electrical phenomena in the body

The release of heat by the human system is prima facie evidence of the continuing loss of photons, which must be replaced daily in massive quantities. J Physiol 226, 407-429. [133][134] Breaking the epithelial barrier, as occurs in any wounds, creates a hole that breaches the high electrical resistance established by the tight junctions in the epithelial sheet, short-circuiting the epithelium locally. 16. The path the current takes through the body affects the degree of injury. Because Physics is the foundation of all science, and fundamental forces/energy/light are the origins of life/reality, modern medicine with its focus on chemistry will be preoccupied with symptoms and will lack causative/foundational answers to the health concerns of humankind. You cant wear watches since you easily drained its batteries causing it to stop working after a couple of days. . Calories are a measure of heat energy and are provided the body by food consumption. These potentials are set by the function of ion channels and pumps, and shaped by gap junctional connections which establish developmental compartments (isopotential cell fields). Dominant mutations cause cerebellar displasia in humans, and wing venation and eye defects in Drosophila. Function in Biology: a By-Product of Electrical Voltage at the Atomic Level. With increasing alternating current, the sensations of tingling give way to contractions of the muscles. ENERGY LEVELS = amount of available and reserve photons in a system. Everything we see, feel, imagine or remember, expresses itself through a world of electrical signals, all relayed and communicated to and from the central consciousness in the brain through the ionic bonds formed by electrostatic attraction between these metals. a. Einstein physics.bu.edu/~duffy/semester2/c34_photoelectric.html, b. Niels Bohr Facts NobelPrize.org: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1922/bohr/facts/. Define electrical phenomenon. Bio-electricity is the electric phenomena related to living organisms It is bio-electricity that enables a shark to map the ocean floor. There needs to be an increased awareness of the relationship between deep-sleep, REM sleep & poor sleep. However, normal ion transport continues in unwounded epithelial cells beyond the wound edge (typically <1mm away), driving positive charge flow out of the wound and establishing a steady, laterally-oriented electric field (EF) with the cathode at the wound. The first three types of ions carry a positive charge while the chloride ion carries a negative charge. At this point, the individual is said to freeze the circuit. The detection of ultra-weak photon emissions (UPE) has been used as a non-invasive diagnostic tool. The duration of the shock has a great bearing on the outcome. Atomic bonds are the fundamental building blocks of all organisms. The tip detected the tell-tale signal associated with ferroelectricity, and what is more, they found that they could switch this polarization with an electric field. Thunderstorms, but lasts considerably longer than the split-second flash of a lightning bolt. Some examples are. In C. J. Cleveland, Encyclopedia of Energy. The attraction of positive and negative forces is at the core of this electrical web: these forces are the expression of the energy in photons. [182][183][184] Channels can behave as oncogenes and are thus suitable as novel drug targets. The following events or accidents are said to have caused someone to have unusually high energy: Having suffered from a major electrical shock in the past. By stopping the friction that created the electron buildup in the first place, the static electricity naturally dissipates within a few minutes. Atoms are dynamic; are gained and lost by the body in the course of life.4. Common features of Temple-Baraitser syndrome include absent or hypoplastic of finger and toe nails and phalanges and joint instability. [152] Using electric fields overriding endogenous ones, Marsh and Beams astoundingly generated double-headed planarians and even reversed the primary body polarity entirely, with tails growing where a head previously existed. There is another more fundamental question! A review", "Electrical signaling in control of ocular cell behaviors", "Single cell wound generates electric current circuit and cell membrane potential variations that requires calcium influx", "Early bioelectric activities mediate redox-modulated regeneration", "Bioelectric signaling in regeneration: Mechanisms of ionic controls of growth and form", "Bioelectric signaling coordinates patterning decisions during embryogenesis", "Ueber den zeitlichen Verlauf der negativen Schwankung des Nervenstroms", "Untersuchungen ber thierische Elektricitt", "An Ultrasensitive Vibrating Probe for Measuring Steady Extracellular Currents", "Developmental Currents Voltages and Gradients", "The Role of Ionic Currents in Establishing Developmental Pattern", "V-ATPase Proton Pumping Activity is Required for Adult Zebrafish Appendage Regeneration", "Diabetic cornea wounds produce significantly weaker electric signals that may contribute to impaired healing", "Detection of extracellular calcium gradients with a calcium-specific vibrating electrode", "Measurement of Extracellular Ion Fluxes Using the Ion-selective Self-referencing Microelectrode Technique", "ElectroTaxis-on-a-Chip (ETC): An integrated quantitative high-throughput screening platform for electrical field-directed cell migration", "Physiological inputs regulate species-specific anatomy during embryogenesis and regeneration", "Skeletal myotube integration with planar microelectrode arrays in vitro for spatially selective recording and stimulation: A comparison of neuronal and myotube extracellular action potentials", "Application of Low-Frequency Alternating Current Electric Fields Via Interdigitated Electrodes: Effects on Cellular Viability, Cytoplasmic Calcium, and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells", "Controlling the Resting Membrane Potential of Cells with Conducting Polymer Microwires", 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0029(19990915)46:6<398::AID-JEMT8>3.0.CO;2-H, "Principles, Development and Applications of Self-Referencing Electrochemical Microelectrodes to the Determination of Fluxes at Cell Membranes", "Optogenetics in Developmental Biology: Using light to control ion flux-dependent signals in Xenopus embryos", "Inverse drug screens: A rapid and inexpensive method for implicating molecular targets", "Early, H+-V-ATPase-dependent proton flux is necessary for consistent left-right patterning of non-mammalian vertebrates", "Endogenous voltage gradients as mediators of cell-cell communication: Strategies for investigating bioelectrical signals during pattern formation", "General Principles for Measuring Resting Membrane Potential and Ion Concentration Using Fluorescent Bioelectricity Reporters", "Measuring Resting Membrane Potential Using the Fluorescent Voltage Reporters DiBAC4(3) and CC2-DMPE", "Comparative measurements of membrane potentials with microelectrodes and voltage-sensitive dyes", "Isomerically Pure Tetramethylrhodamine Voltage Reporters", "Transmembrane voltage potential controls embryonic eye patterning in Xenopus laevis", "HCN2 Rescues brain defects by enforcing endogenous voltage pre-patterns", "Exploring Instructive Physiological Signaling with the Bioelectric Tissue Simulation Engine", "Bioelectric gene and reaction networks: Computational modelling of genetic, biochemical and bioelectrical dynamics in pattern regulation", "Bioelectrical Signals and Ion Channels in the Modeling of Multicellular Patterns and Cancer Biophysics", "The interplay between genetic and bioelectrical signaling permits a spatial regionalisation of membrane potentials in model multicellular ensembles", "Optogenetic monitoring of membrane potentials", "Coordinating heart morphogenesis: A novel role for hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels during cardiogenesis in Xenopus laevis", "HCN4 ion channel function is required for early events that regulate anatomical left-right patterning in a nodal and lefty asymmetric gene expression-independent manner", "Bioelectric signalling via potassium channels: A mechanism for craniofacial dysmorphogenesis in KCNJ2-associated Andersen-Tawil Syndrome", "V-ATPase-dependent ectodermal voltage and ph regionalization are required for craniofacial morphogenesis", "Endogenous Gradients of Resting Potential Instructively Pattern Embryonic Neural Tissue via Notch Signaling and Regulation of Proliferation", "Local and long-range endogenous resting potential gradients antagonistically regulate apoptosis and proliferation in the embryonic CNS", "Bioelectric Signaling Regulates Size in Zebrafish Fins", "Long-range gap junctional signaling controls oncogene-mediated tumorigenesis in Xenopus laevis embryos", "Transmembrane voltage potential of somatic cells controls oncogene-mediated tumorigenesis at long-range", "Mutations in Kir2.1 Cause the Developmental and Episodic Electrical Phenotypes of Andersen's Syndrome", "Keppen-Lubinsky Syndrome is Caused by Mutations in the Inwardly Rectifying K+ Channel Encoded by KCNJ6", "Pretreatment with Ascorbic Acid Prevents Lethal Gastrointestinal Syndrome in Mice Receiving a Massive Amount of Radiation", "Partial trisomy and tetrasomy of chromosome 21 without down syndrome phenotype and short overview of genotype-phenotype correlation. 20 mA: Electric shock, tetanization of the thorax, possibility. Advances in Models and Methods. Periodic Table of the Elements. [41][42][43][44][45][46][23][47] C.D. 8. [176][177][178] This stable, long-term alteration of the anatomical layout to which animals regenerate, without genomic editing, is an example of epigenetic inheritance of body pattern, and is also the only available strain of planarian species exhibiting an inherited anatomical change that is different from the wild-type. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. But the light is so faint, the naked human eye is unable to . [180][181] Indeed, it has long been known that gap junctions have a key role in carcinogenesis and progression. Screens have identified roles for ion channels in size control of structures such as the zebrafish fin,[102] while focused gain-of-function studies have shown for example that bodyparts can be re-specified at the organ level for example creating entire eyes in gut endoderm. In any electrical installation, the risk of electrocution (nonfatal accident), electrocution (leading to death), and fire are real. Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the foundation of life. Skin also generates a TEP, and when a skin wound is made, similar wound electric currents and fields arise, until the epithelial barrier function recovers to terminate the short-circuit at the wound. 4. d. Optimized homeostasis (consistency) is immunity. . New York, NY, US: Dell Publishing Co. 9. [13] Tight junctions (resistors) efficiently mitigate the paracellular ion diffusion and leakage, precluding the voltage short circuit. [19][20][21] Unknowingly, Galvani with this and related experiments discovered the injury current (ion leakage driven by the intact membrane/epithelial potential) and injury potential (potential difference between injured and intact membrane/epithelium). This network is the heart's electrical system. [52][53][11][54][23], The glass microelectrode was developed in the 1940s to study the action potential of excitable cells, deriving from the seminal work by Hodgkin and Huxley in the giant axon squid. The body replenishes atoms through feeding, respiration, and sunlight. b. Photon levels limited by levels of elements14 in the system. In a ferroelectric substance, one side of the material has a positive electrical charge and the other a negative charge, created through an uneven distribution of electrical charges in its constituent atoms or molecules. [140][141][142][143] Large sheets of monolayer epithelial cells, and sheets of stratified multilayered epithelial cells also migrate directionally. Body shock: The electricity inside your body (Image credit: SPL) By Philip Ball 18th November 2014 Perplexing and - as yet - unexplained electrical effects found in mammals could offer. In some circumstances, this "messing around" is what leads to atomic bonding the atoms and their electrons "find a way" to coexist in a way that minimizes their mutual energy, and they . What You Need To Know About The First 7 Days Of The Superhuman Upgrade What Do You Get By Decoding Into Superhuman? This energy component essentially makes the body a machine. [161][159][163] Despite these efforts, the promise for a significant epimorphic regeneration in mammals remains a major frontier for future efforts, which includes the use of wearable bioreactors to provide an environment within which pro-regenerative bioelectric states can be driven[164][165] and continued efforts at electrical stimulation. When a person is in contact with two electrodes, it passes through the body an electrical current. This reality gives purpose to our Body IQ Energy. Electrical phenomena are a somewhat arbitrary division of electromagnetic phenomena.. DC-4.1: Probability of ventricular fibrillation increasing up to about 5 %, DC-4.2: Probability of ventricular fibrillation up to about 50 %, DC-4.3: Probability of ventricular fibrillation above 50 %. The epithelial cells migrate directionally to the negative pole (cathode), which at a wound is the field polarity of the endogenous vectorial electric fields in the epithelium, pointing (positive to negative) to the wound center. In: Cleveland C, Morris C (eds), Dictionary of Energy (2nd ed). [95], Work in model systems such as Xenopus laevis and zebrafish has revealed a role for bioelectric signaling in the development of heart,[96][97] face,[98][99] eye,[88] brain,[100][101] and other organs. In: Reitner J, Thiel V (eds) Encyclopedia of Geobiology. Upon stimuli or barrier breaking (short-circuit) of the membrane, ions powered by the voltage gradient (electromotive force) diffuse or leak, respectively, through the cytoplasm and interstitial fluids (conductors), generating measurable electric currents net ion fluxes and fields. The leap from inert matter to living organisms is twice removed from the realm of possibility without energy. Herman states that it is impossible to overemphasize the importance of human bioelectricity. The function of every cell depends on it.. "P.ZZ . 2195-2197. Its effects on humans are sufficiently well-known nowadays for us to be able to protect ourselves effectively. 13. How are the electric fields at a wound produced? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Kinetic Motion is synonymous with Metabolic Rate in the context of the human system (all living systems)! In: Lerner KL, Lerner BW (eds) The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Lund, E. Bioelectric fiends and growth., (University of Texas Press, 1947). "I don't wear watches, they stop. These include (1) pharmacological screens to identify endogenous channels and pumps responsible for specific patterning events;[80][81][82] (2) voltage-sensitive fluorescent reporter dyes and genetically-encoded fluorescent voltage indicators for the characterization of the bioelectric state in vivo;[83][84][85][86][87] (3) panels of well-characterized dominant ion channels that can be misexpressed in cells of interest to alter the bioelectric state in desired ways;[82][88][89] and (4) computational platforms that are coming on-line[90][91] to assist in building predictive models of bioelectric dynamics in tissues. The whole gamut of cell types and their responses following injury are affected by physiological electric fields. YouTube.com/PhysicsOfWellness/EnergyAsMedicine, 19. A few mechanisms that transduce bioelectric change into alterations of gene expression are already known, including the bioelectric control of movement of small second-messenger molecules through cells, including serotonin and butyrate, voltage sensitive phosphatases, among others. [175] Recent work has shown the use of physiological modeling environments for identifying predictive interventions to target bioelectric states for repair of embryonic brain defects under a range of genetic and pharmacologically-induced teratologies.[89][100]. The resulting score can suggest lifestyle changes, especially sleep and food changes that allow patients to achieve their maximum level of energy and, therefore, wellness (immunity).22. Working with bioelectricity is more complex than traditional approaches to developmental biology, both methodologically and conceptually, as it typically requires a highly interdisciplinary approach. In planaria, work on bioelectric mechanism has revealed control of stem cell behavior,[172] size control during remodeling,[173] anterior-posterior polarity,[174] and head shape. Even if some things appear solid, everything has an entirely empty space with patterns of energy running through it. Although this is another poorly understood curiosity, it is thought that an electrical current travels through the material and causes molecules of gas trapped within the crystal to glow. High energy individuals known as Electric People or SLIders, named for "Street Light Interference" which was a common effect of these individuals, are known to possess high levels of energy which influences electronics. Since electrical currents affect the nervous system, electrical pulses can impart greater sleep benefits in less time. Without atoms, of course, molecules cannot form; without molecules, there can be no compounds, no complex matter. Motion includes the action of muscles, organ function, conscious thought, etc. However, excessive demand for autonomic reserve energy by the somatic system is the red line of loss of homeostasis (immunity, wellness, longevity)! 1. In: Human Body Dynamics. [40][60][61], The vibrating ion-selective microelectrode was first used in 1990 to measure calcium fluxes in various cells and tissues. DC-4: Pathophysiological effects may occur such as cardiac arrest, breathing arrest, burns, or other cellular damage. [57], The vibrating probe was introduced in biological studies in the 1970s. However, if this electrical phenomena happens following a death of a loved one, it might indicate that the Spirits are attempting to communicate with the bereaved loved ones. Photon. This compounding of atoms to molecules is the essence of plant growth, the foundational rung of the food chain. The most important ions in bioelectrical phenomena are sodium (Na +, potassium (K +, calcium (Ca 2+, and chloride (Cl ). Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 510 language pairs. A. 3 Underestimated Ways How Blockchain is Changing The World On Better. Since this phenomenon is closely tied to high emotion, one way to try to control it is to simply be calm. In non-excitable cells, the resting potential across the plasma membrane (Vmem) of individual cells propagate across distances via electrical synapses known as gap junctions (conductors), which allow cells to share their resting potential with neighbors. [29] Lund measured currents in a large number of living model systems, correlating them to changes in patterning. What this could possibly mean for us, I will come to later. Therefore, the human bodys energy requirement is met by the bodys own energy/photon reserves, plus the energy/photons provided by food, respiration & sunlight. CALORIES = a measure of heat, a form of energy (photons). Radioactivity was suggested when the medium Eusapia Palladino impressed with her fingers photographic plates wrapped in Human disorders, as well as numerous mouse mutants show that bioelectric signaling is important for human development (Tables 1 and 2). Healthy sleep is essential to longevity. The very definition of Warm Blooded is stable KM, i.e., BT stability!. There are no supporting citations for our hypothesis that Sleep is an energy/photon collecting activity. Iranian Journal of Medical Physics. Electric current is dangerous because it is invisible. Electricity is the phenomenon associated with either stationary or moving electric charges. Living organisms are a web of electrical fields organized around elemental atoms. For example, adipose tissue (fat) is made up of adipocyte cells, which are made of molecules called lipids, which is formed by carbon atoms. The platypus, for example, tracks prey using the 40,000 electric sensors on its beak. The former is inherently invasive and the two latter are non-invasive, but all are ultra-sensitive[51] and fast-responsive sensors extensively used in a plethora of physiological conditions in widespread biological models. And ferroelectricity was reported last year in the hard mineral coating of seashell. Zimmermman-Laband and Temple-Baraitser syndrome craniofacial and brain defects, dysplasia/aplasia of nails of thumb and great toe. This is the first of many lessons that Einsteins equation, E=mc2, has to teach us. [11][12], Endogenous bioelectric signals are produced in cells by the cumulative action of ion channels, pumps, and transporters. [195] Refinement of the bioelectric signature of cancer in biomedical contexts, as a diagnostic modality, is one of the possible applications of this field. UPE intensity and cell count are closely related, so UPE can be used to monitor cell count. Certain rays, meanwhile, can generate their own electric fields, with some able to produce 220 volts when . On ventilatory asphyxiation, if t is greater than 3 minutes if the current path of interest to the diaphragm (contact by hand). 1 Humans have the power to glow in the dark. Using biomimetic exogenous electric currents and fields, partial regeneration was achieved, which typically included tissue growth and increased neuronal tissue. Any electrical device used on a house wiring circuit can, under certain conditions, transmit a fatal current. 1. [170] Synthetic biologists are likewise starting to incorporate bioelectric circuits into hybrid constructs. He recorded minute electric currents in live tissues and organisms with a then state-of-the-art galvanometer made of insulated copper wire coils. Immunity is the highest form of Wellness! Shock severity increases with an increase in pressure of contact. Practically speaking, this is the energy found in electromagnetic waves, more commonly known as light. Since such a path involves both the heart and the lungs, the results can be fatal. Our Team worked together for 35 years to finally make public our theory of IMMUNITY FOR ALL. [55][56] It is simply a liquid salt bridge connecting the biological specimen with the electrode, protecting tissues from leachable toxins and redox reactions of the bare electrode. Life is dependent upon the meticulous balance of energies. Paul, M. (2017). [107] KCNJ6 is in the Down syndrome critical region such that duplications that include this region lead to craniofacial and limb abnormalities and duplications that do not include this region do not lead to morphological symptoms of Down syndrome. Measuring gravity with GRACE. [145][146][147][148][149][150][151], In the early 20th century, Albert Mathews seminally correlated regeneration of a cnidarian polyp with the potential difference between polyp and stolon surfaces, and affected regeneration by imposing countercurrents. He unveiled the fast-changing electricity associated with muscle contraction and nerve excitation the action potentials. "Since I was about 11, when a 220-volt bad circuit connection threw me ten feet, I am experiencing anomalies with electronics," she reports. All life is dependent on the availability of photons. In addition to using UPE to address disease, soft-tissue can be treated with pulsed, high-frequency electricity. These include ion channels, intracellular signaling pathways, membrane lipid rafts, and electrophoresis of cellular membrane components. Earth photons during the reversed polarity of the brain (deep sleep) generate intense vibration at the atomic level, affecting food particles within capillary beds. This vibration instigates the migration of photons from food to the living cell, which is, thus, refreshed. [2][3] This electrical activity is often used during embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancerit is one layer of the complex field of signals that impinge upon all cells in vivo and regulate their interactions during pattern formation and maintenance (Figure 1). The book discusses the ultrastructure of heart cells, molecular arrangement of heart cell membranes, and the mechanism involved in sealing and excitation-contraction coupling. One involves conventional static electricity, and the other is something more mysterious. The effort took many forms before the first big step forward in research. OK but ferroelectricity? In: Human Body Composition. The use of a special device called a defibrillator is required to save the victim.

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electrical phenomena in the body