She held the T-shirt her son wore the last time he visited, unwashed after six months because she hoped it would keep his smell. Ko Phyo has decided not to return home for at least five years. [102] The anniversary of the coup saw increase attacks in areas where resistance had died down in late 2021. 2 additional resistance fighters who escaped were also captured later on by plain clothed and armed Tatmadaw troops who were wearing bulletproof vests. However, there are no casualty reports on this particular clash. Among them is a young medical doctor who is washing dishes at a restaurant, she said. ", "Myanmar rebels claim police killings as Aung San Suu Kyi appears in court", "Myanmar: 13 security forces members killed in clash with anti-coup bloc's defence force", "Karenni resistance fighters open new front against junta", "Myanmar carries out air strikes after militia attacks witnesses", "Myanmar Junta Forces and KIA in Fresh Fighting in Northern Myanmar", "Karen Rebel Leader Warns Myanmar Regime of More Fighting", "Myanmar Junta Troops Battle Civilian Resistance Fighters in Mandalay", "Myanmar military kills at least 25 people in raid on central town",, " NUG ", "Myanmar opposition announces 'defensive war' against junta", "Deadly unrest reported in Myanmar after opposition urges 'defensive war', "Over 1700 Junta Soldiers Killed in Past Three Months, Civilian Government Says", "Over 30 Junta Soldiers Killed In Fierce Weekend Fighting", "Over 40 Myanmar Soldiers Killed in Ambush", "Hundreds Of Myanmar Junta Informants Killed Or Wounded", "Myanmar Military Detains North-Western Commander For Planning to Defect: Ethnic Insurgent Sources", "Myanmar: Whole town flees amid fierce fighting", "Myanmar Junta Troops Ambushed in Shan State", "Soldiers capture PDF medics during a raid on resistance base camp in Kalay", "Dozens of junta troops ambush Moebye PDF outpost", "Military raid destroys resistance base in Monywa, PDF says", "Military kills four KNDF members in Demoso", "PDF member in Mandalay Region killed in junta custody", "Clashes in Kayah State kill at least four regime soldiers: KNDF", "Military arrests NLD lawmaker in KNU territory", "More houses torched as junta troops leave Loikaw village", "UN 'horrified' by massacre of dozens of civilians in Myanmar", "Military deploys Russian-made fighter jets against KIA targets", "Chinland Defence Force attacks junta soldiers in Matupi", "KIA clashes with junta soldiers in Hpakant and Mohnyin", "Junta soldiers massacre and burn 11, including teenagers, during raid on village in Sagaing", "Soldiers target villagers after ambush by Myaing PDF", "Soldiers kill and burn five people in Sagaing Region village after clashes with PDF", "Myanmar military torches 100 homes in Sagaing Region village", "Junta soldiers murder three more villagers in Depayin", "At least 20 killed in air raid on Magway village", "Myanmar Junta Claims to Have Killed 8 Resistance Fighters in Mandalay Raids", "Well over a quarter of Thantlang now destroyed by fire as rebel group vows to 'drive out' junta soldiers", "Three injured guerrilla fighters among 12 arrested after accidental explosion in Yangon", "One resistance fighter killed, three arrested in Thanlyin raid", "Myanmar Resistance Kills Dozens of Junta Soldiers in Three Days of Clashes", "Junta Soldiers Killed; Social Media Users Boycott Myanmar Coup Leader's Parade", "Resistance Force Claims Victory in Clashes With Military in Myanmar's Southernmost District", "Two Killed, 38 Injured at Rally Attack on Myanmar Coup Anniversary", "Almost 370 Junta Officials Assassinated Since Coup", "Resistance Groups Claim to Kill 35 Myanmar Junta Troops", "Resistance Fighters Target Homes of Myanmar Junta Pilots After Airstrikes on Civilians", "Junta Troops Clash With Arakan Army in Western Myanmar", "Two Civilians Dead in Clash Between AA, Regime Troops in Myanmar's Rakhine State", "Fighting With AA Claims Heavy Casualties Including Officers, Video Shows", "Thirty Junta Soldiers reportedly killed in Upper Myanmar", "38 Junta Soldiers Reported Killed in Upper Myanmar", "Over 200 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Three Days: Kachin Independence Army", "Resistance Fighters Claim To Have Killed Around 50 Myanmar Junta Personnel", "Both Sides Sustain Casualties as Fighting Rages Between PDFs and Myanmar Junta", "Resistance Fighters Suffer Heavy Losses During Sagaing Clash With Myanmar Junta", "Myanmar: Military onslaught in eastern states amounts to collective punishment", "Myanmar Junta Convoy Under Repeated Attack in Chin State", "KNU rebels kill soldier and seize 'great number of weapons' in attack on junta base near Thai border", "Myanmar: Additional armed clashes between military and armed groups likely in Kayah State through mid-May /update 9", "Fighting in Myanmar's Kayin state drives thousands to Thai border", "Regime troops retreat with heavy causalities in Lay Kay Kaw", "Karenni Resistance Force Captures Junta Personnel in Roadside Ambush", "Myanmar Resistance Leader in Sagaing Says Monsoon Will Bring Victories", "Myanmar resistance urges West to provide arms for fight against junta", "Accusations fly after Myanmar bombing kills 1, injures 9", "Is Myanmar's Military on Its Last Legs? [74] This is inhumane and a war crime.". 8 organisations are calling for international action in response to the Burmese military airstrikes in Kachin State. Gathered under the name of the People's Defence Force (PDF) and under the orders of the National Unity Government (NUG), formed by former parliamentarians in office before the coup d'tat, the PDF and the NUG officially declared a "defensive war" against the military regime in September 2021. Mental health specialists say the suicide figures in Myanmar began rising even before the coup, during mass job losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The same day, the country surpassed 600 deaths related to anti-coup protests since 1 February. A total of 9 Kalay PDF medics were captured and 2 PDF fighters were killed, in which the PDF personnel were from the Kalay PDF's Battalion 3.[76]. (Frontier) Compounding crises. Three hours of clashes were also reported on 6 February. [99] 40 junta troops were killed in attacks by PDF forces on 12 and 13 February. Targeted killings of Igbo people in Northern Nigeria in revenge for the coup of January 15, 1966. Monday, 24 Oct 2022 7:59 PM MYT. Kachin Independence Army and United Wa State Army consolidate expanded territories. The death toll will continue rising because many are in critical condition and cannot be taken to hospital, Colonel Naw Bu said. Fighting occurred at the Maha Aung Myay base and seven PDF members were killed and a junta soldier suffered a minor bullet wound in his stomach while another PDF fighter was killed in Pyigyitagon base after throwing a homemade bomb at junta forces and running away. There are villages in Magway and Sagaing literally on fire, said a 31-year-old rebel who asked to be identified only by his battlefield name, Comrade Kite. It was time to think about the education of my children. American Family News (formerly One News Now) offers news on current events from an evangelical Christian perspective. More than 60 civilians including local singers and KIA soldiers were reportedly killed and over 100 were injured. [170], Ongoing armed conflict in Myanmar since the 2021 coup d'etat, - , Political Sentences and International Attention, 50 Myanmar Junta Soldiers Killed in Landmine Attacks, Waiting for official news report to be used as citation, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, Campaign at the ChinaBurma border (19601961), Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Timeline of 20212022 Myanmar civil war, International Institute for Strategic Studies - Myanmar Conflict Map, Special Advisory Council Report - Contestation and Control/Resistance as of 30 June 2022, "Murders in Yangon and Mandalay linked to Thwe Thout", "Myanmar raising bloodthirsty death squads", "NLD 'Turncoat' Criticized After Being Named to Myanmar Military Regime's Cabinet", "Myanmar's shadow government launches 'people's defensive war' against the military junta", "AAPP | Assistance Association for Political Prisoners", "Myanmar's Total Displaced Population Tops 1 Million, Says UN", "Conflict seen escalating in Myanmar on the anniversary of PDF", "Daily Briefing in Relation to the Military Coup", "Myanmar Violence Escalates With Rise of 'Self-defense' Groups, Report Says", "Myanmar anti-coup insurgents destroy police post, kill security forces -media", "The deadly battles that tipped Myanmar into civil war", "The World Must Respond to Myanmar's Civil War Rather Than Its Coup", "Myanmar's junta can't win the civil war it started", "Is Myanmar's military starting to lose the war? On 17 November, dozens of junta forces ambushed and captured an outpost of the Moebye PDF in southern Shan State's Pekon Township. Larger rebel factions such as the Kachin Independence Army formed in response to Ne Win's 1962 Burmese coup d'tat and its increased political repression. We cannot even begin to understand, Maung said, how huge itll be.. Our experienced journalists want to glorify God in what we do. [141], On 16 September 2022, the Burmese military killed 11 children and wounded another 17, during an airborne strike at a school in Letyetkone village, Sagaing Region. According to an aid worker, more than 10,000 people have left Mindat in southern Chin State as the Myanmar military started an all-out operation to quell an armed revolt headed by local citizens. According to the KNDF member, there were around 130 troops stationed in Kunnar over the weekend. The United Nations said it needs $826 million to address basic humanitarian needs in Myanmar for 2022. American Family News (formerly One News Now) offers news on current events from an evangelical Christian perspective. The best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. On the other hand, Sonys fixation on Call of Duty is starting to look more and more like a greedy, desperate death grip on a decaying business model, a status quo Sony feels entitled to clinging to. The Junta denied there being civilian casualties while the United Nations condemned the attack. [70][71], On 7 October, junta controlled media reported at least 406 junta informants had been killed and 285 wounded since 1 February in targeted attacks by resistance forces. [32] However, as soon as 2018, the NCA had already begun to fall apart due to alleged violations of the agreement by Tatmadaw soldiers entering EAO territories to build roads. The reference for global information. [119] Recent combat in Kayin state marked an increase in refugees on the Thai border. [69] Several major clashes took place from September to October in Chin State, Sagaing Region, Magwe Region Kayah State and Shan State. [42] Through April, the informal clashes intensified, such as on 8 April when protesters fought back against soldiers with hunting rifles and firebombs in a battle that resulted in 11 protesters' deaths. [128] Around 40 junta soldiers and 11 PDF fighters were also reported killed in clashes in Pekon Township, Shan state. However, the KIA continued their offensives stating that the Myanmar Army had continued operations as usual. Later at noon, PDF attacked soldiers again who were leaving the village of Mintharkya on foot, sparking a shootout between the two sides. [67] On 10 September, at least 17 people have been killed during clashes between the military and resistance militia in Myin Thar village, Magway region. [97], Furthermore, a member of a local armed resistance group was shot dead and three others were captured during a military raid in Yangon Region's Thanlyin Township. [77] Later in November, junta soldiers in 10 military vehicles along with a bulldozer, ambushed and destroyed a base belonging to Monywa PDF's Squadron 205 near Palin village in Monywa, Sagaing Region, forcing resistance fighters to flee. The PDF fighters guarding the outpost were asleep when a military unit from Light Infantry Battalion 422 carried out an ambush. The couple are on a three-month tourist visa, which they hope to upgrade to an extendable six-month education visa. Although no precise figures exist for the exodus of these middle-class professionals, Myanmar expats who have lived in Thailand for decades report a growing number of arrivals from Myanmar. The UN special envoy for Myanmar warned Tuesday that the political, human rights and humanitarian crisis in the military-ruled Southeast Asian nation is deepening and taking a catastrophic toll on the people.. Noeleen Heyzer told the U.N. General Assembly's human rights committee that more than 13.2 million people don't have enough to eat, 1.3 million are We tried to get to A Nang Pa in the early morning of Oct 24 but troops would not let us cross the bridge. They are calling on the international community to sanction Burmese aviation fuel, among other measures. (Video: TWP). The bigger picture with the latest news from Australia and across the world. Latest World news news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice Between 300 and 500 people were in attendance, including several famous Kachin artists, business owners, and resistance officers, a spokesperson for the Kachin Artists Association told the Associated Press. Three hours of clashes were also reported on 6 February. [83], On 24 December, more than 35 people were massacred when their convoy were ambushed by junta troops near Mo So village of Hpruso town, Kayah State. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on Fighting occurred at the Maha Aung Myay base and seven PDF members were killed and a junta soldier suffered a minor bullet wound in his stomach while another PDF fighter was killed in Pyigyitagon base after throwing a homemade bomb at junta forces and running away. [75], On 16 November, junta forces overran and captured the base camp of Kalay PDF in a southwestern district of the Sagaing Region town of Kalay. Those who were killed had been marking the anniversary of the foundation of the Kachin Independence Armys political wing. [20], On the morning of 1 February 2021, the Tatmadaw successfully deposed the elected Myanmar government, forming a military junta. The KIO refused to join the juntas peace talks this year, branding them illegitimate. [120], On 15 April, junta soldiers suffered at least 30 casualties after being pushed back by the KNLA at the battle for Lay Kay Kaw. Death Toll from Myanmar Juntas Airstrike on Concert Rises to 75. Cynthia Maung runs a community clinic on the Thai-Myanmar border and has seen, over the past year, a trickle of war casualties become a flood. Tatmadaw troops then arrested several people believed to be linked to anti-junta movements including a NLD lawmaker, Wai Lin Aung. At least 60 people have been killed in a Myanmar military air raid on a celebration by one of the countrys most prominent ethnic rebel groups. Welcome to AFP News . [164] Since April 2022, the country has experienced foreign currency shortages, which have acutely impacted importers, resulting in shortages of basic products like medicines and fertilisers. Among people fleeing the country are educated professionals who are at no immediate risk from the political turmoil. According to junta-aligned sources, 367 junta-appointed officials had been assassinated in targeted attacks since February of 2021. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos. Over the month of December, the military sent around 150 soldiers of the Airborne Division in six helicopters to the west of Depayin to carry out Air Assault missions. I have settled down here in Chiang Mai. On the other hand, Sonys fixation on Call of Duty is starting to look more and more like a greedy, desperate death grip on a decaying business model, a status quo Sony feels entitled to clinging to. [105], On 8 February, the Arakan Army and junta forces had clashed on at least two occasions in Maungdaw in Rakhine State. Seoul (AFP) - 11/03/2022 - 06:38 US, S. Korea agree to extend joint air drills after N. Korea missile tests. Over the month of December, the military sent around 150 soldiers of the Airborne Division in six helicopters to the west of Depayin to carry out Air Assault missions. [166] Many foreign and multinational companies, including Telenor, Ooredoo, Chevron, British American Tobacco, and Woodside Petroleum have exited the Burmese market as the conflict has intensified. Bhone Wai Yan Kyaw was in the house with two others and was helping one of them, a 15-year-old girl, escape over a wall when soldiers shot him twice. Resistance groups are denouncing the attack as a war crime and calling for increased sanctions in response. [168] Currently only Iran and North Korea are on the Financial Action Task Force blacklist. Three junta jet-fighters bombed the concert held at the village on Sunday night to mark the 62nd anniversary of the KIAs political wing, the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO). The revolution will therefore only get stronger. 1.8k shares Read Article. adding his organisation could not yet confirm the death toll. Myanmar Army helicopters allegedly entered Bangladeshi air space to attack Arakan Army and reportedly fired a shell within Bangladeshi air space. [121] Later in april, two junta officers and 24 men working for the military council's electricity department were arrested by KNDF forces in southern Shan States Pekon Township. In the same announcement, Min Ko Naing asked the international community for recognition over the junta. [63] 50 junta soldiers were reportedly killed in a series of landmine attacks by resistance fighters in Gangaw Township. ", "Ten Myanmar policemen killed in attack by ethnic armies opposed to junta-report", "Junta's armed forces launch attack to reclaim base seized by KIA", "Myanmar: The small embattled town that stood up to the army", "At least 30 regime soldiers killed by Mindat locals in four-day battle", "Junta cuts off water and food supplies to rebel town of Mindat", "Who are the Chinland Defense Force (CDF), Chin Myanmar", "Aung San Suu Kyi supporters unveil Myanmar 'national unity government', "Opponents of Myanmar's junta set up national unity government", "Can Myanmar's New 'People's Defense Force' Succeed? [91] On 13 December, Tatmadaw troops launched an offensive against PDF fighters and other local groups in Ke Bar village in Sagaing Region's Ayadaw Township with artillery bombardment assistance. [130], On 23 July 2022, the State Administration Council announced that it had executed four political prisoners, including Zayar Thaw and Kyaw Min Yu, marking the first time the death penalty had been carried out in Myanmar since the late 1980s. 1:04. [119] Recent combat in Kayin state marked an increase in refugees on the Thai border. [157], Economic conditions in Myanmar have substantially worsened due to the ongoing war and economic mismanagement by the State Administration Council. [33] Many non-signatories continued the conflict. The Maw Khi camp is located about 50 miles south of Myawaddy, about three miles from the Burmese-Thai border. A mass grave for those killed by Sundays airstrike on a concert in ANang Pa village, Hpakant Township, Kachin State. 2.3k; By Hein Htoo Zan 27 October 2022 . DEPOSED MYANMARESE LEADER SENTENCED TO THREE MORE YEARS IN PRISON. The crisis forced over a million Rohingya to flee to other countries. Ma San San is a fashion designer who makes dresses for special events. ", "Mass Exodus: Successive Military Regimes in Myanmar Drive Out Millions of People", "Myanmar military announces new State Administrative Council", "Min Aung Hlaing: the heir to Myanmar's military junta", "Myanmar shadow government calls for uprising against military", "10 Conflicts to Worry About in 2022: Myanmar", "UCDP Candidates data set January to December 2021: Version", "The Burmese Communist Party and the State-to-State Relations between China and Burma", "Myanmar says Kokang rebels killed 47 of its soldiers", "Myanmar's National Ceasefire Agreement isn't all that national", "Myanmar Signs Historic Cease-Fire Deal With Eight Ethnic Armies", "Conflict Resumes in Karen State After Myanmar Army Returns", "Myanmar tensions: Dozens dead in Rakhine militant attack", "8 killed as ethnic rebels hit Muse- DVB Multimedia Group", "UN envoy urges action to prevent Myanmar 'civil war', "As slaughter of civilians continues, some decide it's time to take up arms", "Brotherhood Alliance tells military to stop killings, threatens to abandon ceasefire", "The Junta Is Dragging Myanmar Into Full-Blown Civil War", "KIA says more clashes likely despite junta's ceasefire announcement", "10 soldiers killed in Myanmar base attack: Rebel group", "Myanmar Villagers Take Up Homemade Weapons Against Regime's Security Forces", "Eleven killed as Myanmar protesters fight troops with hunting rifles, firebombs media", "MYANMAR'S MEDIATION BLUES: Negotiation or zero-sum game? [citation needed], In late November, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and 100 junta soldiers engaged in battle near Kachinthay, a village about 16km east of the town of Shwegu. The European Union imposed sanctions on the firm in February. Horrific reports of 60 killed & 200 injured by Burmese military airstrikes on a music festival in Kachin State last night. Following the coup last year, the KIA has been launching military operations alongside anti-regime forces in Kachin State. But then, with tragedies occurring daily, I was no longer able to concentrate on my work at all. In the same announcement, Min Ko Naing asked the international community for recognition over the junta. Kachin State. Ma Cho Cho, a former project coordinator for a Yangon community development NGO, found herself jobless after funds from international donors dried up following the coup. The same day, the country surpassed 600 deaths related to anti-coup protests since 1 February. During the raid, junta troops set fire to two such buildings where weapons had been stockpiled and successfully reoccupied the Palin village. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos. When he woke up in a hospital on the Thai side of the border, the bottom of his right leg was gone. [155] The junta has also seized the properties of political opponents as part of an intimidation strategy, impacting hundreds of families. However, according to Sagaing-based resistance spokespeople, people who lose everything in these torchings join the resistance[146] On 21 October, Junta forces decapitated Saw Tun Moe, a high school teacher, and left his head impaled on a NUG-administered school's spiked gate after burning and looting Taung Myint village in Magway Region[147], On 23 October, over 80 people were killed by an airstrike in Hpakant township, Northern Myanmar during a celebration for the 62nd founding anniversary of the Kachin Independence Organization. In a backpack, he stuffed a few sets of clothes, his phone and his reading glasses. See world news photos and videos at The most internationally known being the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army whose conflict in 2016 led to the Rohingya genocide by the central government in 2017..[34] In late 2016, four non-signatories of the NCA formed the Northern Alliance, including the Kachin Independence Army and Arakan Army, engaged in war with the central government and other EAOs. [82] On 20 December, Tatmadaw forces left the village of Kunnar in Loikaw Township after capturing it from KNDF late last week. The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! Not wanting to join another NGO or live in Myanmar under military dictatorship, she applied for and was granted a scholarship at Chiang Mai University. [106] Two civilians were also reported killed in further clashes in northern Maungdaw on the night of 7 February. [70][71], On 7 October, junta controlled media reported at least 406 junta informants had been killed and 285 wounded since 1 February in targeted attacks by resistance forces. [111], On 10 February, during the same time as the increased targeted personnel attacks, around 50 Myanmar junta personnel were reportedly killed during raids and ambushes by people's defense forces in three townships in Sagaing Region on 9 February. On the other hand, Sonys fixation on Call of Duty is starting to look more and more like a greedy, desperate death grip on a decaying business model, a status quo Sony feels entitled to clinging to. PDF claimed the ambush injured at least 3 soldiers. It was painful to talk about his son, but his death was the reason Kyaw Shwe had made his family leave Myanmar. But she waited in vain for more than a year. Japan, Australia and Singapore, all of which moved swiftly to punish Russia after its invasion of Ukraine, have made no move to do the same with the Tatmadaw. Posted Mon 24 Oct 2022 at 1:36pm Monday 24 Oct 2022 at 1:36pm Mon 24 Oct has been in open conflict with the Myanmar army since the coup last year. By The Irrawaddy 25 October 2022 . Low-rent condo apartments costing between 3,000 and 7,000 baht per month are doing brisk business, while wealthier Myanmar expats are taking bungalows and two-story houses for over 10,000 baht per month, according to real estate sources in Chiang Mai. [121] Later in april, two junta officers and 24 men working for the military council's electricity department were arrested by KNDF forces in southern Shan States Pekon Township. [13][14] In the months following the coup, the opposition began to coalesce around the National Unity Government, which launched an offensive against the junta. [103] 35 junta soldiers had been killed in attacks by local PDFs in the Sagaing and Bago regions on the 8 February. [162] As of September 2022, the value of the Burmese kyat has depreciated by over 60%,[163] while basic commodity prices have increased by up to 57%. News. [141], On 16 September 2022, the Burmese military killed 11 children and wounded another 17, during an airborne strike at a school in Letyetkone village, Sagaing Region. By The Irrawaddy 25 October 2022 . KNU Brigade 6 spokesperson did not answer to calls which are to ask if the group had authorised the raid. [151] [152] The Burmese military has escalated its use of war crimes, including murder, sexual violence, torture, and targeting of civilians. The United Nations said it needs $826 million to address basic humanitarian needs in Myanmar for 2022. Kachin State. [87] A little under a week after the junta launched airstrikes against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Mohnyin, about 50 soldiers from Tatmadaw's Infantry Battalion 42 attacked KIA territory near Nyaung Htauk village in Mohnyin from 8am to 6pm. [97], Furthermore, a member of a local armed resistance group was shot dead and three others were captured during a military raid in Yangon Region's Thanlyin Township.
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