qualitative data analysis: an expanded sourcebook pdf

2. 1-9) Chichester: Wiley. 120 Wall Street, Suite 1500 Families of the lesbian baby boom: Children's contact with grandparents and other adults. Family Coordinator, 28, 544-552. Other example of convenience sampling include data taken subjectively near camp, around parking areas, or an areas where density is known to be high. The most common focus of attention has been on peer relations, but some information about children's relationships with adults has also been collected. For manuscripts funded by the Wellcome Trust or the Research Councils UK [44], Social robots, as well as a growing number of robots used in health care benefit from emotional awareness because they can better judge users' and patient's emotional states and alter their actions/programming appropriately. No abstract available. Green, R. (1978). All rights reserved.). (PsycINFO Database Record. However, for real life application, naturalistic data is preferred. Define the sociological imagination. New York, NY 10004 Interviews with prospective mothers. Evidence of reliability is given, and several validation studies are reported, as are data on age standardization and norming. Paul (1986) found that 29% of his young adult respondents had never known anyone else with a lesbian, gay, or bisexual parent, suggesting that feelings of isolation are very real for some young people. The author concludes: "1. Much work remains to be done before lesbian and gay Americans will be able to seek parenthood unencumbered by the burdens of prejudice, discrimination, and institutionalized heterosexism. Daughters who felt negatively about their mothers' lesbianism were more likely to have lower SE. Lewis (1980) suggested that children would benefit from support groups consisting of children of lesbian or gay parents, and young people interviewed by O'Connell (1993) agreed. 137-162). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Schulenberg, J. Affirmative cognitive behavior therapy with sexual and gender minority people. Participating lesbian (n = 30) and heterosexual (n = 16) couples all became parents by using anonymous donor insemination and had at least one child of elementary-school age. Lambda Legal Partial support was found for the hypothesis that lesbian mothers who were expressing their lesbianism would be psychologically healthier than those who were not. Data were analyzed using R, version 4.0.0 (R Core Team, 2020) and the package. Protects the second parent's rights to custody and visitation if the couple separates. Studies of the relationships with adults among the children of lesbian and gay parents have also resulted in a generally positive picture (Brewaeys et al., 1997; Golombok et al., 1983; Harris & Turner, 1985/86; Kirkpatrick et al., 1981; Wainright et al., 2004). Further, the American Psychological Association supports and urges the repeal of all discriminatory legislation singling out homosexual acts by consenting adults in private (Conger, 1975, p. 633). Data Transparency: Level 1, DisclosureArticle states whether the raw and/or processed data on which study conclusions are based are available and, if so, where to access them. Ab wann ist Multi-Media am wirtschaftlichsten? Voice quality parameters and energy descriptors: Breathiness measures the aspiration noise in speech, Brilliance describes the dominance of high Or low frequencies In the speech, Loudness measures the amplitude of the speech waveform, translates to the energy of an utterance, Pause Discontinuity describes the transitions between sound and silence. Open Research and Contributor ID (ORCID) Reviewer Recognition provides a visible and verifiable way for journals to publicly credit reviewers without compromising the confidentiality of the peer-review process. Explored how 18 lesbian adoptive parents, 49 lesbian parents who formed their families biologically, and 44 heterosexual adoptive parents experience and perceive their parenting role, how they respond when their children seek them or their partner for particular nurturing, and how the parents negotiate the cultural expectation of a primary caregiver. ), Homosexuality and family relations (pp. Sexual Identity ), Gartrell, N., Banks, A., Reed, N., Hamiliton, J., Rodas, C., & Deck, A. Human Reproduction, 10, 2216-2224. New York: Oxford University Press. Telephone: (415) 392-NCLR ", American Academy of Family Physicians (2002) APA policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for concurrent consideration by two or more publications. Homosexuals did not differ in important ways from heterosexuals in defensiveness, personal adjustment, or self-confidence as measured by the adjective check list; or in self-evaluation as measured by a semantic differential. Conger, J. J. suche-profi.de Bereich? Copyright 2002 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved. Results are supported by J. Schwartz's (unpublished manuscript) investigation of the above variables in adult-aged daughters in relation to mothers' sexual orientations, with a focus on role modeling theory. Falk, P. J. Computer scientists at Penn State treat the challenge of automatically inferring the aesthetic quality of pictures using their visual content as a machine learning problem, with a peer-rated on-line photo sharing website as a data source. Copyright 2002 by the American Psychological Association. Committee on Women in Psychology (2002). There are many proposed methods[36] to detect the body gesture. Sinking stealing. It can also be used when the research does not aim to generate results that will be used to create generalizations pertaining to the entire population. Moreover, second-parent adoption protects the child's legal right of relationships with both parents. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. the problem of outliers. Mothers who felt more able to disclose their lesbian identity were more likely to express a positive sense of well-being. New York: Free Press. 25-26); Nearly all indicators of the children's functioning were based on subjective reports by teachers, who, as noted repeatedly by the author, may have been biased (see pp. All rights reserved. Courts often have assumed that lesbian women are emotionally unstable or unable to assume a maternal role. Pediatrics, 94, 41-44. (PsycINFO Database Record. (1994). Results of research to date suggest that children of lesbian and gay parents have positive relationships with peers and that their relationships with adults of both sexes are also satisfactory. Copyright 2002 by the American Psychological Association. Consistent with this result, lesbian mothers were also more likely than heterosexual mothers to report that their daughters often participated in rough-and-tumble play or occasionally played with "masculine" toys such as trucks or guns, but they reported no differences in these areas for sons. Belcastro, P. A., Gramlich, T., Nicholson, T., Price, J., & Wilson, R. (1993). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. ), Morris, J. F., Balsam, K. F., & Rothblum, E. D. (2002). Mean age was 6.1 years (range, 7 months to 17 yrs.). Starting with the pioneering work of Martin and Lyon (1972), first-person and fictionalized descriptions of life in lesbian mother families (e.g., Alpert, 1988; Clausen, 1985; Howey & Samuels, 2000; Jullion, 1985; Mager, 1975; Perreault, 1975; Pollock & Vaughn, 1987; Rafkin, 1990; Wells, 1997) and gay father families (e.g., Galluccio, Galluccio, & Groff, 2002; Green, 1999; Morgen, 1995; Savage, 2000) have also become available. Describe the different levels of analysis in sociology: micro-level sociology, macro-level sociology, and global-level sociology. It emphasizes identifying, analysing and interpreting patterns of meaning (or "themes") within qualitative data. (1987). Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 4, 153-166. 24, 26, & 30); and. All rights reserved. 176-199). (1998). Copyright 2002 by the American Psychological Association. Patterson, C. J. In C. J. Patterson & A. R. D'Augelli (Eds. Approaches are based on facial color changes. Pediatrics, 109, 341-344. Conducted an anonymous survey of 23 male and female homosexual parents (aged 29-53 yrs.) Some investigators have also raised questions about the potential role of peer support in helping children to cope with issues raised by having a lesbian or gay parent. Green, R. (1978). Developmental Psychology, 32, 3-11. Lawrence A Palinkas, Carla A Green, Jennifer P Wisdom, & Kimberly Eaton Hoagwood. Growing up in a lesbian family. has looked at the data segments in the three preceding columns, checked to see whether they covary in some patterned way, and drawn a second-order generalization. (2004, January 23). Lesbian mothers' custody fears. Parents are often facilitators and gatekeepers of contact between generations in families. In B. Greene & G. M. Herek (Eds. Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? 163-172). (PsycINFO Database Record. Data collected. This journal offers an editorial fellowship program for early-career psychologists from historically excluded communities. The TAT and MAPS protocols of the homosexuals could be distinguished far better than chance since nearly all the homosexual subjects gave at least one homosexual story. (1977). (1998). Contemporary Pediatrics, 15, 113-130. The child's home environment for lesbian versus heterosexual mothers: A neglected area of research. Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association using the 7th edition. 2004). Lesbian and Gay Rights Project (ACLU) All rights reserved. , 2. New York: Plume. Abstracts from the PsychINFO database (Copyright 1872-2005 by the American Psychological Association, all rights reserved) are reprinted with permission of the APA and may not be reproduced without prior permission. (PsycINFO Database Record. (1999). New York: Anchor Books. Journal of Social Issues, 52(3), 29-50. All rights reserved. Developmental and contextual factors that influence gay fathers' parental competence: A review of the literature. If any aspect of the study is preregistered, include the registry link in the method section and the author note. A less defensive, more sociologically informed analytic framework is proposed for investigating these issues. Some of these triangles which define the interior of the mouth and eyes (sclera and iris) are removed. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 68, 376-389. Heterosexual undergraduates' attitudes toward gay fathers and their children. Again, contemporary research has benefited from such criticisms. All rights reserved.). Detecting emotional information usually begins with passive sensors that capture data about the user's physical state or behavior without interpreting the input. . Analytic Methods (Code) Transparency: Level 1, DisclosureArticle states whether computer code or syntax needed to reproduce analyses in an article is available and, if so, where to access it. Part of this challenge is due to the seemingly limitless approaches that a qualitative researcher might leverage, as well as simply learning to think like a qualitative researcher when analyzing data. (PsycINFO Database Record. Thomas Groenewald. Vocal parameters and prosodic features such as pitch variables and speech rate can be analyzed through pattern recognition techniques. Manuscripts that deal with the strengths or healthy aspects of more severely disturbed clients also are considered. American Psychological Association. ), Lesbian, gay and bisexual identities in families: Psychological perspectives (pp. University of Maryland, College Park, United States, Simon B. Goldberg, PhD (1991). Canadian Psychological Association. The literature on father absence and the converging roles of father and mother, and of men and women, is reviewed. 47, pp. Lesbian mothers exhibited patterns of behavior that may have been responses to perceived oppression and that counterbalanced felt difficulties by the development of relatively higher levels of independence. (PsycINFO Database Record. Right," but not without a twist of fate that stuns the reader with its irony. The surface of the human face is innervated with a large network of blood vessels. Agbayewa, M. O. 4) Clarke, V. & Peel, E. (2007) Introducing Out in Psychology. Addresses the nature of the father-child relationship and the children's adjustment to their father's homosexuality. [23] Nevertheless, these still offer high audio quality and balanced classes (although often too few), which contribute to high success rates in recognizing emotions. They saw themselves as more aggressive (p < .01), were seen as more bossy and domineering (p < .05), more active in asserting themselves (p < .05), more negativistic (p < .05), more involved in power struggles (p < .05), and less likely to take commands and demands in stride (p < .05). The commonly held assumption that lesbian mothers will have lesbian daughters and gay sons was not supported. Welche Materialien lassen sich verarbeiten? Lesbian mothers and their children: A comparative survey. Overview of new developments in understanding homosexuality. This framework of distinguishing levels of measurement originated (2002). In other situations, there may not be great concern in drawing inferences from the sample to the population. New York: New York University Press. Then use deep learning methods to find equivalent emotions. (pp. . of 50 homosexual mothers with 28 daughters and 20 sons of 40 heterosexual mothers. Los Angeles: Alyson Books. Leiner, D. J. Allen-Collinson, J. University of Heidelberg, Germany, Jillian Fish, PhD (The dissertation citation and abstract contained here is published with permission of ProQuest Information and Learning. 1-36. It behooves the therapist to become familiar with the myriad issues that are specific to such families in order to work in an ethical and effective manner. Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). In the United States, public school classrooms have experienced a rapid growth in cultural and linguistic diversity. Georgia State University, United States, Johannes C. Ehrenthal, PhD Sexual orientation of adult sons of gay fathers. 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qualitative data analysis: an expanded sourcebook pdf