exodus 15 sermon illustrations

The principle is this: People who serve the Lord "behind the scenes" often pay a higher price than those who are in the center of public attention. Exodus 12:13-17,25-27 Your Children Will Ask, When your children say to you, What do you mean by this service? . What a blessed prospect! And He said, Before Abraham was, I AM (John 8:58). The slaughtering of sheep and goats on the altar symbolized the results of sin. Finding a church that is a perfect fit poses similar problems. 14:5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Free Sermon Illustrations for Preaching : How Can We Give Thanks In All Circumstances? Looking back half a century later, Edith wrote of being glad for the way they had used those Sunday afternoons. For young children, this means obeying parents. Never are we to profane His name. The Bibles treasures are found by those who dig for them. 4:4). In the midst of the busyness and stresses of our days, there are patches of beauty all around us, glimpses of Gods goodness that we catch here and there along the way. Instead of looking for someone else to blame for our problems, we need to analyze our situation, acknowledge our failures, and ask God for forgiveness and help.H. The Bible mentions no less than two dozen words relating to fear. When the Israelites first encountered Gods bread from heaven, it appeared on the ground outside their tents like frost. My own experience seems to confirm many of Murphy's Laws, but it's that second one that I would hang on the wall as a motto. True worship acknowledges the true worthship of God. Despite the many miracles God had performed, they longed for Egypt and failed to trust that He could guide them forward. What would have happened had Moses tried to figure out what was needed to accomplish Gods command? Stand still, and see the salvation of the LordExodus 14:13. Three days into their trip, they ran out of water and had no way to get it. Lord, Your awesome splendor, goodness, and beauty reveal the defects in us. 2 "The Lord is my strength and my defense[ a]; he has become my salvation. You shall take this rod in your hand, with which you shall do the signs. Herbert Vander Lugt. We must receive the forgiveness He offers to us through Christ. They were trapped between a wall of soldiers and a sea of water. . . She says, Now I could play to Gods glory instead of my own. 12:4-11; Eph. But other art forms have long had a role in glorifying God. Good grammar matters to me. When they confirm my fears or affirm my decisions about something, I feel I'm on solid ground. According to the U. S. Armys Quartermaster General, Moses needed 1500 tons of food a day, filling two freight trains, each a mile long. Today, we worship the same God who displayed His staggering greatness on Mount Sinai. Imagine standing at the bottom of a mountain, elbow-to-elbow with everyone in your community. Get several and life is miserable--even when the fish are biting. It is enough, and he wrote the story Pilgrims Progress, which will live while the world endures., Dont sell yourself short, friend! It's not an unreasonable admonitionGod had been showing up in miraculous ways on behalf of the Hebrew people for some time. Three days, a case of oil, and a lot of prayers later, they miraculously limped into their driveway. Most of us are very plain, not like the made-up actors we see in the movies or the air-brushed models we view in the ads. There's a proper way to use the language, and it makes me cringe when the standard is violated. The villagers have not to dig a new well when the patriarch dies: the river of God is full of water., And thus I am privileged to share the spiritual resources of Abraham, and the still richer resources of the Apostle Paul. 14:5-6), we need a regular time to reflect on our relationship with Goda rest not merely for physical renewal but for spiritual renewal. He chose to give special significance to 2 days of the week, the first and the last. It was my special privilege to spend some time on the Clyde Peterson ranch in eastern Wyoming. read more, Scripture: Exodus 3:1-15 - Textweek Sermons on Exodus 15 - SermonCentral.com When Moses came down from Mount Sinai after meeting with God, his face shone so brightly that the children of Israel could not look steadily at him (Exodus 34:29-30; 2 Corinthians 3:7). They say to themselves, If I dont do it, no one will. Perhaps you know someone like this. Its not easy to keep up with the shorthand that accompanies todays fast-paced, youth-oriented electronic communication. You led Your people along that road like a flock of sheep, with Moses and Aaron as their shepherds (Ps. 3 John Yet God mercifully overlooked their lack of faith and unfair criticism of His servants in those two incidents. . Habakkuk If they live a long life, they can witness the effect their faith has had on several generations. Just a few miles from New Mexico's Carlsbad Caverns is Lechuguilla Cave. Had he not acted in faith, he would have had only a jar of unsatisfying, warm water to drink. 31:17). We read in today's Scripture about the skilled designers and weavers who helped construct the tabernacle. He is even a better golfer. Only God can do that. Isaiah 40:26. Then, using His instructions, move ahead and let God guide you. Do we really understand that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a GLOBAL GOSPEL, that Jesus died for the WHOLE WORLD, that the Bible is not a Middle Eastern religious book but it is Gods Word to the WHOLE WORLD? It took something out of me, and yet it taught me something that I could learn only by standing stillthe Lord could get along without me, and I had to depend on Him. The youngster's problems were compounded when the father died suddenly from a stroke and the mother accused her son of having caused his father's death. The reason, till He said, "I am thine all; Many Christians are strong on service but weak on worship. I. Exodus 20:7. Few people, however, know that more than 50 percent of the rivers water is diverted before it reaches those falls via four huge tunnels. We can learn from the wisdom of age. INSIGHT: Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians while he was under house arrest. But the Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? 15:23). The psalmist's inspired song is filled with praise to the Lord. 20:7). Exodus 15:1-3: Praise of God Exodus 15:1 Then Moses and the sons of Israel sang this song to the Lord, and said, "I will sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted; The horse and its rider He has hurled into the sea. As the one true God, He is worthy of our adoration. The Lord was deliberately testing His children by allowing their suffering to get worse before it got better. To demonstrate the immensity of these figures, workmen once set a table and chairs on the scaffolding over Lee's shoulder. Now each individual believer is Gods workmanship (Eph. Presbyterian/Reformed, AN I EXAM: Restoring Our Vision for Christs Mission Choose Who You Follow Carefully But Irina says she understands how: People were praying for her. G. W. Wouldn't it be fine if all those who point a critical finger would hold out a helping hand instead? where God was. "No bug spray works this year.". Consider, for example, the bronze altar of sacrifice (Ex 27:1-8). And when living waters begin to flow, praise Him. Chambers. Hebrews 3:14. Bronze in Scripture stands for divine judgment of sin. As the Israelites were crossing over on dry land, the Egyptian army was pursuing them. Our faith is feeble, we confess,We faintly trust Thy word;But wilt Thou pity us the less'Be that far from Thee, Lord!Remember him who once applied,With trembling, for relief;"Lord, I believe," with tears he cried,"Oh, help my . Moses rejected Aaron's excuse. He said he should judge only big problems and appoint reliable men to judge smaller matters (Exodus 18:19-22). Mans boldest efforts to oppose such awesome power is ludicrous. If youre looking for guidance, follow Christ as your guide. The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea! The Bible tells us that our creativity as human beings comes from being made in the image of the Master Creator (Gen. 1:27). It is I; do not be afraid. Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? Anon. Join Now: 1-800-777-7731 Sermon Help | Illustrations | Church Resources | News | Seminary Devotion to the Lord has its consequences too. God uses life's setbacks to help us move ahead. . The day of Israels first Passover was full of excitement and mystery for the Hebrew boys and girls. Give Him your celebration of praise! Author John Piper offers this reflection on what it means to take Gods name in vain: The idea is . . Over and over again he was heard to pray, "O Lord, give me New England! But the two worked together: Moses before the people; God in the hidden depths of the earth. When the Egyptians came from behind and the deserts and mountains closed them in from the sides, Moses said, Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord (Ex.14:13). - Were continuing our study through the book of Exodus. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. We must ponder what Christ has done for us on the cross and experience the rest that comes by trusting completely in His finished work (Heb. ", Today, as we embrace all that the cross means, we can find healing of heart and the transforming power of God's love that sweetens the bitterest waters of life. The third commandment was taken so seriously by Israel that at one time the scribes wouldnt even write the name Yahweh (Jehovah) until they had first taken a bath and changed their clothes. Exodus 3:1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. God Himself rested on the seventh day after His work of creation (Gen. 2:2-3; Ex. Personally humiliated, Moses bitterly cried out to the Lord for an explanation. Murphy's Laws are observations about life that seem to have the weight of experience behind them. As the Israelites were escaping a life of slavery, Pharaoh sent his army of chariots and horsemen to give chase (Ex. 8:31). Finding the perfect fit seems impossible. These are great Thanksgiving celebrations. Only the cleansed person can move into the holy place of worship, fellowship, and service. Initially, disagreements between ethnic groups and a weak economic base made the future of this tiny nation uncertain. On the side of the 1700-foot mountain are carvings of Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis, and Robert E. Lee. My pursuit of the perfect sentence will never be satisfied, but I have found a statement of perfection in Exodus 3:14. He was waiting for a verdict that would either set him free or result in his execution. Each week, new sermon illustrations are posted to the illustration archivemany of these are taken from Dr. Chappell's files, and many others are submitted from our contributors. Though the darkness hide Thee. Reprinted by permission. Standing publicly for what is right is required of us as well. . 20:9-11). He delivered the Hebrews from an impossible taskmaster and brought them on eagles wings back to Himself (Exodus 19:4). Exodus 15:1-21 Sermon Illustrations - SermonCentral The people were just hours removed from one of the greatest rescues in history.

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exodus 15 sermon illustrations