The problem with the Entrance Name is that you can get it to say Intercontintental Champion when the wrestler makes his entrance, but then the graphic will also say "Intercontinental Champion" instead of Intercontintental Championship. The half-and-half colouring of the gold and straps is a basic, yet nice change to the WWE Championship. The latest patch for WWE 2K22 is here, and it's a major one to say the least. Title matches are usually the biggest occasions in wrestling, creating high stakes. Players who want to re-create Team Taz in their game should definitely download this. and our With how chaotic matches can become in WWE 2K22, this seems like a good championship to download. My WWE outside Universe mode uses the Championship name. Oh well. The mens version has a rich history spanning decades. Is it a singles or tag team title? Despite this being a spinner belt, the Edge logo sadly does not spin during entrances. I don't know the difference. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Besides that, WrestlingFanatic has been able to produce an accurate belt. This last entry highlights the oldest surviving wrestling championship in the world. His logo acted as the spinner. This commment is unpublished, pending moderation. Unfortunately, this one has no spinner but there is a white strap. This is a championship that deserves to be defended in the virtual wrestling world. The dark red strap helps it to stand out among the other titles in the game. Downloaded championships appear black on the entrance. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By Not everything has to be super serious so have some fun and see what crazy designs you can come up with and be sure to send them over so we can have a look and a laugh at. Certain titles such as the WWE World and Intercontinental Championships even have multiple versions from different eras. The SmackDown vs Raw Championship, created by MachoRumbleJP, would make for some fun matches at PPVs where a wrestler from each brand go head-to-head. Fans also get involved on social media by picking a brand to support. This is a championship which has been a big part of TNA/IMPACT for 20 years. Custom Titles - WWE Undisputed Universal Championship V.1New video on this WWE Undisputed Universal Championship Showing how I made this Title Click on the . RaidenHero137 7 mo. For more information, please see our Once youre done with the materials you can then apply images to your front plate including preset reliefs, wwe designs, general designs, flags, custom lettering, misc images, arena images, superstar images, custom images and group images. I tried following the directions so it says who the champion is when they go down the ring, but when the Title visual comes up, it doesn't have -ship at the end. After playing around for some time I finally decided on using the classic womens nxt championship pieces for the womens and championship parts which I colour swapped for white and gold to best fit with the rest of the title. I think it refers to what your champion is called in text other than the entrance template. WWE 2K22 Custom Hometown Options, All Countries and Cities, WWE 2K22 Editions Guide, Pre-Order, Deluxe & nWo 4-Life Editions Content Details, WWE 2K22: List of Presentation Names for Created Superstars, WWE 2K22 Arenas Full List: All Shows, PPVs & Classic Arenas, WWE 2K22 MyFaction Guide: A World of Endless Combat, WWE 2K22 MyRise Guide: Tips and Tricks for Career Mode, WWE 2K22 Custom Renders Guide, Sizing, and Important Notes. ago. Thanks to our earlier decision we already know our title will be the womens intercontinental championship, which will be for female superstars to compete for in singles action so we simply pop that information in. Visual Concepts have included many of WWEs most prestigious belts in this years game. In this video were going to set out with the goal of creating a womens intercontinental championship as lets face it the women could do with a mid-card title. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thanks for clearing that up, I've not got around to making belts yet. There are a total of 31 championship template designs available to choose from which include the classic Womens NXT title as well as the Divas championship. BTW Credit to the original Title Uploader in CC as I was not able to get his/her name. Community Creations possesses many original championships that can be downloaded, but you cant go wrong with a United States Championship. So bizarre. Brand warfare has been a common storyline for decades in WWE. Hate to say this but WWE2k20 did the same thing & so did WWE 2k19 I'm afraid. Required fields are marked *. Over the weekend I had the awesome opportunity of trying out the WWE 2K22 creation suite thanks to 2K which included create a championship. An arena modeled to the original Impact Zone would be a nice addition to any arenas. So thats our Create a Championship beginners guide and I really hope you managed to take something away from this even if it is how bad I am at creating titles. Image details Currently trying to survive Night City. Regardless, the design looks excellent and fit for the Ultimate Opportunist himself. By Matthew Aguilar - October 28, 2022 10:16 pm EDT. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Still, nothing works. A May. It was named as the Rated-R WWE Championship. I don't know whether to put "Champion" or "Championship" at the end of whichever name. WWE 2K22. There are many available for all players to choose from so that their Universe mode set-up can be completed. WWE 2K22 Presentation Name Options List: A tags:CustomMMDNetworkWWEDownload the Custom belts called "WWE Undisputed Universal World Heavyweight Champion" Showcased on the current Undisputed champion: . Today, its still defended by wrestlers on shows across the world. That's why on the titles I uploaded, I just didn't add the champion/championship part. Hey and welcome back to the Revelleution and a brand new WWE 2K22 piece. The WWE 2K22 nWo 4-Life Edition comes with all of the bonus digital content included in the WWE 2K22 Deluxe Edition, PLUS: MyFACTION EVO Cards and alternate nWo attires for "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Syxx, and playable Eric Bischoff character. The available options and templates allow you to either create existing WWE titles or create something crazy and out of the box thanks to custom logos, images and patterns that really only limit the process to your creative input. The render will be on the 'incoming' page, simply hit the button designated as 'download' at the bottom of the screen. It's so weird. g33tehf13a 7 mo. OK for anyone who needs explanation for the Championship names. tHaWhEeLmAn 7 months ago #1. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. GAME FEATURES. These have been popular with fans over the years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WWE 2K22: Beginners Guide to Create a Championship #WWE2K22, WWE 2K22: Beginners Guide to Create an Arena #WWE2K22. The decision meant I could still stick with my vision of using the round custom side plates so I hopped straight back into the side plates customisation and began the process of seeing what I thought fit best. Its a basic yet visually appealing design thats very Taz-like. Go one step further and have the FTW Championship headline a WrestleMania. One of several big names currently plying their trade at AEW, Jericho has held Championships at just about every major promotion imaginable during his illustrious career. New Japan Pro-Wrestlings worldwide reach has been on the rise for many years. After youre finished with the strap you have the option to customise your left and right side plates with the options to once again change the colour of the side plate parts, change the material and add images. WWE 2K22 Singles Championships Current WWE Championships WWE Championship 5. He reinstated it in 2020. What I most love is Vince McMahons companys logo acting as the W in nWo. For those die-hard ROH fans wishing for the original belt, Im sure that this is also available on Community Creations. This also still includes a variety of entrances for wrestlers outside the WWE, including Kenny Omega, Britt Baker, and Jay Lethal. Hey guys, I need some wrestlers sports entertainers for my Universe mode. MajorFreebird has chosen to create the current IMPACT X Division Championship, but fans of past designs should also find those on Community Creations. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. I also decided to reconnect with the original intercontinental championship by using the classic intercontinental logo in the centre once again colour swapping the layers to fit in with everything else. This current iteration of the belt has been well-done, though. It would make too much sense? Entrance name is the name on the nameplate during entrances, and on the "title match" animation. A legendary championship defended all over the world. When it comes to choosing a material for your plate there are a variety of textures available including leather, matte, damaged, vinyl, steel, steel bumped, concrete, rust, plastic, wood, denim, fabric and crocodile scales. A - A K 47 - A List - Aaron - Abbott - Ace - Adam - Adams - Adorable - Adrian - Ahmed - Aiden - AJ - Akane - Akira - The Alabama Slamma - Alan - Albert - Albright - Aldo - Aleksander - Alex - Alexander - Alexia - Ali - Alice - The All American - Allen - Alpha - Amanda - The Amateur - Amaya - Amber - The American Dream - Americas Sweetheart - Amir - Amy - The Anarchist - Andersen - Anderson - Andre - Andrea - Andres - Andrew - Andrews - Andy - Angel - Angela - Angela - Angelina - Angelo - Angus - The Animal - Ann - Anna - Anne - The Anomaly - Ant - Anthony - Antista - Antoine - Antonio - Archangel - Aric - Arik - Armstrong - Arn - Arnold - Arthur - Ashley - The Asian Nightmare - The Assassin - The Athlete - Austin - Avalanche - Awesome - The Axe - Axe - Azrael, B - Babe - Babos - Baby Face - Backlund - Bacon - Bad - Bad Attitude - Bad Boy - The Bad Guy - Bailey - Baker - Bakke - Baldwin - Ball - Ballesca - Balmer - Balousek - Bannon - Barbara - The Barbarian - Barber - The Barber - Barend - Barker - Barnes - Barnett - Barrett - Barry - Bart - Bartlett - Barton - Bas - Basham - The Basket Case - Bass - Bates - Batista - Bay - Bear - The Bear - The Beast - The Beastmaster - Beauchamp - Beautiful - Becca - Bee - Beech - Beefcake - Beginus - Behrens - Bell - Ben - Benally - Benjamin - Bennett - Benson - Beretta - Bernie - Berry - The Best - Betty - Beverly - Big - Big Bad - Big Evil - Big Ham - Big Magic - Big Meanie - Big Money - Big Nasty - Big Time - Bill - Billy - Bishop - Bison - Black - Blacksmith - Blackwell - Blade - Blake - Blanchard - Bland - Blaze - The Blueprint - Bob - Bobby - The Body - Bolek - The Bombshell - Bombshell - Boone - The Boss - Boulay - Bourne - Bowen - Bowers - Bowlin - Bowman - Boy - Boyd - Brad - Braddock - Bradford - Bradley - The Brain - Bram - Brandon - Bravo - The Brawler - Brayden - Brenda - Brent - Brett - Brewer - Brian - Briggs - Brinton - Brittany - Brock - Brody - Brooks - Brown - Bruce - Bruiser - The Bruiser - Bruno - Brute - Brutus - Bryan - Bryant - Bryce - Bubba - Buck - Buckley - Buddy - Bui - The Bull - Bulldog - Bulldozer - Bullwhip - Burchfield - Burns - Burnstorm - Burton - Bush - Buster - Butch - The Butcher - Butcher - Butler - Buzzsaw - Byrd - Byron, C - Cactus - Calcote - Caldwell - Caleb - Cali - Cameron - Campbell - Candy Man - Cannon - Captain - Carl - Carlito - Carlos - Carmelo - Carol - Carolyn - Carpenter - Carr - Carter - Case - Casey - Cashman - Cassidy - Castle - Castro - Catherine - Caveman - Cepeda - Cesar - Champ - The Champ - Chandler - Chaney - Chang - Chapman - Charles - Charlie - Charlotte - Charming - Chase - Chen - Cheryl - China - Cho - The Chosen One - Chris - Christian - Christie - Christina - Christine - Christopher - Christopherson - Chuck - Church - Cindy - Clarence - Clark - Clarke - The Claw - Clemens - Cliff - Clingan - Clinton - Clown - Coach - Coachman - Cobb - Cody - Cole - Coleman - Coles - Colin - Collins - Colonel - Colossus - Colt - Columbus - Connor - Consiglio - Cook - Cooke - Cooper - Corino - Cory - Cottonbelly - County - Cowboy - Cox - Coyote - Craig - Crawford - Crazy - Cretchman - Crimson - Cruce - Cruise - Crush - Crusher - The Crusher - Cruz - Cry Baby - Crystal - Cubas - Culver - Cummings - Cunningham - Curt - Curtis - Cutie Pie - The Cyborg - Cyclone - Cynthia, D - Daddy - Daigle - Dalehite - Dallas - Dalton - Damian - Dan - Danger - Dangerous - Daniel - Danielle - Daniels - Danielson - Danny - Darrell - Darren - Dashing - Dave - David - Davidson - Davis - Dawn - Day - Dean - Death - Deaver - Deborah - Debra - Demers - Demoise - Demon - Denise - Dennis - Derek - Derick - Derk - The Destroyer - The Devil - Devious - Devon - Diamond - Diana - Diane - Diaz - Dickey - Diego - Dino - Dirty - The Disaster - Dixon - Dizzy - Doc - Doctor - The Dog - Dog - Doink - The Doll - The Dominator - Dominguez - Don - Donahue - Donald - Donaldson - Dondelinger - Donna - Doris - Dorothy - Double A - Doug - Douglas - Drago - The Dragon - Drake - Draven - The Dream - Dregs - Drew - Droese - Drolet - Dubb - Dublin - Dude - Dudley - Duece - Duggan - Duke - The Dumpster - Duncan - Dunn - Dustin - Dusty - Dwayne - Dyer - Dylan - Dynamic - Dynamite, E - The Eagle - Earl - Earp - Eaton - Eddie - Edward - Edwards - El Guapo - El Jefe - El Numero Uno - Elgin - Eli - Elijah - The Eliminator - Elizabeth - Elkins - Elliot - Elliott - Ellis - Elston - Emerson - Emily - Emma - The Enforcer - The Engineer - England - Epps - Eric - Ethan - Eugene - Evan - Evans - Evelyn - Everett - Ewing - Express - Extreme, F - The Falcon - Faria - Farmer - The Felon - Felt - Fenwick - Ferguson - Fernendez - Figueroa - Finch - Fingers - Fink - Finkel - The Fireman - Fisher - Flapjack - Flash - Fleites - Fletcher - Flores - Flyboy - Flynn - Fonseca - Ford - Foster - Fowler - Fox - Fraga - Frances - Francine - Francisco - Franco - Frank - Frankie - Franklin - The Freak - Freakzilla - Freeman - Freight Train - French - The French Paradox - Fresnedi - Frost - Frye - Fuller - Funky - Furious - The Future, G - Gabriel - Gallareto - Gang - The Gangster - Garcia - Gardner - Garrett - Gary - Gates - Gauge - Gavin - Geary - Gene - General - Genie - The Gentle Giant - Gentleman - George - Georgie - Gerald - Gertz - The Ghost - Gianfranco - Giant - The Giant - The Giant Killer - Gibson - Gilbert - Gilberto - Girl Dynamite - The Gladiator - Gloria - The Godfather - Goldman - The Goliath - Gomez - Gonzalez - Good Girl - Goodish - Goodman - Goodwin - The Goon - Goose - Gordon - Gorgeous - Gorilla - Gould - Grace - Graham - Grant - Graves - Gray - The Great - The Greek Goddess - Green - Greene - Greg - Gregory - The Gremlin - Griffin - The Grim Reaper - Grime - Grimm - Grise - Groovey Homes - Guan - Gudmundson - Guillermo - Gutierrez - Guy, H - Haas - Hacksaw - Hagan - Haku - Hale - Halie - Hall - Hamilton - Hammer - The Hammer - Hammett - Hammond - Hancock - Handsome - Handy - Hank - Hannah - Hannibal - Hardcore - The Hardcore Icon - Harnage - Harold - Harper - Harrington - Harris - Harrison - Harry - Hart - Harvey - Hatcher - Hawkins - Hayabusa - Hayes - Headhunter - Heart - Heath - Heather - Heenan - Hein - Helen - Henderson - Hennig - Henry - Herbert - Hercules - Hernandez - The Hero - Hero - Hicks - Hill - Hillbilly - The Hippie - Hogan - Holland - Holly - Holmes - Holt - Homeboy - Homer - The Hooligan - Hopkins - The Horseman - Horton - Hosoqai - Hot - Hotrod - Howard - Howe - Howell - Hubbard - Hubert - Hudson - Hugh - Hughes - Hughs - Hulk - Hull - Hunt - Hunter - Hurricane - Hustler - Hyper Speed, I - Ian - The Iceman - The Icon - The Idol - The Illustrious - The Immovable Object - Indestructible - The Innovator - Iron - Ironman - The Irresistible Force - Irvin - Isaac - Isaiah - Isabella - Italian Stallion - Ivar - Ivy, J - Jack - Jackie - Jackson - Jacob - Jacobs - Jacqueline - Jade - Jaejin - Jake - James - Jane - Janet - Janice - Jannetty - Jared - Jarret - Jarrett - Jason - Jay - Jayden - Jean - Jeff - Jeffrey - Jeffreys - Jen - Jenkins - Jennifer - Jeremiah - Jeremy - Jerome - Jerry - Jervis - Jesse - Jessica - The Jester - Jesus - Jet - Jillian - Jim - Jimenez - Jimmy - Jindrak - Joan - Joe - Joel - Joey - John - Johnny - Johnson - Johnston - Jonathan - Jonathon - Jones - Jordan - Jose - Joseph - Josh - Joshua - Joyce - JStone - Juan - The Judge - Judith - Judy - Julia - Julie - Juliene - Junior - Junkyard - Jushin - Justice - Justin, K - Kaiva - Kamron - Kang - Kaplan - Kareem - Karen - Kari - Katelynn - Katherine - Kathleen - Kathryn - Kathy - Katsuyori - Kazarian - Keith - Kelley - Kelvin - Ken - Kendall - Kendrick - Kennedy - Kenneth - Kenny - Kent - Kerry - Kevin - Key - The Kid - Kid - Kidman - Kimball - Kimberly - The King - King - The King of Old School - Kink - Kinsel - Kirk - Kisser - Kitty - Klien - Knight - Kobayashi - Koloff - Kortje - Kristin - Kristy - Krom - The Krusher - Kurt - Kushida - Kuykendall - Kwan - Kyle, L - The Ladies Man - Lady Destroyer - Lance - Landon - Lane - Lanza - Larry - Lars - Lashley - Lassiter - Last Call - The Latina Sensation - Laura - Laurant - Lauren - The Lawman - Lawrence - Lazzara - Ledesma - Lee - Lees - The Legend - The Legend Killer - Lenny - Leo - Leon - Leonard - Leonardo - Lewis - Lex - Liam - Liger - Lightning - Lilith - Lillian - Lincoln - Linda - Ling - Lisa - Little - Little Homie - The Living Legend - Lochlan - Loco - Logan - Loki - Long - Lopez - Lord - Lori - Louis - Love - Lovecraft - Loverboy - Low - Lowenberg - Lucchese - The Luchadore - Luenser - Luger - Lui - Luis - Luke - The Lunatic - Lunchbox - Luscious - Luthor, M - The Machine - Macho - Mack - Mackey - Mad Dog - Madison - Madman - Maggie - Magic - Magical - Magnificent - Magnum - The Mailman - Majors - Malandra - Malcolm - Malenko - Man - The Man of 1000 Holds - The Maniac - Maniac - Manin - The Mantis - Marcantel - Marceau - Marcella - Marco - Marcus - Maragaret - Marge - Maria - Marie - Marilyn - Marissa - Mark - Marko - Marsh - Marshall - Martha - Martin - Martinez - Marty - Marvelous - Marvin - Mary - Masca - The Masked Man - Mason - Masters - The Mastodon - Mat - Mathews - Matsuda - Matsumoto - Matt - Matthew - Matthews - Mauler - The Maverick - Maverick - Max - Maximus - May - McCarthy - McDonald - McGregor - McIntyre - McKay - Mean - The Meathead - The Mechanic - Medusa - Megan - Melissa - Mentioned - Mercedes - Mercer - Michael - Michaels - Michelle - Mick - Mighty Ugg - Mike - Mildred - Miles - The Milkman - Miller - Mills - Miner - Mitchell - Mochacchino - Mohammad - Mondo - The Monster - Montana - Montgomery - Moore - Morales - Morgan - Morris - Morrison - Morse - Mortis - Motoda - The Motor - Mountain Man - The Mouth - The Mouth of the South - Mr - Mr Amazing - Mr Black - Mr Macho - Mr Perfect - Mrs - Ms - Mullet - Mullins - Munoz - Munson - Muraco - Murphy - Murray - Muta - Myers, N - Nancy - The Narcissist - Nate - Nathan - Nathaniel - Natoli - The Natural - The Navajo - Navy Seal - Neal - The Necromancer - Negron - Nelson - Nemeth - Newman - News - Newton - Nguyen - Nicholas - Nichols - Nick - Nicole - The Nightmare - Nightmare - Nikita - Niles - The Ninja - Noah - Nolan - North - Norton - Number One - Nuzback, O - OGrady - Oliver - Olivia - The Olympian - Omar - The Omega - Omega - The One - One - The Original Gangsta - Orndorff - Ortiz - Orton - Osborne - Otunga - Outlaw - The Outlaw - The Outsider - Owen - Owens - Oxley, P - Page - Palestini - Palmer - Pamela - Parcher - Parker - Parsons - Pat - Patch - Patera - Patricia - Patrick - Patterson - Paul - Payne - Pearson - Peck - Pedro - Pee Wee - Peltier - Percy - Perez - Perfect 10 - Perkins - Perry - Peter - Peters - Peterson - The Phantom - Phelps - The Phenom - The Phenomenal One - Philip - Phillip - Phillips - Picone - Pierce - Pierre - The Pig - Pine - Piper - Pitbull - Plantagenet - Platinum - The Player - Pontarelli - Porter - Porticos - Post - Potter - Powell - Pratt - Precious - The Predator - Pretty Boy - Price - Primetime - The Prince - Prince - Princess - The Princess - The Prodigy - The Professional - The Professor - The Prototype - Psycho - The Psycho - Psychosis - Puerta - The Punisher - Punk, R - Race - Rachel - Rage - Raiden - Ralph - Ralston - Ramelle - Ramirez - Ramon - Randleman - Randy - Raparaz - Ray - Raymond - Razor - The Real Deal - The Reaper - Rebecca - The Rebel - Recto - Redhead - The Redneck - Reed - Reese - Reeves - Reid - Reks - Reptile - Reyes - Reynolds - Rhodes - Ricardo - Ricci - Rice - Richard - Richards - Richardson - Richie - Rick - Ricky - Riley - The Ringer - Rip - Rivera - Rivers - Rob - Robbins - Robert - Roberts - Robertson - Robinson - Rock - The Rocker - The Rockstar - Roddy - Rodgers - Rodil - Rodriguez - Roger - Rogers - Rolando - Romi - Ron - Ronald - Rose - Ross - Rossi - Rousakis - Rowdy - Roxanne - Roy - Rudden - Rude - Rude Boy - Rufus - Rusev - Rush - Russ - Russell - Russian - The Russian Giant - The Russian Gladiator - The Russian Gladiator - Rust - Ruten - Ruth - Ryan, S - Sabin - The Sailor - The Saint - Sakamoto - Sal - Salas - Sam - Samantha - Sammartino - The Samoan - Samuel - Samuels - The Samurai - Sanchez - Sanders - Sandra - Santana - Santos - Sapp - Sara - Sarah - Satoru - Saturn - The Savage - The Savior - Sawyer - Schettino - Schliebe - Schmidt - Schultz - Sciacca - The Scientist - Scorpion - The Scorpion - Scott - Scotty - Sean - Sears - Sebastian - Selina - The Senator - Sergeant - Sergio - Seth - Severn - Sexton - Shade - Shamownage - Shane - Shang - Shannon - Sharon - Sharp - Sharpe - Shaw - Shawn - Sheffield - Sheik - Sheldon - Shelly - Sherman - Sherrill - Shibata - Shields - Shirley - The Show - Showboat - Showstopper - Showtime - Shy Girl - Silva - Simmons - Simon - Simpson - Sinister - Skett - Skinner - Sku - Slater - Slugger - Smash - Smith - Smoke - Smoky - Smooth - Smooth Operator - The Snake - Snow - Snuka - Snyder - Sokolov - The Soldier - Sonya - Sophia - Soulman - Sparks - The Specialist - Spectacular - Speedy - Spencer - The Spider - Spike - Spivery - The Sportsman - Squire - Stafford - Stan - Stanley - Stasiak - Steel - Steiner - Stephanie - Stephen - Stephens - Steve - Steven - Stevens - Stevenson - Stewart - Stone - Storm - The Strong Man - Strongman - Stuart - Stubbs - Studd - Stuff - Stunning - Sturgeon - Styles - Sub Zero - Sue - Sugarfoot - Sullivan - Sunshine - The Super Athlete - Super Smooth - Superstar - The Superstar - The Surfer - The Surgeon - Susan - Sutton - Suzuki - Sweet - Sweetness, T - T Rex - Tama - Tammy - Tanaka - Tank - The Tank - Taryn - Tawfik - Taylor - Technical - The Technician - Ted - Teddy - Tenacious - Teresa - The Terror - Terror - Terry - Theodore - Theresa - Thomas - Thompson - The Thug - Thumper - Thunder - Thunderbolt - Tia - Tiffany - Tiger - Tim - Timothy - Tito - TNT - Todd - Tolos - Tom - Tomassian - Tommy - Tonga - Tony - The Tool - The Tornado - Tornado - The Torpedo - Torres - The Total Package - Tough Man - Townsend - Trash Man - Travis - Trevor - Trowell - Troy - Tucker - Tully - Turner - Tyler - Tyson, U - Ultimate - Ultimo - Unbreakable - The Unpredictable - Unpredictable - Uptown - The Urban Gladiator - Urena, V - Vachon - Vader - Valentine - Valliant - Van - Van Cise - Van Cisely - Vandiver - Ventura - Victor - Victoria - The Viking - The Villain - Vince - Vincent - Violet - Virgil - Virginia - Vivacious - The Voice - Votta, W - Wade - Wagner - Walken - Walker - Wallace - Walter - Walters - The Wanderer - Wang - War - Ward - The Warden - The Warlock - Warlord - Warner - Warren - The Warrior Princess - Washington - Watkins - Watson - Watts - Wayne - Weaver - The Web Master - Webb - Webster - Welch - Wells - Wesley - West - Wheeler - Whiskers - The White - White - Whitney - Whol - The Wick - Wickiser - Wilcox - Wild Thing - Wildcat - Wildman - Wildside - Will - William - Williams - Williamson - Willie - Willis - Willy - Wilson - Windham - Winters - The Witch - The Witch Doctor - Wolf - Wolf Man - Wonder Boy - Wonderful - Wonderkid - Wood - Woods - Woodward - The Worm - Wright - Wyatt, Y - Yamamoto - Yamashita - York - Yosef - Young - Young Blood - Yuri, Z - Zachary - Zack - Zenk - Zucconi - Zynda. , but fans of past designs should also find those on Community Creations automatically create an account for you our... 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