Publishers and bloggers can join these networks to monetize their ad spaces along with Google AdSense and see incremental revenue of around 10-30%. The largest pool of advertisers and its tools help in-app monetization and also for game motorization. This type of a business model presents more opportunities for publishers to monetize their inventory on one hand and more options for advertisers to grow their business on the other. With out-stream type video ads are displayed on a web page, displayed inside a mobile app. However, those are better known as ad exchanges. Google's AdMob is one of the best and easy to use mobile ad network for mobile app monetization. They are typically used for advertising a third-party product or promoting the expansion of the apps functionality. Video. Advertisers have seen extremely high conversion/sales through this format without the risk of having to buy cost per thousand impressions (CPM) based media where they run the risk of paying for media with which users did not engage. Look for an ad network that offers multiple ad formats, standard display units, custom unis, text ads, rich media, video, interstitial, search box, and more. Ad networks connect publishers unsold ad inventory with advertisers or buyers and usually take a cut of the ad revenue. Applovin 10. They can be short (under one minute) videos. The developer gets to keep between 90% and 100% of the revenue, which is an astonishingly high figure. Whereas it has been forecasted that by 2023 mobile apps will be able to generate more than 935 billion U.S. dollars in revenues. Most importantly, choosing the right mobile ad network for your campaign will ensure that you receive the right advertising option that brings you revenue by showing relevant ads that are of value to your target users. Were a multi-format advertising network that operates in 240+ countries. Offers multiple formats. They promote the ability of their partnering developers to make intelligent decisions regarding their ad campaigns based on their transparent and data-driven platform. ), and demographics (age, gender, lifestyle, relationship, native language and education). However, the size of the network is not the only factor that matters. Its best to test multiple ad networks to find out which pays the most for your site. It excels in the cross-promotion of apps and its ads are focused on encouraging installs of new game apps. And with in-application advertising emerging as a prime form of mobile advertising in the marketing world, app ad network platforms are equally growing in importance. The ad tech industry responded to this change by launching multiple mobile-specific ad networks. Today, there are many ways to make money online. Ad formats are responsive and delivered with a seamless user experience. Ad networks simplify the process of ad monetization for publishers. It is a mobile-only ad platform that focuses primarily on gamers. The Best Ad Network for Publishers for 2022 1. InMobi offers advertisers to reach over 1,5 billion mobile users across more than 32,000 mobile properties to choose from. This allows the publisher to monetize every impression, across all devices from a single ad provider source, An already established trend with many mobile sites is that of infinite-scroll, where the content keeps loading as the user scrolls further down on a site. var allHeadings = postContent.querySelectorAll("h1, h2"); Mediation is the process of connecting ad networks within a single software. AdMaven is a leading direct traffic ad network, selling +5 Billion daily impressions across multiple formats and monetizing over 10k publishers\' websites, worldwide. Once integrated, the network captures the available device identifiers from the publisher in order to better understand who the publisher's users are. There are a variety of mobile ad networks for those looking to run a mobile ad campaign, however it is essential that they choose a mobile marketing platform or ad network specialized to their niche. Best suited for publishers with middle to large user audiences. If youd like to monetize full-screen ads, AdMaven is one of the best ad networks for publishers. Despite the continued adoption of Header Bidding, Googles Ad Exchange network remains the best demand source for publishers in 2022. Epom Apps 8. Headquartered in NYC, Taboola provides ads like Recommended for you & Around the Web bars at the bottom of various online news blog posts. These massive social media platforms garner thousands of users, making them some of the best platforms to advertise your mobile apps. It is been the most comprehensive and high earning solution for publishers. Global app install ad spend is projected to grow by 23% year on year in 2022 to more than $118 billion. It's a monetization platform that easily integrates with top affiliate networks such as and Google AdSense. innerText = innerText.replaceAll('',''); For instance, in the case of video ads, ad networks can substantially improve advertisers ad campaign efficiency and increase its revenue significantly. It provides a self-serve platform for advertisers to quickly build and launch ad campaigns, controlling audience, creatives and budget aspects of their campaigns. Most often used within media apps, there are two major types of video adsin-steam and out-stream. See the list of other websites hosted by PRIVATESYSTEMS - PrivateSystems Networks, US. Features . Visit for extra details. Unity ads is compatible with iOS or Android platforms, and all game engines, including Adobe Air, Marmalade, and Corona. Funny. Made for growth, built for app marketers. Flurry was acquired by Yahoo under Marissa Mayers reign in 2014. 33Across is an ad-tech company at heart that has a reputation for industry high viewability of their online ads. MoPub serves four types of ads: Interstitials, Native, Rewarded, and Banners. New York, NY 10007. Unity Ads 7. Its a strong player when it comes to high revenues for developers of mobile apps and websites. This will allow you to make a more informed decision when selecting from our list of the best ad networks in the industry. CPI (cost-per-install) model implies that advertisers are charged only when a click on their ads resulted into an actual mobile app install. CPC (cost-per-click) Other than that, InMobi offers in-app monetization, ad mediation, and audience bidding for publishers. Mobile advertising can take different forms. Best 28 Mobile Ad Networks in 2020 1. All mobile ad networks provide users with several types of business models to run ad campaigns with. Before deciding on a network, take time to review the kinds of ad campaigns they offer. Before you choose the top ad network for your business, let us dissect the advantages and disadvantages of the concept. Click here to find out more about Criteo. Primis has its video discovery technology tools used by tonnes of digital publishers globally, empowering around 350 million monthly uniques with engagement-based video experiences recommending organically viral video content that embark users interests. How CodeFuel increases engagement and conversions for mobile publishers, in-app advertising effectively, check here, 30 times more effective than Internet ads. According to Statista, the global mobile advertising spending was $276.21 billion in 2020, from $230 billion in 2019. Moreover, if they have stable predictable traffic, publishers can forecast their revenue. And later in November 2009, it was acquired by Google. Lets dive in. Currently, its working with large publishers like ABC, TMZ, BlackBerry, Pandora, and wattpad. Smaato 12. Epom Apps 13. It gives advertisers a benefit of displaying ads to mobile users on devices that are best to display those ads software wise. And one way to do that is by utilizing an advertising network that specializes in contextual advertising, like It is a native advertising platform that publishes recommended content in various news sites and spaces. Of all the mobile ad formats available, video ads have the highest engagement rates. Yes, you can run multiple ad networks. The company claims to deliver creative ad creative by getting demands from global advertisers. Leading international app publishers depend upon the Tapjoyplatform to monetise their content, expand their audiences, and reward their users. It is a top-notch CPM ad network. Thats is why weve updated and improved our list of top ad networks once again to help you realize your dream of publisher success. An ad that is not fitting well with the phones small screen is a waste of money. An ad network connects publishers and advertisers (Via demand side platforms). Overall, PropellerAds is a reliable and profitable ad network for publishers of all sizes. When choosing an ad network, it is vital to take into account what ad formats they offer. Ad Network Vs Ad Exchange: A Detailed Comparison. Mobile ad networks provide advertisers with video ad campaigns. If youd like to get a customized list of ad networks for your site and vertical, sign up for a Professional account at MonetizeMore today! rawString = rawString.trim(); That's why AdColony has won over 20 awards based on their performance. is the original creator of the display-to-search (D2S) ad format, a highly sophisticated method of monetizing display placements by identifying user search intent and displaying relevant search keywords that lead to the display of search ads bought by advertisers on a cost per click (CPC) pricing model. StartApp is an insight-driven mobile technology company that states to maximize the publishers eCPMs, fill rates, engaged users, and revenue. mobile ad network that collect mobile users data and build their profile allows to narrow down an ad campaign on an audience segment with specific interests only. In-stream means that they are streaming inside an app, before, within, or after a video. These Are Our Top 5 Ad Networks for Mobile. The native ad framework offers a wide range of different ad formats such as image, scroll, cinemagraph, carousel, and more. Nonetheless, the trend of advertising automation continues at a steady pace, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms are praised as the new way to tackle multiple challenges that digital advertising faces. 1. In this guide, well explore the best mobile ad networks for publishers and what you should consider before choosing one. This is why Chartboost has gathered an impressive group of mobile game developers as its clients, ranging from the likes of Rovio to DirtyBit. They have no minimum traffic requirements for publishers. 2. Monetize With Google Adx; Mobile App Monetization; User Growth; Ad Revenue Optimization; Managed ASO; Resources. While there are many things you need to consider when partnering with an ad network, there are a few key points to prioritize when making your decision: Mobile ad networks have surely revolutionized the app advertising industry, along with key ad tech players, including the ad exchange, DSPs and SSPs, providing advertisers and publishers the opportunity to effectively target relevant users and increase ROI. 1. -They dont have a minimum traffic requirement to start monetizing. Test different types of ads to check which works better. Vibrant ad networks deal with contextual marketing tools enhancing viewability for over 450 million monthly real users across the world. Click here to learn more about 33across here. Both sites offer advertising campaigns for any budget. Publishers can also gain access to the ability to run private deals with over 200 DSPs, further improving their ad revenue. The user interface is not easy to navigate, manage campaigns or view performance. We have therefore compiled a list of the top ad networks along with a guide that provides a full breakdown of how ad networks work and what business models they offer. These ads promote your application directly on their social media feed, for instance, sponsored Facebook posts. Were a leading Google Publishing Partner and have a suite of our own publisher monetization solutions that help our clients hit their revenue targets and solve their ad operations headaches. Testing between two or three networks is also a smart decision to make in a situation where you are uncertain of the best network to deploy for your app. Despite the pandemic, mobile advertising spending in the US reached $96 billion and is expected to reach $117 billion in 2021. Smaato Why Mobile Advertising? 3. Maybe youre doing better with one advertising type than another, so youll know to switch advertising types. Header bidding continued to be a critical revenue factor, and ad blocking remained an issue. With this option, its possible to show ads only to mobile users, who are served by a specific mobile carrier. Smaato allows video, interstitial, banner, interactive, and rewarded ads. Moreover, their OpenX bidder is one of the leading header bidding solutions. Check out our guide to mobile ad sizes to get a better idea of how to choose the best ad format and size for your app or website. It provides the best display, video, and rich media ads that generate publisher app revenue and enhance the user experience. AdMob lets you advertise using formats like text, images, video, or interactive media. They simplify the process of private marketplaces by helping publishers package, manage, and sell their premium ad inventory to advertisers. Smaato is an excellent mobile ad platform for publishers and advertisers. AdLibis the premium DSP for everyone. They offer CPI or CPM formatting campaigns with banner, in-app, interstitial, native, video, and rich media ad formats. 2-Smaato Smaato is considered one of the best mobile ad platforms by publishers and advertisers. Choosing the right network for your application is not an easy task, but hopefully, this list of nine best mobile ad networks makes it a little easier for you. Leadbolt 15. 5. 2. 1) Google Adsense Whenever a person talks about monetization, most of times,the first ad network that clicks up into the mind is Google AdSense. Many of these websites can be small, that do not have the traffic or ad space to monetize their content on their own. Download the MobFox SDK to work with all advertising formats. These are static, dynamic, or interactive. As a result, publishers earn higher ad revenue from their ads. 2-AdMob. AdMaven is a powerful ad network that has helped publishers to earn high revenues. For example, video ads do take longer to load time than banner ads or other display ads. This type of targeting lets advertisers to display ads on devices with a specific screen size and other hardware requirements, which allows to avoid a mobile ad experience degradation. They also offer standard ad formats for mobile, video, and other impactful non-intrusive ad units, as well as a header bidding solution. Supports multiple platforms and verticals. AI and machine learning-powered. The Mobile advertising network for Europe. These ad networks monetizes the apps of the users and makes sure to let each impression to be counted. Should you choose CPC or CPM? Rich media ads usually consist of short (usually up to 60 seconds) video clips that advertise products and services. There is no way to say which mobile ad network is the best because they all offer different features. Understanding the depths of ad networks will allow you to identify the top ad network that will work for your unique mobile app. If you are a game app publisher, you should definitely try Chartboost to monetize your app better. Google AdMob 6. Let's take a look at them: Mobile App Ad Networks and Platforms 1. Triple lift focuses on native ads, branded content, and branded video ad networks. What is the difference between an SSP, a DSP, and an ad exchange? At CodeFuel, we are experts in mobile publishing, and over the years, we collected from our customers and researched what works and what doesnt when monetizing apps and mobile sites. How To Start Making Money Online With Google AdSense (Best guide for 2022), How to Create Passback URLs With CoffeeCup: 10 Simple Steps, Best Mobile Ad Sizes in 2022: Find Out Which Banner Units (Standard, Small & Google Optimized) We Recommend. One of the largest Cost-per-Click networks offers tools to monetize apps and mobile websites. They state that they work with 90% of the developers of the top 10 grossing mobile games. The ad format is even more critical in mobile advertising. For applications, the ads are delivered for during the nature breaks to maximize the engagement and to reduce the intrusion. It is difficult to get traffic from a single region. Lets take a look at a few mobile ad networks that publishers and developers regularly vouch for. Ad Network for Publishers and Website Owners. All ads are custom to present ads related to your app, so you make more money. Either a banner image or video adthat matches the form and function of the app interface its displayed in. Amazon offers a simple reporting interface where publishers can experience transparent fee structures, auction level reporting, and see bidders compete equally. According to statistics compiled by Cisco Systems, over 80% of all published content on the internet is video traffic. Google Ad Exchange, also known as Google AdX, is a compelling option for fast-growing companies that want to move Address1 World Trade, 77th Floor A publisher is either a business or individual which owns and operates a range of website platforms, apps, and social media accounts. Ad networks aggregate sites looking for ad space and make it easier for both parties to connect. With this list and our industry-leading ad optimization techniques (subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you dont miss any of our guides), youre bound to make 2022 very lucrative. The bidder boasts features like real-time transparency, on-demand optimization, and easy integration. A lightweight SDK quickly integrates with both frameworks, with Flurry analytics providing reporting and management tools. The trend has been set through the powerful SDK insertion and integration with the app builder .apk file. Meta 3. Facebook, and its partner Instagram, are two of the most popular mobile platforms. For instance, if a user is booking a flight via an app, then the ads of hotels and tourism services would appear on the users screen. Apple Search Ads 5. IT Job. At the same time, ads in mobile apps take far less time to load. #7. Featured Work. Phunware 17. These ads may consist of textual or video advertisements that can match the style and form of the application or site they are placed on. If you want to manage and monetize your ad inventory indirectly or directly, JetStream is a great way to do so. Cost-per-install price shows marketers the price they pay to acquire new customers, and is thus considered one of the most important metrics for mobile app marketers to keep track of. AdMob is less intrusive as compared to the other networks. }); Type above and press Enter to search. An assessment after launching the campaign can tell you how ads are performing. Perform (CB) works with a range of mobile inventory and ad formats., Of the top 15 mobile apps with over 1 billion downloads, 46% of them work exclusively with Moburst, making it one of the top mobile ad networks in the world., Moburst uses cutting edge technology to drive user acquisition and app store optimization (ASO) for some of the globes most recognisable brands, including Samsung, Google, Uber, Reddit and YouTube., Along with ASO for iOS and Android platforms they also provide creative services, developing a range of in-app ads, including video and native ads for gaming apps and beyond., As part of the Yahoo Developer Network,Yahoo App Publishing offers a flexible ad-serving platform that prides itself on being simple to set up and use for publishers developing mobile and gaming apps for both the iOS and Android platforms. It is working with some of the top mobile publishers/developers like ABC News, Flixster, Glu, and History. E-Planning helps publishers connect to multiple demand sources on an international basis and improve the ad exchange process. AppLovin. They also offer a header bidding solution to publishers. The best part is you don't have to spend a lot of money, the campaigns start with a very low budget. CodeFuel. It supports cross-platform monetization via Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. Facebook Ads (+Instagram Ads) 2. Zoetis (AR) . } Features Multiple ad types, playable, native, banners, interstitial and mobile video. With thousands of advertisers using their network, Leadbolt boasts up to a 400% increase in eCPM in some of its case studies. If you are thinking of monetizing via mobile ads, consider using an ad network. AdMob takes pride in providing innovative monetization technologies, as well as robust reporting and measurement tools . With a sea full of different mobile ad platforms, it can be a challenge to find one that will give your in-app advertising the boost it needs. Top 12 Best PPC (Pay Per Click) Ad Networks Publisher Sites - 2021. Pentair - Pelican Water. Undertone 15. VEVE is a performance marketing platform from Affinity Global Inc. that offers unique advertising experiences across OEMs, browsers and telcos. A holistic solution which allows you to use, search, news, and mobile apps to drive traffic to your websites and blogs to drive up revenue. Officially part of the Yahoo Developer Network and their App Publishing, Flurry shows great potential for high revenues with their extensive analytics features. Time than banner ads or other display ads publishers/developers like ABC news, Flixster Glu. To large user audiences interactive media networks connect publishers unsold ad inventory with advertisers or buyers and usually a... Be able to generate more than 32,000 mobile properties to choose from 80 % of the most comprehensive and earning! Chartboost to monetize full-screen ads, branded content, and Corona frameworks, Flurry. 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