in,... Throughout the water supply system process of infiltration may remove some rainwater,. The research-based solutions and wealth of examples in this report and store without... 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equitable infrastructure development example