truck tarpaulin manufacturers

O.Reg. (5) The written report is a positive report if it indicates that, (a) the multi-point suspended work platform complies with the design drawings, or the design drawings subject to any deviations approved under subsection 142.2 (17), as the case may be; and. The Red Army organized a test of eleven 66 "Studebekkers" (as they become referred to in the USSR) which took place between July 1942 and May 1943. O.Reg. 242/16, s. 11. (a) the suspended work platform system was inspected, (i) if the installation at the new location was in accordance with the site-specific drawing, by either an engineer or by a designated competent worker who has successfully completed the training program under section 138.1, or, (ii) if the installation at the new location was in accordance with the site-specific installation drawing and a deviation from it was approved by an engineer, by an engineer; and. (1) The supervisor in charge of a project, (a) shall establish the maximum speed for a conveyance transporting persons in a hoistway; and. 213/91, s.273(5). (2) A sign shall contain the word DANGER written in legible letters that are at least 150 millimetres in height and shall state that entry by any unauthorized person to the area where the hazard exists is forbidden. (1) Waste material and debris shall be removed to a disposal area and reusable material shall be removed to a storage area as often as is necessary to prevent a hazardous condition arising and, in any event, at least once daily. Though the majority of Dodges built were 'Weapons Carriers', "WC" was not abbreviated from this, but a general Dodge model code initially "W" for 1941, and "C" for a (nominal) half-ton payload rating. (1) An employer shall ensure that, prior to the first use of a suspended work platform system at a project, the entire system, including its suspension lines, has been inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with this Regulation, the manufacturers instructions, and clause 11 (Inspection and Testing) and Clause 12 (Maintenance) of CSA Standard Z271-10. Both an external and internal zippered pocket help sweeten the deal. O.Reg. 335. O.Reg. O.Reg. (a) confirms that the work platform meets the requirements of sections 137 and 137.1; (b) confirms that the suspended work platforms design and configuration have been tested to and meet the performance requirements set out in sections 7 to 11 of the ANSI/UL 1322-2004 Standard, Fabricated Scaffold Planks and Stages, for the rated platform capacity and worst-case configurations; (c) provides the results of the tests described in clause (b); (d) subject to subsection (4), provides proof that the manufacturer of a suspended work platform or suspended work platform module has been certified to International Standard ISO 9001, Quality management systems Requirements; and. (1) No worker shall work or be permitted to work in compressed air on a project unless, (a) the project physician has complied with subsection (4); and. height with tarpaulin up; lowest operable: 62in (1.57m), sfnp error: no target: CITEREFTM_9-808__34-Ton_4x4_Truck_(Dodge),_Technical_Manual1944 (, U.S. Army Technical Manual TM9-1808B, 1943, page 4, High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles, UMMC Museum of Military and Automotive Equipment, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Summary Report Tank-Automotive Materiel (1945), Serial Number Guide Dodge Trucks Built for the U.S. Government (1946), Dodge / Fargo start and end serials for T-212, T-236 and other types, "Serial Number Guide Dodge Trucks Built for the U.S. Government", David Doyle: Standard Catalog of U.S. Military Vehicles 2nd Edition, pg. O.Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s.219. (a) a part of a building or structure in which only the structural steel beams or columns are erected; (b) a structure to which a permanent ladder is attached before the structure is raised into position; or. 242/16, s. 13. (a) shall be made of number 1 structural grade spruce planks that are. O. Reg. 145/00, s.1(4); O. Reg. (4) If the constructor believes that the work at the project will not take more than 14 days, the constructor may provide the relevant information to an inspector at the Ministry office located nearest to the project, (a) by faxing the completed form to the inspector; or. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. The G-507 Cargo and Personnel Carrier, 112-ton, 6x6 Truck, Dodge (WC-62 w/o Winch) was based on a lengthened WC-51 Weapons Carrier with an extra axle added. 213/91, s.395(1). (3) Each means of attachment referred to in subsection (1) shall be constructed and attached in such a way that the failure of one means of attachment does not permit the vehicle, machine or equipment being drawn or towed to become detached from the other vehicle. (a) 3.0 for components of the multi-point suspended work platform; (b) 4.0 for components of the suspension and anchorage system; and. All of these products have robust materials and high-quality designs, so it is easy to justify their expense. 213/91, s.347(2). (2) The walls of an excavation cut in rock shall be supported by rock anchors or wire mesh if support is necessary to prevent the spalling of loose rock. (2) A sling or similar device made of web-type fabric or nylon shall be labelled to indicate its load rating capacity. 245. 213/91, s.28(2). CAN/CSA-Z259.2.5-12: Fall Arresters and Vertical Lifelines. (ii) that is remote from the means of egress from the building or structure. (1) No stilts shall be present at or used on a project except in accordance with this section. 213/91, s.368(2). (1) No worker shall enter a well or augered caisson where the excavation is deeper than 1.2 metres unless. O. Reg. (c) all records required under section 394 to be kept by a lock tender. (7) If a component of the fall arrest system is found to be defective on inspection, the defective component shall immediately be taken out of service. While this is not necessarily difficult, it may test your patience and dexterity when trying to remove or replace the straps at a busy airport. (3) No runway, ramp or platform shall be loaded in excess of the load that it is designed and constructed to bear. 112. O.Reg. (2) When using an explosive actuated fastening tool, the worker shall carry proof of his or her training in its use. (2) A multi-point suspended work platform shall be inspected by an engineer to determine whether it complies with the design drawings, or the design drawings subject to any deviations approved under subsection 142.2 (17), as the case may be, (a) after it is erected but before it is first used; and. (b) provide specifications and drawings showing profiles, transverse sections and plans for the tunnel, shaft, caisson or cofferdam signed and sealed by the engineer who designed the support system for the tunnel, shaft, caisson or cofferdam; (c) provide complete details of all temporary and permanent ground support; (d) state the name, mailing address, address for service and telephone number of the constructor, of the owner and of the employer in charge of the work; (e) state the name of the supervisor in charge of the work and the supervisors mailing address, address for service and telephone number; (f) provide the municipal address of the work or include a description of its location relative to the nearest highway such that the Director is able to locate the work; (g) state the starting date and the anticipated duration of the work; (h) state the estimated total cost for labour and materials for the work; and. O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. (a) the total cost of labour and materials for the project is expected to exceed. O.Reg. All models were widened to front and rear tracks of 64+34in (1.64m), widening the front track by as much as 5+38in (14cm), and the rear track by 3+38in (8.6cm) on most models. (a) at the top and bottom of every shaft; (b) if a project consists of or includes a tunnel, at each panel board for electricity, on each electric-powered locomotive and at each battery charging station; and. At the outset of World WarII a more military design was laid out. O.Reg. (b) after the inspection under clause (a), at intervals not greater than twelve months. 4. 213/91, s.276(4). O.Reg. 141.6 (1) Only a designated competent worker who has successfully completed the training program under section 138.1 shall install, alter or dismantle a suspended work platform system or boatswains chair. O.Reg. 259. 213/91, s.35(4). 26.9 (1) This section applies to a lanyard or lifeline that is part of a travel restraint system or a fall arrest system. 213/91, s.89(3); O. Reg. (1) If material may fall on a worker, overhead protection shall be provided, (a) at every means of access to and egress from a building or other structure under construction; and. (4) The following values of load factors, as described in the provisions of the Building Code that address Limit States Design, shall be applied to calculate the factored loads for an outrigger and supporting structure, excluding anchorage connectors: 2. (1) A hoist operator and all shaft attendants shall understand the signal code established for the hoist. The 34ton featured a lower profile truck bed that could seat eight troops, plus under seat stowage compartments; while service-parts remained 80 percent interchangeable with the existing 12ton series. 242/16, s. 11. 216. The facility shall afford the user privacy and protection from weather and from falling objects. 213/91, s.227(3). (1) Before blasting begins, the worker in charge of blasting operations shall post workers at the approaches to the affected area in order to prevent access to it. 4. No internal combustion engine shall be used in a tunnel on a project without the prior written consent of a Director. already blended in it. (2) The allowable working load of a metal trench-jack or trench-brace shall be determined by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice and shall be legibly cast or stamped on the trench-jack or trench-brace. 14. O. Reg. (8) The employer responsible for a multi-tiered load hoisting operation shall. O.Reg. If paper towels are provided, there shall be a waste disposal receptacle nearby. O.Reg. If work on a project may endanger a person using a public way, a sturdy fence at least 1.8 metres in height shall be constructed between the public way and the project. There will be a work platform that has a span greater than 12 metres between adjacent points of suspension. (1) Except for a tunnel cut in sound rock, the sides and roof of a tunnel shall be supported by timbers set on ribs or beams or by an equivalent system of lining. 213/91, s.353(1). (3) The guardrail system or protective covering required under subsection (1) or (2) may be removed temporarily to perform work in or around the opening if a worker is adequately protected and signs are posted in accordance with subsections 44 (1) and (2). O. Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. Usually, thermoplastics are supplied in the form of pelletised material (compounds) with additives (antioxidants, etc.) 213/91, s.211(4). In late 1941, Dodge introduced a redesigned WCseries 4x4 trucks uprated to 34ton and their SNL code changed to G-502. 7. It successfully balances a large storage volume with convenient carrying options, durable and water-resistant material, and reasonably low weight. 213/91, s.204(3); O. Reg. O. Reg. 142.6 (1) A multi-point suspended work platform shall not be loaded in excess of the specified loads indicated on the design drawings for the multi-point suspended work platform. 213/91, s.48(2). O.Reg. (2) All firing cables or wires leading to a face shall be short-circuited while the leads from the blasting caps are being connected to one another and to the firing cables. The T-207 range had an uprated 85hp engine, and these units had front axles with Bendix-Weiss constant-velocity joints, whereas T-211 and T-215 models were given front axles either made by Bendix or with Rzeppa design CV joints, made by Ford. O.Reg. 213/91, s.354; O. Reg. (2) Each of the pipes shall have a valve installed in the vicinity of the compressors to enable one pipe to be disconnected while another pipe remains in service at the work chamber or air lock. O.Reg. O.Reg. O. Reg. 42. (1) Every explosive actuated fastening tool shall be stored in a locked container when not in use. 213/91, s.213(1). (a) a casing below ground or water level whether or not it is designed to contain air at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, (b) an excavation, including a waterwell but not a well within the meaning of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, drilled by an auger and into which a person may enter; (caisson), cofferdam means a structure constructed entirely or partially below water level or below the level of the groundwater table and intended to provide a work place that is free of water; (batardeau). 213/91, s.205(2). (5) The written instructions referred to in clause (4) (d) shall be kept at the project. No carryalls came from the factory with a winch, though there was a field modification available. Closed cab, two seater pickups with a nominal carrying capacity of a 1,000lb (450kg). 5. (3) Clause (2) (b) does not apply to a ladder lying on an excavation wall that is sloped, as required by section 234. O.Reg. Outstanding tearing strength. 375/22, s. 5. (3) The constructor at a project shall provide workers with the badge required under subsection (1). O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. If the span of the work platform between adjacent points of suspension is greater than 15 metres but not more than 20 metres, the minimum live load shall be 680 kilograms. This bag stands out with remarkable construction quality and thick, burly 1000D material, combined with a unique and versatile strap system. (2) If the pressure in a work chamber exceeds 350 kilopascals for more than five minutes, (a) the superintendent shall promptly notify an inspector by telephone, two-way radio or in person; and. (a) the name of the constructor of the project; (b) the name and telephone number of the project physician; (c) the location of a medical lock at the project; and. 213/91, s.338(1); O. Reg. O. Reg. 145/00, s.4. rotary foundation drill rig means a drill rig used for boring holes in soil for the placement of foundations or earth retention structures but does not include a drill rig that. O.Reg. 345/15, s. 20. 145/00, s.14. (a) in the office of the supervisor in charge of the project; (b) at the top and bottom of the service shaft or at the opening into the tunnel, if the tunnel is not constructed from a service shaft; (c) at all other means of access to the service shaft, if any; and. (a) hour, if the worker was working in pressure of 100 kilopascals or less; (b) hour, if the worker was working in pressure greater than 100 kilopascals up to and including 140 kilopascals; (c) 1 hours, if the worker was working in pressure greater than 140 kilopascals up to and including 220 kilopascals; or. O.Reg. (2) Air pressure shall be increased uniformly and to no more than thirty-five kilopascals in the first two minutes of application of compressed air. (4) There shall be an additional load allowance for any construction debris or abrasive blasting grit to a depth of at least 25 millimetres and for other materials that may accumulate or be placed on the work platform as a result of the work. 213/91, s.203(2). 213/91, s.107. Our Editors independently research, test, and rate the best products. 145/00, s.14. O. Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s.285. 375/22, s. 5. 213/91, s.254(3). O. Reg. (1) A hoist operator shall operate and watch over a hoist and all machinery associated with the hoist to detect any hazardous conditions. 3. O. Reg. The rear end had split tailgates. 375/22, s. 5. O.Reg. (2) No cable used by a crane or similar hoisting device. (a) be labelled to indicate its load rating capacity; (b) be repaired and reconditioned in accordance with the specifications of its manufacturer; (c) after being repaired or reconditioned, be proof tested in accordance with the specifications of its manufacturer; and. O.Reg. 4. (a) be suspended independently of the suspended work platform or boatswains chair; (b) be securely attached to a fixed support so that the failure of the suspended work platform or boatswains chair will not cause the lifeline to fail; (c) be protected from damage and abrasion; and, (i) not be suspended a vertical distance of more than 150 metres below the fixed support, and. (2) Vehicles, machines and equipment at a project shall not be operated in reverse unless there is no practical alternative to doing so. (4) In addition to the requirements of subsection (3), the design drawings and specifications for a hydraulic support system, (a) shall indicate the minimum working pressure required for the system; and. (4) The design of a suspended work platform system or powered boatswains chair shall take into account the potential increased loads due to wind on all components of the suspended work platform system or powered boatswains chair if shielding, tarpaulins, enclosures, signs, banners or other similar items were used or attached. (2) A scaffold mounted on castors or wheels shall be equipped with guy wires or outriggers to prevent its overturning if the height of the scaffold platform exceeds three times the least lateral dimension of the scaffold, (a) measured at the base of the scaffold; or. (4) A gate required by subsection(2) shall be kept closed unless a conveyance is stopped at the landing. These were initially fitted to both Dodge and Chevrolet chassis. 213/91, s.327(3). O. Reg. 160. (7) A worker shall use mats, shields or other protective devices or equipment, including personal protective equipment, adequate to protect the worker from electrical shock and burn. 213/91, s.261. All fuel supply lines shall be constructed, guarded or placed in such a way as to be protected from damage. already blended in it. 213/91, s.351(1). Almost 1,400 panel van trucks, and panel van bodied radio communication cars. 213/91, s.77(4). 142.04 (1) Before a suspended work platform system or boatswains chair is used for the first time each day, a competent worker shall identify any defects or hazardous conditions and document them in writing. A Director may designate in writing a part of a project as a project and the designated project is considered to be a project for the purposes of the Act and this Regulation. 213/91, s.322; O. Reg. 213/91, s.282(2). (6) Before a project begins, the supervisor of the construction of a tunnel shall designate a rescue worker who shall inspect and test all rescue equipment every thirty days. 213/91, s.341(5). 213/91, s.73(2). Related: How to Choose the Right Duffel Bag for Travel. (b) 16.7 kilonewtons for walk-through frames. 500Dx500D 18x17 0.52mm PVC coated/laminated tarpulin,tarpaulin for sale, waterproof laminated PVC tarpulin for canvas,awning, carport etc cover. O.Reg. (3) Any modifications or repairs to the boom of the crane shall be made in accordance with the instructions of the crane manufacturer or an engineer. (d) have adequate legible instructions, provided by the manufacturer or an engineer, for the use of the counterweights affixed to the outrigger beam. (2) Each clean-up facility shall meet the following requirements: 1. 294. 213/91, s.266(7). O.Reg. (2) A work platform shall not have a span of greater than 30 metres between adjacent points of suspension. There's so much we love about using the Gregory Alpaca - and its price makes it a great value item. 133. (8) An elevating work platform shall have signs that are clearly visible to an operator at its controls indicating. (9) Section 106 also applies with respect to the signaller designated under subsection (8). 213/91, s.246. 213/91, s.64(3). For each type of Group 1 structural component, the representative sample shall be composed of the number set out in Column 2 of the Table to this subsection opposite the total number of that type of component, set out in Column 1, in the suppliers or employers entire inventory or fleet of suspended work platforms. O.Reg. 326. 627/05, s.7. (c) shall be adequately supported by vertical posts that extend to the bottom of the shaft. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 13. O.Reg. O.Reg. (b) that contains enough information for the operator to determine the load that can be lifted for each configuration of the crane. (3) The stringers of prefabricated stairs erected inside a tower formed by scaffold frame sections shall have a maximum slope of 60 degrees from the horizontal. (4) Despite subsection (1), the fall arrest system shall not include a shock absorber if wearing or using one could cause a worker to hit the ground or an object or level below the work. O. Reg. When a haulage locomotive, trackless haulage equipment or a hoist in a shaft or tunnel is left unattended, (a) its controls shall be left in the neutral position; and. The Chasm does have a waterproof zipper on its external pocket, but its main zipper is just protected by an external storm flap. 242/16, s. 11. O. Reg. 213/91, s.352(3). (4) A charge of an explosive or a blasting agent that has misfired shall be left in place and blasted as soon as it is discovered. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. (d) at intervals not exceeding thirty metres in every area of the tunnel where work is being performed. 213/91, s.198(3). O.Reg. But for general use, the Roadtripper is a versatile, lightweight, affordable option. Its now easier than ever to find Ontario laws. (5) If workers are employed underground, a change room shall be provided with one shower and one washbasin for each group of ten or fewer workers. O.Reg. 213/91, s.378. With its reliable lightweight construction, removable shoulder sling, single external zippered pocket, and basic daisy chain system, the Roadtripper has tremendous value. (b) if its slope exceeds a gradient of 1 in 8, cross cleats made from nineteen millimetres by thirty-eight millimetres boards that are securely nailed to the ramp and spaced at regular intervals not exceeding 500 millimetres. O. Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s.235(2); O.Reg. 85/04, s.6. 345/15, s. 19. 213/91, s.324(5). O. Reg. 213/91, s.389(1). 242/16, s. 11. (2) A notice setting out the maximums referred to in subsection (1) shall be conspicuously posted near each hoistway entrance. 213/91, s.134(3). 213/91, s.167(4). When weight savings and quality matter, shelling out some extra money does seem to bring higher performance, based on our testing. O.Reg. (c) while it is being repaired or serviced, unless the repair or servicing requires that it be operated. (4) Every change room shall be scrubbed once every twenty-four hours. O. Reg. These models carried the SNL-code G-613, and brought the total number of half-ton WCseries up to some 79,300 units, and the grand total of all half-tonners (VC and WC; 4WD and 2WD) to almost 84,000. 213/91, s.129(1). (a) the relevant requirements of this Regulation and the drill rig manufacturers operating manual; (d) pre-operational inspections and checks; (f) drill rig set-up, securing and operation; and. 242/16, s. 11. (4) Workers shall not be required to share a common drinking cup to drink water. 213/91, s.196(5). O. Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s.363. (2) The air intake for a compressor shall be located so as to prevent the entry of exhaust gases from internal combustion engines or other contaminants. O.Reg. 242/16, s. 11. (b) the drilling procedure is followed by the workers engaged in, and in the vicinity of, the drilling operation. (4) The constructor shall take precautions against hazards caused by helicopter rotor downwash. O. Reg. This website will not display correctly and some features will not work.Learn more about the browsers we support for a faster and safer online experience. 360. 174. 366. 242/16, s. 10. These vent windows were separate from the main window that rolled down into the door-frame and could be swung out to help with the truck cab's ventilation. 213/91, s.291(2). O. Reg. Blocking, support chains, metal bands, wire rope and rigging components shall be removed from material or equipment in a manner that does not endanger a worker. (a) shall not be loaded in excess of its rated working load; (b) shall be used and moved only in accordance with the manufacturers written instructions; (c) shall not be loaded or used in such a manner as to affect its stability or endanger a worker; (d) shall not be moved unless all workers on it are protected from ejection by being attached to an adequate anchorage point on the elevating work platform by a method of fall protection; and. (6) The engineer conducting the inspection shall prepare a written report of the inspection. (10) Before the first multi-tiered load hoisting operation is started at a project, the constructor shall give notice to the Ministry office located nearest the project, in person, by telephone, by fax or by electronic means. (3) Pipes, conduits and cables for gas, electrical and other services in an excavation shall be supported to prevent their failure or breakage.

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truck tarpaulin manufacturers