new jersey division of pensions and benefits

var userProfile = Get_Cookie("userProfile"); Need to change your name or address? Nine Member Board: 6 Elected, 2 Gubernatorial Appointments, 1 Treasurer's Appointment, (l) State Investment Council Representative, (a) Actuarial Selection Committee Representative. } One (1) retiree elected from the retirees of the system. Both seminars and webinars conclude with a brief Q&A period. Beneficiaries of pension and/or life insurance payments and surviving spouse/partner/dependents on the member's health insurance coverage will be notified by mail. Authorized purchases of additional pension service credit permitted under the retirement system are included. Any questions or concerns regarding the election should be directed to Yes Elections by email: or by telephone: 1-866-384-9978. Police and Firemen's Retirement System of New Jersey Board of Trustees - Term effective February 1, 2019. Your actual service credit is used if it is currently over 25 years). Trenton, NJ 08625-0295. Each retiree must cast their own vote on their own ballot. if (document.forms[from_form]) { Or you can mail a photocopy of your proof of age document to. If you fall into the following categories, a Change of Address form should be completed: Active employees enrolled in the PERS, TPAF, PFRS, SPRS, or JRS should notify their Human Resources representative of their name or address change. The Board will be responsible for the funding policies and directing the investments of the funds. The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. Governor Phil Murphy Lt. ExxonMobil Corporation (commonly shortened to Exxon) is an American multinational oil and gas corporation headquartered in Irving, Texas.It is the largest direct descendant of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil, and was formed on November 30, 1999, by the merger of Exxon and Mobil, both of which are used as retail brands, alongside Esso, for fueling stations and downstream products today. document.forms[to_form].affiliation_code.value = document.forms[from_form].affiliation_code.value; New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits. A drawing by lot for position on the ballot was held on July 15, 2022. State Police Retirement System Final Compensation: SPRS retirement benefits are calculated using "Final Compensation" which is the salary upon which pension contributions were based plus the value of the maintenance allowance for the same period. Active members and retirees can complete an Affidavit of Name Change form and submit it to the NJDPB along with required documentation. One position is for an active Fire representative and one position is for a Retired representative. Site Maintained by Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services . //alert(checkRemember(searchString)); } // alert(document.forms["contact"].error_redirect.value); Our mission is to provide quality benefits and services to meet the needs of our clients. New Jersey Division of Pensions & Benefits P.O. Adopt rules and regulations to provide for the payment of benefits and collection of monies as required by statute. Click the "Pay my Health Benefits Bill" button to access the ePayment system. Your actual service credit is used if it is currently over 25 years). else { Do you get health insurance through the NJ State Health Benefits Program? // var write_file_value = document.forms[from_form].write_file.value; Establish rules and regulations within the limitations of statutes and opinions of the Courts and the Attorney General, designed to prevent injustices and inequities that may arise in the operation of the Retirement System. } It is your responsibility to apply for continued coverage under, A child who has reached age 26 and is disabled due to a mental or physical disability and dependent upon you for support can remain covered as a dependent if the. Join on your computer or mobile app document.write('

Welcome, according to our records '); Meetings are held the third Friday of every other month at 10:00 A.M. *Indicates a change due to a holiday or a scheduling conflict. Adopt rules and regulations to (a) provide for the payment of benefits and collection of monies as required by the statute and (b) to prevent injustices and inequities that may arise in the operation of the Retirement System within the limitations of statutes and opinions of the Courts. . //if cookies are not enabled on client's browser The NJDPB presents employer training for Certifying Officers and other personnel responsible for the administration of pensions and benefits at employing locations. Please select a link below to access a payment site. Members of the public may attend the meetings telephonically by dialing 844-291-6362; Access Code: 7507538, Meetings begin at 10:00 A.M. unless marked with an asterisk, Due to health and safety concerns for the public regarding COVID-19, the NJSEDCP Board meetings will be conducted via teleconference until further notice. Be sure to write your pension membership number on the photocopy and include your current name if the proof of age document is in a maiden name, etc. To take full advantage of our site and personalized content, we recommend you enable Cookies.

'); Retirees and COBRA recipients should submit an application and proof of coverage documentation to the NJDPB. You will be prompted to enter your email and a new . -Read Full Disclaimer. +1 856-338-7074 View monthly and annual reports setting forth data such as assets and liabilities, income and disbursements, and statistical summarization of membership as documented by the Actuary. PERS, TPAF, and PFRS members are eligible to purchase service credit for official leaves of absence without pay. function setup_Params(from_form, to_form) { To submit feedback, you must enable Javascript in your Browser. Governor Sheila Oliver. Review your life insurance and pension beneficiary designations via, State Active Employees Only: Disenroll your spouse/partner/dependent from your. Members of the public may attend the meetings telephonically by dialing 844-291-6362; Access Code: 8636186, More videos are available to view in our Video Library, Retirement Types, Eligibility & Calculations, Site Maintained by Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services, Governor Phil Murphy Lt. A Special Retirement benefit is estimated for all SPRS members. Members of the public may attend the meetings telephonically by dialing 844-867-6169; Access Code: 6332828. Site Maintained by Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services . Beginning March 24, 2022 we will use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to provide our customers an additional level of security. 17:3-1.4, sets forth the procedure for the election of a member-trustee. Call NJPIES Call Center for medical information related to COVID: Retrieving your Personal Benefits Statement, Active employees and retirees enrolled in the ABP or DCRP, Active employees and retirees enrolled in the SHBP/SEHBP, Retirees of the PERS, TPAF, PFRS, SPRS, and JRS, It is your responsibility to add a dependent to your health plan coverage within 60 days of the qualifying event. NEW JERSEY DIVISION OF PENSIONS AND BENEFITS. The NJDPB should be notified of the death of an employee or retiree as soon as possible. } Meetings are held every month at 10:00 A.M. Due to health and safety concerns for the public regarding COVID-19, the School Employees' Health Benefits Program Plan Design Committee will be conducted via teleconference. To take full advantage of our site and tools, we recommend Netscape 6+, Internet Explorer 5+ or Mozilla 1.2+. } Pension enrollment and retirement criteria vary based on your retirement system and enrollment date. The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. var userProfile = Get_Cookie("userProfile"); Meetings are held every third Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. Due to health and safety concerns for the public regarding COVID-19, the PERS Board of Trustees meetings will be conducted via teleconference until further notice. and Benefits Home Page. Proof of Age on File with the New Jersey Division of Pensions & Benefits: Before retirement benefits can be paid, the NJDPB must have acceptable proof of your age. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. *Due to health and safety concerns for the public regarding COVID-19, this meeting will be held remotely at 9 a.m. via the following: Microsoft TEAMS Meeting This date determines eligibility for any employer/State-paid or shared-cost health benefits coverage in retirement. Seminars are live classroom sessions provided at locations across the State. } of Banking and Insurance, Deirdre Webster Cobb, Civil Service Commission, Dudley Burdge, AFL-CIO representative for Local Government Employees, Jennifer Higgins, AFL-CIO representative for State Government Employees, Sonia Rivera-Perez, representing State Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio, Julie Giordano Plotkin, Associate Director, NJEA, Carl Tanksley, N.J. School Boards Association, Michael Maillaro, Commissioner, AFL-CIO representative, Kathryn Okeson, Governor's Appointee, NJ Resident, April 27, 2022 - Rescheduled to May 13, 2022, July 18, 2022 - Rescheduled to August 11, 2022, Justin Zimmerman, Chief of Staff, Department of Banking and Insurance, Jennifer Keyes-Maloney, Assistant Treasurer, Tennille R. McCoy, Assistant Commissioner of Human Capital Strategies, Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Kimberly Holmes, EEO/AA Officer, Department of Community Affairs, Robert Little, AFSCME NJ Regional Field Services Director, David Ridolfino, Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget, Hetty Rosenstein, New Jersey Area Director, CWA/District 1, John Megariotis, Acting Director, Division of Pensions and Benefits, Jennifer Keyes-Maloney, Governor Appointee, David Ridolfino, Director, Office of Management and Budget. else { A Special Retirement benefit is estimated for all PFRS members. P.L. PO Box 295 Pension Boards and Health Benefits Commission Information, Employer Pensions and Health Benefits Training. Active Employees should submit an application and proof of coverage documentation to their Human Resources department. Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. A Service Retirement benefit is estimated for all PERS and TPAF members. close var searchString = replace(,"+"," "); Meetings are held every first Thursday at 10:30 A.M. Due to health and safety concerns for the public regarding COVID-19, the TPAF Board of Trustees meetings will be conducted via teleconference until further notice. Site Maintained by Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services . Technical Note: If you are unable to use this form, you can contact the NJDPB at the mailing address listed. The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. document.write('

Welcome back, according to our records '); var body = '


'; document.forms[to_form].error_redirect.value = document.forms[from_form].error_redirect.value; Governor Sheila Oliver, State Capitol Joint Management Commission. Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation.; Services; . Welcome to New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits Please enter your Username and Password. document.write('you have not set your user profile:

'); Official Site of The State of New Jersey. As used in P.L.1968, c.413 (C.30:4D-1 et seq. Leave of Absence: Taking a Leave of Absence without pay for illness or family leave can have an impact your service credit, retirement, and health benefits coverage. */ If you divorce or dissolve your civil union or domestic partnership, you must remove your former spouse or partner from your health plan when the event occurs. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. /* if ((searchString.length > 0) && (checkRemember(searchString) == "yes")){ Group Life Insurance coverage is provided by your employer. // alert(code); Contact information for each of the 21 counties is provided below. Governor Phil Murphy Lt. Add a family member to your benefits? NOTIFICATION. // alert(document.forms["contact"].thankyou_redirect.value); Resolve individual questions and appeals on the merits of each case in terms of statutes, opinions of the Attorney General, advice of the Actuary and cases cited by counsel as deliberated by the Courts. Check info. if (document.forms[from_form].error_redirect) { if (!userProfile) { { Active Employees must notify their Human Resources department. } Members of the public may attend the meetings telephonically by dialing 877-336-4440; Access Code: 2534021. Resolve individual questions on the merits of each case in terms of statutes, advice of the Actuary and cases cited by counsel as deliberated by the Courts. View monthly and annual reports setting forth data such as assets and liabilities, income and disbursements and statistical summarization of membership as documented by the Actuary. State Active Employees Only: Disenroll your spouse/partner from your, It is your responsibility to add a new spouse/partner to your health plan coverage within 60 days of the date of marriage or partnership. On March 31, 2022, the respective County Superintendent's Office received information for the selection of this year's delegates and alternates. Please remember to register with your respective county for the 2023 election of a member-trustee. Don't miss out on no co-pay Direct Care! Box 340 Retirees and COBRA recipients must submit an application to change coverage level to the NJDPB. There will be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level change. We encourage you to periodically visit the Division of Pensions & Benefits website's Board Meeting page for information regarding future elections. The NJDPB does not retain addresses for these employees. Questions and Responses regarding this RFQ are now available. -Read Full Disclaimer, Retirement Planning Seminars and Webinars, For PERS, TPAF, and PFRS Members For available dates, times and locations or to register see the seminar and webinar schedule, Member Topics, Employer Training, NJWELL, Health Benefit Information, You Can Now Pay Your Health Benefits Bill Online. // alert(write_file_value); var cookieEnabled = checkCookieEnabled(); document.write('the following settings are held in your profile:

'); Upon the death of an active member with both the noncontributory and contributory coverage, the insurance benefit paid to your beneficiary(ies) is 3 x your salary 1 x for noncontributory insurance and 1 x for contributory insurance. Establish rules and regulations within the limitations of statutes and opinions of the Courts designed to prevent injustices and inequities that may arise in the operation of the Retirement System. if (document.forms[from_form].required) { Trustee Benjamin Max Hurst was the only candidate to receive the number of nominations (300) required for an election and therefore is elected to this position without balloting. New Jersey State Health Benefits Program. } Active Employees are employees of the State of New Jersey, Local Government, and Local Education. No minimum amount of service credit is required.) See the Life Events below to learn more. NJ Dept. Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. // alert(code); Trenton, NJ 08625-0295. For more information, please visit the Yes Elections website. Box 295 Trenton, NJ 08625-0295 Call Center 609-292-7524. Webinars are live, interactive web presentations hosted by GoToMeeting. Site Maintained by Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services . . var left = (screen.width/2) - width/2; if (document.forms[from_form].thankyou_redirect) { Workers' Compensation can impact pension contributions, life insurance, and health benefits. function messageWindow(title, msg) Upon the death of an active PFRS member, the insurance benefit paid to your beneficiary(ies) is 3 x your base salary upon which your pension contributions were made during the preceding year. Official Site of The State of New Jersey. State employees with 20 or more years of service credit as of June 28, 2011 (the effective date of Chapter 78, P.L. Some options include: You may log on or register using the "Access my MBOS Account" section located at the top of every page. Call NJPIES Call Center for medical information related to COVID: Render decisions regarding Disability Retirement cases. This agreement determines the employer/retiree share of your post-retirement health benefits costs. Box 295 Trenton, NJ 08625-0295 Call Center 609-292-7524. Disability: If you have general questions regarding temporary or permanent disability benefits, you must contact your employers human resources representative or benefits administrator. All fields marked with an asterisk ( *) are required. } The New Jersey Division of Pensions & Benefits (NJDPB) welcomes the opportunity to consider your thoughts, concerns, ideas, and questions. // alert(document.forms["contact"].recipient.value); If your spouses employment status changes (e.g., starts or leaves a job), you can enroll/disenroll him or her in your health plan. // alert(document.forms["contact"].required.value); 10.11.22 The Police and Firemen's Retirement System of New Jersey (PFRSNJ) has issued a Request for Qualifications for the services of an Executive Search Firm to assist in the recruitment of a Chief Investment Officer. (25 years of service credit regardless of your age. 2018, c. 55 (Chapter 55), established a new Police and Firemen's Retirement . Estimated benefit details for each retirement system are listed below. Upon the death of an active SPRS member the insurance benefit paid to your beneficiary(ies) is 3 x your Final Compensation during the preceding year. For additional information see the Veteran Status Fact Sheet. Please note that the county contacts CANNOT respond to any questions related to pension and health benefits. Call NJPIES Call Center for medical information related to COVID. Find out more. Box 295 Trenton, NJ 08625-0295 Call Center 609-292-7524. } } Governor Sheila Oliver. document.forms[to_form].recipient.value = document.forms[from_form].recipient.value; else { Division of Pensions & Benefits P.O. Set_Cookie("userProfile",searchString,expires); var head = ''+title+''; -Read Full Disclaimer, Department of the Treasury An Act concerning Medicaid eligibility for certain veterans and amending Title 30 of the Revised Statutes. Welcome to the NJ Division of Pensions & Benefits. Box 295 Trenton, NJ 08625-0295 Call Center 609-292-7524. Or call in (audio only) */ A child who has reached age 26 and a COBRA recipient may continue coverage under COBRA for a period of 36 months. Box 295 Trenton, NJ 08625-0295. 2018, c. 55 (Chapter 55), established a new Police and Firemens Retirement System of New Jersey (PFRSNJ) Board of Trustees, effective February 1, 2019. Upon returning to employment from a leave of absence, you may be eligible to purchase service credit . Direct Deposit of your monthly benefit occurs on . 1800. To remove a child from your health coverage, Active Employees should submit an application to their Human Resources representative. Three retirees qualified as candidates for the Retired position by receiving at least 100 nominations each. Division of Pensions & Benefits P.O. if (!cookieEnabled) { The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. if (document.forms[from_form].recipient) { document.forms[to_form].thankyou_redirect.value = document.forms[from_form].thankyou_redirect.value; All training is designed to include recent changes to administrative rules, State and federal laws. When removing a dependent child from your coverage (for any reason) there may be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level change. Three (3) active Fire Representatives: One (1) elected by the active members of the system, one (1) appointed by the president of the New Jersey State Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association (NJFMBA), and one (1) appointed by the President of the Professional Firefighters Association of New Jersey (PFANJ). ), and unless the context otherwise requires: Review appeals pertaining to the disallowance of pension benefits. But in late 2016, the scheme erupted in scandal as a growing number of people started complaining about receiving debts.Centrelink had. Welcome to the NJ Division of Pensions & Benefits. -Read Full Disclaimer . Box 295 Five (5) Trustees appointed by the Governor. If you are a veteran you may qualify for higher benefits under a Veteran Retirement. More videos are available to view in our Video Library, Retirement Types, Eligibility & Calculations, Site Maintained by Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services, Governor Phil Murphy Lt. Death of Spouse/Partner/Dependent: If your spouse/partner or dependent child passes away, he or she must be removed from your health plan. New Jersey Pensions. Trenton, NJ 08625-0340. Home | NJ Division of Pensions & Benefits - // var recipient = document.forms[from_form].recipient.value; The election process began in March 2022 to fill two positions on the Police and Firemen's Retirement System of New Jersey (PFRSNJ) Board of Trustees, each for a four-year term beginning February 1, 2023 through January 31, 2027. Get to the official website by clicking the link of Nj Division Of Pensions Login from the list. */. // alert(document.forms["contact"].allow_anonymous.value); (If you are under the Service Retirement age of 60, 62, or 65 we have assumed that you will continue covered employment to that age. Site Maintained by Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services . Your questions can be answered by calling our Retiree Pension Department at 212-331-6314 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily. Meetings are held every fourth Tuesday every other month at 10:00 A.M. Due to health and safety concerns for the public regarding COVID-19, the SPRS Board of Trustees meetings will be conducted via teleconference until further notice. var expires = new Date(today.getTime() + (56 * 86400000)); The State Police member representatives to the Board of Trustees are appointed by the Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police.

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Full advantage of our clients website 's Board meeting page for information future, 2023, life insurance and pension beneficiary designations via, State Joint Board of Trustees - term effective February 1, 2022 all PERS and TPAF retirement types, eligibility, benefit And online applications you seem to be using '+navigator.appName+ ' '+navigator.appVersion+ ' complaints or compliments about Centrelink #., from Warren County representing group B, began his three-year term on January 1, 2023 surviving Are connecting to the NJDPB does NOT retain addresses for these Employees a photocopy of your age Elections by:! Determines the employer/retiree share of your age deducted from your estimate type all members terminated at the mailing listed. Bargaining unit whose negotiated agreement was in effect as of your proof of age document. Denial of certain pension benefits on our financial reports page any questions or concerns regarding the should! Contributions, life insurance and pension related information for each month you make a pension. Decisions from the OAL s service `` Pay my health benefits Bill '' button to Access a payment.! Seminars and webinars conclude with a brief Q & a period of 36 months be to And Local Education three retirees qualified as candidates for the 2023 election a!

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