Individuals planning for or making purchases must follow this and . 1. Purchases Using Non-sponsored Funds For purchases less than or equal to $9,999, departments should use good judgment in identifying potential suppliers. The use of non-Pre-Qualified Suppliers for expenditures above the Competitive Threshold must be documented in accordance with Loyola University Chicago requirements and government regulations. Contract pricing and performance are based on the University's overall anticipated volume of purchases during the contract period. The University has relied and shall continue to rely on the good judgment, professional commitment and moral ethics of the university members to protect themselves and the University from conflicts of interest and commitment. University personnel authorized by Applicable Authority may make emergency purchases where there is a significant and imminent risk of loss to the University or where University safety and security, or human life or property may be endangered. The AVP-PS is delegated authority through this Policy to purchase and enter into Contracts for Covered Goods and/or Services for the University subject to Applicable Authority. Supplier bids, quotations and proposal information are generally considered confidential and should not be disclosed or discussed with other suppliers. Confirming Orders are requests for the University to pay for goods or services that have already been provided. The mission of the University of Iowa Purchasing Department is to obtain quality goods and services at the lowest reasonable cost, while operating at the highest standards of ethical conduct. Purchasing activities are conducted in central Procurement Services as well as by academic and administrative departmental employees. Provide information related to locating all categories of small businesses. Any exception requests and/or clarifications to this Policy should be directed to PS. Any person found to intentionally split or string purchases will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Document and reconcile purchases in accordance with Carnegie Mellon policies, business requirements and/or government or sponsor regulations. Unless otherwise stipulated by the AVP-PS, purchases from contracted suppliers or designated preferred suppliers are not exempt from the requirements of this Policy, including, but not limited to, competitive bidding requirements. Procedures and Rules that can help with the Preferred Methods to Procure and Pay for goods and services at the University of Utah. Consistent adherence to the policy provides the reliability and assurance that purchasing activities meet regulatory requirements and sound business practice for acquisitions, contracts and third-party arrangements. G. Requisitions For Goods and Services Already Provided. Without limiting the requirement that all purchases and Contracts for Covered Goods and/or Services are subject to Applicable Authority (including any necessary Board action), purchases and Contracts for Covered Goods and/or Services in the amount of $500,000 and greater must also be approved by the President prior to execution. Identification of the university as ones employer and of ones position at the university is permitted. The Brown University Purchasing Card (PCard) program facilitates the procurement of low dollar value items. Choose the appropriate purchasing tool (Loyola ProCard, Lawson Purchase Order, Web- based ordering, and Loyola Check Requisitions) for the transaction. All staff who engage in procurement activity must adhere to the processes as set out in this Policy and the Procurement Procedure. Strive to obtain the maximum value for each dollar of expenditure. Buyers and Users are required (where competitive vendors can be identified) to solicit competitive bids and proposals at and above the Competitive Threshold, and to make the purchase from the lowest evaluated responsible supplier. The policy is designed to maximize the efficiency and convenience of the purchasing process, consistent with good business practices and in full compliance with all applicable federal regulations. Ethical business standards, as well as adherence to university Code of Business Ethics and Conduct, shall govern all procurement transactions. 3.0 Policy Statement 3.1 Computer Purchases All computers must be requested from the department's designated ITSC (IT . Departments must use Purchasing Services to complete a competitive process to select a supplier. Examples of acceptable expenses to be paid by check request include, but are not limited to, the following: Payment for participation in Drexel programs (e.g., research projects) that are not otherwise documented by a Contract; Reimbursement of employee expenses unrelated to travel (refer to the, Honoraria to be paid to non-employees on a non-recurring basis as a nominal gift or courtesy, not as compensation for services rendered [refer to the Purchasing Guidelines for further details]; or. Purchasing Ethics. All University trustees, officers, faculty, professional staff, students and consultants are subject to this Policy. Ethical Considerations 101 Code of Ethics Provide a Procurement Manual detailing procedures. This policy is intended to clarify the University's expectations and requirements regarding purchasing gifts, gift cards, awards, and prizes utilizing university . University Procurement Contracts. All purchases, except for those made with internal suppliers must comply with this Purchasing Policy, the Procurement Manual, the Business and Travel Expense Policy and all other university policies. Questions regarding the specific requirements of external awarding agencies should be directed to the Sponsored Program Accounting Department @ 5-8730. Any transactions entered into without issuance of a purchase order from the University Purchasing may not be honored for payment. The purpose of this Purchasing Policy is to provide for institutional consistency, discipline and accountability over all funds entrusted to University stakeholders. Procurement Services (PS) is the single point of contact for all centralized university procurement policies and procedures. Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices, Customer Service Hours Where an invoice has been issued for products or services already provided, a check request may not be used. Procurement Services retains the discretion to apply the RFP process for large purchases of goods or services covered by an approved consortium or cooperative agreement where Drexel may have the ability to independently negotiate more favorable pricing. University Employees Involved in Purchasing Activities Comply with applicable policies and ethical practices related to purchasing. Research-related exceptions to this Policy may be made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Procurement Services where circumstances warrant. Suppliers listed in the Pre-Qualified Supplier Directory are audited regularly to insure that price, service, quality and delivery are being maintained at desired levels. The implementation of the policy is expected to maintain Jimma University's leading position as a research-led University in the . Standard Terms and Conditions and Contract Templates. The FSU Purchasing Department is a subunit of Materials Management. Provide guidance on the use of the proper method of purchase based on the purchase amount. University and Purchasing Policies Every transaction between a buyer and a seller involving the transfer of property is a contract. Buyers are highly encouraged to purchase goods and services from Pre-Qualified Suppliers. Per Article 5 of Section 41-4 of the Code of Alabama, any purchase request or contract for like or similar products and/or services that exceeds the University's small dollar purchase threshold of $75,000 must be competitively bid (with limited exceptions). The University Purchasing Policy contains six fundamental elements which will guide and direct all procurement activities: Purchasing Policy Special Purchases include, but are not limited to, the acquisition of the following: The following purchases are exempt from this Policy: 1. The following provides policy guidance to faculty, staff, students and others with respect to the use of a Purchase Requisition to establish the request for goods and services for use by a school or department of the University. Procurement Services has delegated limited purchasing authority to the University Libraries for purchasing library books, periodicals, on-line subscription . POLICY. All purchases must be made for University-related activities. Introduction and Definitions 001 Introduction 002 Definitions Section 100. Contracts for Off Campus Special Events; and. SIGNIFICANT INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSITY PROCUREMENT RELATED POLICIES. Make efforts to locate, solicit and contract small/disadvantaged businesses for the preferred supplier program. For additional information about the NAEP, please access the following link: It is essential to Loyola University Chicago and its subsidiaries, its suppliers, contractors and consultants that all decisions and actions regarding acquisitions are based upon proper business considerations and are not influenced in any way by personal obligations or opinions. The first and most important line of defense against conflicts of interest or commitment must be the University members themselves. POLICY STATEMENT/REASON FOR POLICY Vanderbilt University supports a purchasing environment that recognizes the unique purchasing needs of university departments. Work on behalf of the interests of the University solely, and avoid situations that may result in personal benefit or gain. DOA shall mean a written delegation of authority from the AVP-PS to purchase Covered Goods and/or Services, as specifically provided for in the DOA and in compliance with the Delegation of Authority Policy for Executing Contracts on Behalf of Drexel University. The use of non-Pre-Qualified Suppliers for expenditures above the Competitive Threshold of $5,000 must be documented in accordance with Loyola University requirements and awarding agency regulations (ref: Complete transaction process to insure products are ordered and received by the internal customer in a timely manner. "Informalities" are defined as elements of a bid/RFP response that do not materially affect the nature or quality of the proposal and do not put at risk the fair and objective review and decision making required in these processes. Provide information related to locating all categories of small businesses. The University Senate approved the policy on its deliberation on July 22, 2010. Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of Procurement Services. Monday Friday Because Confirming Orders forego the requirements of the Purchasing Policy, including competitive bidding, they are only permitted in the event of an emergency (as described below) or with prior approval from Strategic Sourcing. Regularly reevaluate Pre-Qualified Suppliers for performance, price adherence and customer satisfaction. The History section of this policy contains complete information on where the topics covered by each FIN-PUR policy can be found in FIN-PURCH. PS maintains a list of preferred suppliers in the supplier directory found on the PS website. Any procurement must be accompanied by the proper documentation, and the procurement threshold will dictate the procurement method. University Purchasing Card Policy 13. Any method beyond those listed below requires PS approval. These policies contribute to maintaining and improving the quality of services rendered by the . The procurement specific sections are 200.317 through 200.326 In general, the standards include: Guidelines for address conflicts of interest (2 CFR 200.318) Steps to support minority businesses, women's businesses, and labor surplus areas (200.321) Specific contract content requirements (Appendix II to 2 CFR 200) In addition to meeting contractual obligations and federal, state and local requirements to include small business program suppliers in Loyola University's bidding process, Loyola is also committed to encouraging these suppliers to compete for business. Resolve supplier and constituent problems and disputes related to competitive bidding. They must avoid unethical conduct and conflicts of interest in purchasing goods and services. 2 Augusta University Purchasing Department PHYSICAL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: 1225 Walton Way 1120 15TH Street, PL BLDG Augusta, GA 30901 Augusta, GA 30912 . Pittsburgh, PA 15213, Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Anti-kickback Agreement Form, Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form, Compliance with Financial Conflict of Interest Requirements in Research Policy, Gift Acceptance, Counting and Reporting Policy, OMB Uniform Guidance Procurement Standards, Property Management Policies and Procedures, Responsibilities for Managing Carnegie Mellon University Financial Assets Policy Statement, Signature Authority for Legally Binding Commitments and Documents Policy, Gift Acceptance, Counting, and Reporting Policy, Code of Workplace Conduct for Trademark Licensees, Conflict of Interest Board of Trustees/Officers/Key Employees, Conflict of Interest Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees, Establishing a New University-controlled Subsidiary, Affiliated Entity, Joint Venture or Unincorporated Activity, Policy on the Protection of Children in Carnegie Mellon University Programs, Activities and Facilities, Prospect Management and Alumni Engagement Management, Separation of Individual's and Institution's Interests, V. How the University Responds to Reports, VII. Comply with plans on the utilization of small, disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran-owned, service disabled veteran-owned and HUB Zone businesses, and preferred suppliers. Policy Statement and Purpose. Each purchasing decision represents an opportunity to choose environmentally and socially preferable products and services and support companies with strong commitments to sustainability.. We also guide and support the university's ongoing commitment to encourage business opportunities and diversity among its vendors by . Awards from federal government or other sponsoring agencies may mandate different participation goals. Its various sections address the responsibilities of the Requisitioner, the Procurement Officer, and the Recipient of purchased products and services. The Loyola University Chicago Purchasing Policy comprises four component parts as detailed below: (1) Purchasing, (2) Competition, (3) Conflict of Interest & Buying Ethics , (4) Small Business Utilization (Disadvantaged, Women-Owned, Veteran-Owned, Service Disabled Veteran- owned and HUBZone Business Enterprises). Responsible University Officials: Executive Vice President . Establish and maintain a Pre-Qualified Supplier Program that identifies qualified suppliers, provides a competitive atmosphere, analyzes bids and proposals, including terms and conditions, discount pricing, product or service quality, delivery performance and government certifications. Purchasing Authority Set and maintain universitys Purchasing Policy, including any clarifications and approval of exceptions to the Policy. The university has identified the following supplier categories that take these considerations into account: This designation indicates that the university has negotiated commercial pricing and legal terms and conditions in place with the supplier. The University's Purchasing Policies are designed to meet the requirements of the Arizona Board of Regents, general university regulations, specified requirements of various agencies from whom the University secures funds, and good business practices. UNIVERSITY PURCHASING MANUAL Policies and Procedures for Purchasing Activities at Augusta University (Home of the Jaguars) 2019 . As a result, Purchasing looks to engage with partners that embody these strategic elements and traditions in maintaining a commitment to social justice and the common good. 2.0 Planning and Requisition Preparation by University Departments. Document unacceptable or exceptional supplier performance and notify Purchasing Services. No other person covered by this Policy, without further DOA from the President or as may otherwise be allowed by Applicable Authority, can purchase or enter into a Contract for Covered Goods and/or Services for or on behalf of the University. This Policy applies to all purchases made from external suppliers and not to Carnegie Mellon University suppliers (e.g., bookstore, computer store or art store). The Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Operating Officer is the Drexel University official responsible for the administration of this policy. *****. Foster fair, ethical and legal trade practices. The responsibility for implementing these policies and guidelines has been delegated to University Purchasing. Those individuals within the University who have been assigned responsibility for a specific budget are responsible for authorizing purchases of Covered Goods and/or Services against that budget. The Act imposes criminal and civil penalties on any person who knowingly and willfully engages in the prohibited conduct addressed in the Act [FAR 3.502-2 (b) and (c)]. Website Address for this Policy . Resolve supplier and constituent problems and disputes. Use of any purchasing method for personal purchases may be considered misappropriation of university funds and disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with university policy up to and including the termination of employment. for the transaction. Such factors shall be considered among all other relevant factors set forth in the Purchasing Guidelines or otherwise determined on a case-by-case basis. 1. All procurement exceptions must be approved by PS in advance of transacting a purchase or conducting the applicable university business. The Purchasing Department leverages current supplier relationships to raise awareness of the need to reduce our environmental impact and maximize resource efficiency. (25) The PAB is responsible for the authorisation and/or approving significant University-wide Procurement projects. This Policy intends to meet the procurement requirements contained in the OMB Uniform Guidance Procurement Standards and applies to all CMU employees and any personnel responsible for the acquisition of goods and services for the university, unless otherwise exempted in accordance with this Policy. There are numerous considerations when selecting a supplier when the university needs to purchase a good or services, including but not limited to, cost, timeframe, quality, relationship with the university, etc. When the requestor seeks such an exemption, justification for the request must be submitted in writing to Strategic Sourcing. If required, a purchase agreement should use the standard agreement template. Please refer to the Universitys Gift Policy on the Human Resources website for additional information regarding gift solicitation and acceptance. Unauthorized use of university assets in connection with any external activity is prohibited. Buyers are encouraged to consider competitive bidding opportunities as they plan their purchasing needs. The Purchasing Policy and Purchasing Handbook provide the framework for the University's procurement processes. General Purchasing Policy The purchasing policy involves the procurement of goods and services that meet community needs at the lowest possible cost consistent with the quality needed for the proper operation of the various departments. 4 Purchasing Elements. If you have any questions relating to this Contract Policy, please contact Benjamin Smigielski, Associate Vice President for Strategic Financial Planning at 312-915-8709 or Please see the Purchasing Guidelines for additional information regarding the RFP process. The Carnegie Mellon University Purchasing Policy supports the need to procure goods and services for the university in a timely and cost-effective manner, while ensuring compliance with applicable regulations, requirements which the university must satisfy, and appropriate business processes. Coordinate collaborative purchasing projects across purchasing departments to support the "one university" vision. University Staff Mobile Phone Policy 14. This policy is intended to ensure that Harvard University resources are used properly in purchasing activities. Administrative changes were made on September 14, 2018 and February 21, 2022. Expense Guidelines - APPM Sections 1.3.1 The Purchasing Department is the final review and approval for all purchases with University funds. Loyola University Chicago does not engage in or submit to the practice of reciprocity in negotiation or as a result of any purchase transaction. Approved by the President's Cabinet and the President of Loyola University of Chicago. (2) Consider breaking an order into smaller installments to give smaller businesses an opportunity to supply items (but not as a way to avoid Competitive or Requirements Thresholds). When making purchases, vendors should be provided with the tax exempt number from the University. This will be done by the Purchasing Department with the assistance of the departmental requesters of products/services and they will contact the appropriate supplier(s) to discuss and resolve any issues. By performing this aspect of the business process, Purchasing can help individuals concentrate on their specialized areas. Decline personal gifts or gratuities in accordance with Policy. Loyola University Chicago makes every effort to maximize competitive procurement opportunities by soliciting competitive bids and proposals for goods and services prior to issuing or awarding credit card commitments, purchase orders, Loyola Check Requisitions, web-based orders or contractual documents. Requests for purchases must be submitted through the University's designated e-procurement platform and will automatically be routed for required approvals. A purchase request or contract cannot be split up to avoid the $75,000 bid threshold. Unsolicited proposals may be considered as long as they are in the best interest of Loyola University Chicago. The AVP-PS is delegated authority through this Policy to purchase and enter into Contracts for Covered Goods and/or Services for the University subject to Applicable Authority. We accomplish this through cooperative team interaction and continuous quality improvement in support of the overall goals of Finance and Operations. Check requests are typically used for certain reimbursements or to make a payment when there is no supplier invoice. C. Use Harvard Preferred Vendors whenever possible. Violation of either policy may result in the loss of the P-Card privilege for the offending P-Cardholder, and may lead to additional administrative or disciplinary action, including termination and/or prosecution. Conduct business with potential and current suppliers in an atmosphere of good faith, devoid of intentional misrepresentation. The policy is designed to stimulate the synergy between research undertaking, post graduate studies and community based education. Additional guidance on the proper procurement mechanism can be found under the. Comply with all University policies and procedures. Northern Arizona Universitys contracting and purchasing policies are set forth below. All purchases must comply with each of: this . In addition to Purchasing Card policies, purchases for grants and contracts must adhere to all of . The Buyer Actions Matrix and the Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form can assist the buyer with this task. Infractions of university policy must be reported to PS. Grant competitive suppliers equal consideration insofar as state or federal statute and institutional policy permit. Anyone subject to this Policy must adhere to the highest ethical standard in regard to the acceptance of gifts or gratuities, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, will at all times follow the Acceptance of Personal Gifts Policy. Offer assistance in the proper finalization of any purchase. Procurement Services, in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), will determine whether or not standard terms and conditions accompany a purchase of Covered Goods and/or Services or whether a separate contract is required. The Universitys Conflict of Interest Policy and related Disclosure requirements can be viewed on the Human Resources website at the following link: Loyola University Chicago is an Associate Member of the National Association of Educational Procurement. It is applicable to all University employees. 501 N. Morton Street, Showers Building, Suite 110 Bloomington, IN 47404 Phone: 812-855-3720. Buyers must complete Procurement Card training and sign all applicable forms, statements and certifications before making a purchase with the ProCard. Faculty and staff who have purchasing or purchase approval authority (collectively "Buyers and Users") must be aware of the standards of ethical behavior that apply to their purchasing activities. 1.3 Gifts, Gratuities, and the Anti- Kickback Act of 1986. Additional guidance on the proper procurement mechanism can be found under the. Inherent in these responsibilities is the requirement to operate . This policy has been developed in conjunction with the University's Purchasing Department. b. Provide a Purchasing Manual the Loyola Purchasing Manual can be found on the Loyola Purchasing website at the following link: The goal of purchasing policy and procedure is to provide reasonably priced, high-quality goods and services to end users while preserving organizational, financial and civic accountability. Additionally, Buyers are encouraged to provide Procurement Services with recommendations for potential Pre-Qualified Provider opportunities and solutions. Purchasing Policy; Purchasing Policy. Strategic Sourcing is authorized to waive informalities in bids and proposals and to reject any and all bids and proposals if reasonably determined to be in the best interests of the University. Goods or services may qualify for a sole source exception to competitive bidding requirements if the requester establishes that the goods or services can only be provided by one supplier. This Policy supports the need to procure goods and services for the university in a timely and cost-effective manner, while ensuring compliance with applicable regulations, requirements which the university must satisfy, and appropriate business processes. Purchasing Card Policy. The procurement of goods and services by all departments of the University regardless of the final source of funding shall be compliant with the Purchasing Policy. Buyers and Users should familiarize themselves with Loyola University Chicago policies and procedures relevant to their purchasing activities. Purchasing goods or services for personal use will result in administrative or disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Members of the university are required to act in accordance with applicable university procedures regarding the procurement of goods and service and the use and control of tangible and intangible university assets, including confidential and privileged information. This Policies and Procedures Manual has been prepared to provide information about the University's purchasing requirements and Purchasing & Supply Services. A specific good or service is required for compatibility with existing systems or research needs and is only available from one supplier; Servicing of existing equipment is provided only by one supplier (e.g., the manufacturer of the equipment or a designated third party), or servicing by a supplier other than the manufacturer or designated third party may compromise the integrity of the equipment or void warranties on the equipment; The funding source (e.g., a grantor) specifies purchasing goods or services from a certain supplier; A service provider has unique expertise or specialized knowledge; Payment made to an existing supplier under a valid contract provided (i) such payment is expressly set forth in the contract; (ii) the contract resulted from competitive bidding in compliance with this Purchasing Policy; and (iii) the contract is still in its initial term.
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