aviation fuel properties

ASTM D1655 (2004) specifies the lower limit for the low heating value (LHV) as 42.8 MJ/kg for Jet A and Jet A-1. The outside was carefully wiped and the filled pycnometer was weighed. IEABioenergy. %, AJF 3: 93.84 wt. (2010). (2011). Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation,Applied Catalysis A. Our fuel is available at 700 . Avgas is the only remaining lead-containing transportation fuel. Studied of jet fuel thermal stability and oxidation using a quartz crystal microbalance and pressure measurements,Ind. (2011). World Jet Fuel Specifications, 1-47. Density. There are two main types of aviation fuel used in general aviation: jet fuel and AVGAS. The overall fraction of the oils quantified by GC/MS varied from 48 to 180 wt. The presence of acids potentially causes corrosion problems. Wu, L., Hu, X., Mourant, D., Wang, Y., Kelly, C., Garcia-Perez, M., He, M., and Li, C.-Z. HFRR lubricity response of an additized aviation kerosene for use in CI engines. Jet fuels contain all the groups of compounds. View Homework Help - 206880671-Aviation-Fuel.pdf from BSME 1239345 at University of Cebu - Main Campus. Aviation batteries in their current state are bulkier and more inefficient than fossil fuels, currently making the fuel type ideal for short-term flights and light cargo transportation. At some increase in the flash point specification, a high flash Jet-A becomes a new fuel, never before produced or used, with properties unlike any other fuel. Jet fuel is a refined kerosene-based, clear or straw-colored liquid that is primarily used to power turbine engines, such as turboprop and jet engines. 2005; Wrightet al. [19] In Brazil, the Embraer Ipanema EMB-202A is a version of the Ipanema agricultural aircraft with a modified Lycoming IO-540-K1J5 engine so as to be able to run on ethanol. Most of the men (86%) were employed in the Air Force, where exposure had been primarily to aviation kerosene, jet fuel, isopropyl nitrate (a starter fuel) and aviation gasoline (for piston engines). time = 15 min; Points of Stdv = 5; Stdv = 0.01 mN/m). The heat of combustion data collected by AFRL and kindly provided by Dr. Tim Edwards for comparison purposes was also obtained by the ASTM D4809 (2013) method. There are many types of aviation fuel with distinct uses, qualities, and specifications. Surface tension has an important effect in atomization and ignition characteristics of jet fuels. To achieve that, civil aviation in 2015 generated about 781 million tons of CO2 corresponding to 2% anthropogenic emissions of this greenhouse gas, and all required energy is derived from fossil sources. Table 4. As reference, an empty sample pan was used (Widmoret al. Other aircraft engines that were modified to run on 100% ethanol were several other types of Lycoming engines (including the Lycoming 235N2C, and Lycoming IO-320[20])[21] and certain Rotax engines. The results are listed in Table 14. [22], The Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO) (Chicago 1944, Article 24) exempts air fuels already loaded onto an aircraft on landing (and which remain on the aircraft) from import taxes. The compounds quantified by each of the standards are listed on Table 2 below. Part 1: On the role of phenol, indole, and carbazole derivatives in the thermal oxidative stabilty of Fischer-Tropsh/petroleum jet fuel blends,Energy & Fuels23(4), 2041-2046. A., and Brown, R. C. (2010). *Six samples were tested in triplicate, and the standard deviation associated is also related in this table. Prospective users of this Handbook are respon-sible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of patents, %, AJF 8: 116.90 wt. The fuel chemical property influence on a gas turbine combustor was studied using 25 test fuels. The content of carbonyl groups in alternative jet fuels is comparable with the content measured in commercial fuels (Christensenet al. After that, 3 conditioned samples (approx. Zhang, C., Hui, X., Lin, Y., and Sung, C-J. Main Compounds Identified in Each of the Fuels, Table 3. 2006) or to the molecular weight (Detushevaet al. Brem, B. T., Durdina, L., Siegerist, F., Beyerle, P., Bruderer, K., Rindlisbacher, T., Rocci-Denis, S., Andac, M.G., Zelina, J., Pananhoat, O., and Wang, J. Specific energy is an important criterion in selecting fuel for an aircraft. Corporan, E., Edwards, T., Shafer, L., DeWitt, M. J., Klingshirn, C., Zabarnick, S., West, Z., Striebich, R., Graham, J., and Klein, J. Table 5. (2014). Please enable JavaScript on your browser. The difference between the compositions is related to the different feedstocks and processes used to produce them. The large amount compared to other oxygenated compounds can be explained by the low reactivity in hydrodeoxygenation (Grangeet al. 3 and 4. Even if finally practical, the industry timeline for adopting hydrogen is fairly lengthy. The fuel quality program inspects and tests all grades of automotive gasoline, gasoline-ethanol blends, E-85 ethanol, aviation gasoline and racing fuels. The data collected by AFRL and kindly provided by Dr. Tim Edwards for comparison purposes was obtained by the ASTM D93 method. Maurice, L. Q., Lander, H., Edwards, T., and Harrison, W. E. (2001). blend of hydrocarbons in SAF must be tuned to achieve key properties needed to support safe, reliable aircraft operation. These fuels can be blended with commercial petroleum-based jet fuel up to 10 wt. There is no ASTM specification for jet fuel surface tension. The polar molecules were concentrated through Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) using a 6 mL Agilent SampliQ silica SPE cartridge. Fuel corrosion problems are associated with the presence of acids. According to the literature, the value of viscosity is directly related to the number of carbons (Knothe and Steidley 2005; Hemighauset al. By growing biomass crops for SAF production, American farmers can earn more money during off seasons by providing feedstocks to this new market, while also securing benefits for their farms like reducing nutrient losses and improving soil quality. Among the many helpful areas the D1655 document covers is an explanation of the required performance characteristics of aviation turbine (i.e. The deviation from specifications caused by phenols can be compensated by blending the AJF to the commercial fuel. (2016) have recently reviewed the recent studies on alternative jet fuel combustion of alternative jet fuels. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were quantified with naphthalene as standard. % for HEFA, FT-SPK and FT-SKA. (2011). Overwing fueling is used on smaller planes, helicopters, and all piston-engine aircraft. The data presented herein include Description of Fuels Specifications Aviation Gasoline Av Gas Turbine Fuels Missile Fuels Composition of Fuels Hydrocarbon Missile Fuels Fuel Density Viscosity Surface Tension Volatility Low-temperature Properties Thermal Properties . The equilibrium water content represents how much water a fuel can absorb from a saturated ambient in a certain temperature. The most commonly used fuels for commercial aviation are Jet A and Jet A-1, which are produced to a standardized international specification. AVIATION FUELAviation fuel is the fuel used to power aircraft in flight. 2015). paper, we present the application of the technique to representative batches of the military aviation fuel JP-8, and also to a coal-derived fuel developed as a potential substitute. (2013). Topics: 2006). The properties of avgas must be properly balanced to give reliable and safe engine performance over a wide range of aircraft operating conditions. Any fueling operation can be very dangerous, and aviation operations have characteristics which must be accommodated. Briefly, a Mettler Toledo T50 titrator with a Mettler Toledo Rondolino was used to test the samples. If something contains more than 25% aromatic content, legally its not actually aviation fuel. Download Table | Properties of aviation fuel. Some regions require the aircraft and/or fuel truck to be grounded too. Zabarnick, S. (1994). Investigation of cloud point and pour point temperatures were conducted, as the reproducibility of freezing point tests is suggested to be low and to rely greatly on the operator ability (Chuck and Donnelly 2014a). Finally, the samples were prepared using 0.15 g of the fuel and 0.15 g of the standard, placed in the Carousel and analyzed (ASTM D5291 (2010)). [27] Larger aircraft allow for two or more attachment points; however, this is still referred to as single-point refueling, as either attachment point can refuel all of the tanks. The polar fraction of fuels they investigated were mainly composed of phenols and other oxygenated molecules, which demonstrated that they were related to surface deposit. 7 mL of sample was inserted in each glass viscometer and time was allowed for the sample to reach bath temperature. SSJF consists of up to 50% of an isoparaffinic kerosene produced from . This is due to the composition of this fuel, which has basically only one compound, decreasing the volatility of the fuel. Blending the fuels to the commercial may solve this problem. %, AJF 2: 58.40 wt. 2006). All rights reserved. Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions inventory for Fischer-Tropsch fuels, (http://www.eesi.org/files/netl_emissions_060001.pdf), accessed on 18 February 2014. According to ASTM D1655 (2004), the density of Jet A / Jet A-1 fuel must be in the range of 0.775 g/mL to 0.840 g/mL at 15 C. The sample was kept at -90 C for 1 min before allowing its temperature to increase to 25 C. DiscussionPrincipal properties . 2013; Seberet al. However, due to the complexity of some compounds, there were no standards commercially available. Table 11 shows the average surface tension of fuels with standard deviation. The samples analyzed were prepared using around 4 g of jet fuel and the pressure in the vessel was set to 30 bar (ASTM D4809 (2013)). Photo courtesy of iStock. Techno-economic analysis of biomass to liquids production based on gasification,Fuel89(1), S11-S19. Sustainable aviation fuel (also referred to as SAF) is a type of fuel that is claimed to have sustainability benefits over conventional jet fuel (which is a kerosene fuel type) when used in aircrafts. It is crucial to determine fire safety in fuel handling. It is consistent with the quantification of oxygenated molecules. First 5 empty blank foils were analyzed, and the blank correction was assigned in the software. Catalytic autothermal reforming of jet fuel,Journal of Power Sources149(1-2), 44-52. AJF 3 had the worst performance, compared to the other fuels. AJF 2 is mostly farnesane (C15H32). %, CJF 3: 69.72 wt. Sustainable Aviation Fuel: Safe, Reliable, Low Carbon. 2009; Swansonet al. Kinematic viscosity of biodiesel fuel components and related compounds. At the pour point, the fuel is not completely solidified, but it loses the flow characteristics. (1996). Known for our safety culture and strict product quality and handling procedures throughout the supply chain, our customers trust in the performance and quality of our fuels. If this is not dissipated before fueling, an electric arc could occur and ignite fuel vapors. Important Reasons Not to Ignore Sludge and Biomass in Farm Fuel Storage Tanks, The 3 Elements of Agricultural & Farm Fuel Contamination, The importance of microbial fuel testing for aviation, Aviation Has A New Partner For Solving Fuel Problems, Great Hospitals Know The Truth About Stored Fuel Maintenance. For instance, AJF 2 contains one only component, while fuels like CJF 1 contain hundreds of compounds. Full-text available. Accelerated Sustainable Aviation Fuel Properties Modeling Airlines, fuel refiners, and federal agencies are investing heavily to accelerate the production of climate-friendly sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). It has a low viscosity at low temperature, has limited ranges of density and calorific value, burns cleanly, and remains chemically stable when heated to high temperature.[14]. 2820 Faucette Dr., Campus Box 8001Raleigh, NC 27695. However, there are currently research studies and experiments aimed to reduce and eliminate the usage of TEL. The main compounds have between 9 and 12 carbon atoms (C9 to C12), followed by C13 to C15 compounds, although compounds in the range from C6 to C 18 were found. The purpose of this document is to provide a convenient source of information on properties of aviation fuels for reference use. (2014b). Table 9 shows the water content of the commercial and alternative jet fuels determined at WSU and the one obtained at the Air Force Research Laboratory. Thermal stability (not oxidative stability) is the important measure, as it reflects the fuels resistance to oxidation and polymerization and its resistance to forming harmful deposits, all at the higher operating temperatures encountered in jet turbine engines. They have more stringent requirements than fuels used for ground use, such as heating and road transport, and contain additives to enhance or maintain properties important to fuel performance or handling. Chemical Composition and Fuel Properties of Alternative Jet Fuels, Anamaria P. P. Pires,aYinglei Han,bJohn Kramlich,cand Manuel Garcia-Perezb,*, Keywords: Alternative jet fuels; Fuel properties; Bioenergy. Jet Fuel Characteristics - Airline training guides, Aviation . Mawhood, R., Gazis, E., de Jong, S., Hoefnagels, R., and Slade, R. (2016). Handbook of Aviation Fuel Properties. (2015). Article. Therefore, in order to address this problem, the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) established a challenging goal of reducing the net CO2production of the aviation industry by 50% by 2050, compared with 2005 levels (Hilemanet al. ASTM stablishes a maximum of 0.1 mg KOH/ g fuel (Exxon 2005), and all the samples investigated were in accordance with the requirement. Exxon, M. (2005). Fig. Although aviation engineers agree on the toxicity of lead, it is difficult to ignore . Widmor, N., Ervin, J. S., Zabarnick, S., and Vangness, M. (2003). Rosillo-Calle, F., Teelucksingh, S., Thran, D., and Seiffert, M. (2012). Thermal Stability unlike on-road diesel fuel, aviation fuel has a defined stability rating that it needs to meet. from publication: Effect of dicarboxylic acid esters on the lubricity of aviation kerosene for use in CI engines | To reduce their fuel related . Its formulation is distinct from the conventional gasoline (UK: petrol, or "aviation spirit" in this context) used in motor vehicles which is commonly called mogas or autogas in aviation context. % for Alcohol to Jet and up to 50 wt. 635; Coordinating Research Council (CRC): Alpharetta, GA, 2004 . The content of carbonyl groups was determined using a spectrophotometric technique (ASTM E411 (2012)). High viscosity values can cause problems in fuel pumpability and filter plugging. Standard specification for aviation turbine fuel containing synthesized hydrocarbons, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. ASTM E411. So, all the data presented in this section were prorated from the raw data collected. In Europe Jet A-1 is the main civil jet fuel used (Mauriceet al. Table 2. 2003; Zabarnick and Widmor 2001). Because water contamination in aviation fuels is a serious problem, a fuel-system icing inhibitor is added to the fuel to eliminate the formation of ice in aircraft systems. JavaScript required. Corporanet al. Among the many helpful areas the D1655 document covers is an explanation of the required performance characteristics of aviation turbine (i.e. Fig. If upgraded with ultraviolet light and catalysts, bio-acetone made from a range of biomass resources, like corn stover or bioenergy crops, can yield SAF with 12% more energy than conventional jet fuel. Seber, G., Malina, R., Pearlson, M. N., Olcay, H., Hileman, J. I., and Barrett, S. R. H. (2014). Honey and molasses are thick, highly viscous liquids, and water is not. The fuels studied were analyzed using an Agilent Technologies 7890A Gas Chromatographlinked to Agilent 5975C Mass Selective Detector with NIST 2.0 f Mass Spectral Search Program. Tests look at specific fuel consumption at several power settings, from ground idle to take-off speed, which is then compared to performance with conventional jet fuel. During a debate in the UK Parliament, the forgone tax income due to the exemption of tax on aviation fuel was estimated at 10 billion annually. 2014). The Alternative Jet Fuels (AJF) herein studied were produced by different processes: DSHC, HEFA, FT, Alcohol to Jet (ATJ), Catalytic Hydrothermolysis (CH), and Hydrotreated Depolymerized Cellulosic Jet (HDCJ). Hileman, J. I., De La Rosa Blanco, E., Bonnefoy, P.A., and Carter, N. A. Depending on the feedstock and technologies used to produce it, SAF can reduce life cycle GHG emissions dramatically compared to conventional jet fuel. Fuels AJF 1, AJF 2, AJF 4 and AJF 6 did not show any peaks within the range of temperature used in this analysis. The pycnometer was completely filled with fuel and closed with a stopper. The authors were not able to find any paper on the nature and the content of oxygenated compounds in alternative jet fuels. For ease of discussion, well group these numbers generally by what they influence. Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) developed specifications for automobile gasoline as well as aviation gasoline. However, the values where according to the defined in the material safety data sheet received with the fuels. Fuel density is very important to quantify aircraft weight, as fuel is usually metered by volume. [citation needed]. Some typical values are:[16]. Standards Used to Analyze the Peaks in the GC-MS Analysis of the Jet Fuels. The bigger the molecule, the harder it is to vaporize, so refiners try to limit the amount of these to keep the aviation fuel properly volatile. The results obtained at WSU and the AFRL are listed in Fig. We present not only the distillation curves . There are many other properties we havent touched on copper strip corrosion, total acidity, existent gum content and flash point. The production of aviation fuel falls into two categories: fuel suitable for turbine engines and fuel suitable for spark-ignition piston engines. The case for lead as an additive in aviation fuel is quite a complicated issue. Cloud Point and Pour Point of Fuels, in C, Obtained by DSC Analysis, Data from AFRL of Freezing Point, in C, is also showed for analysis. 1986). ASTM D1655 (2004) establishes a viscosity limit at -20 C of 8 mm2/s for Jet A/Jet A-1, and 8.5 mm2/s for JP-5. 3. Click here for Important Information for Critical Infrastructure Entities during the COVID-19 pandemic. DSC results for commercial jet fuel samples. The sample was kept at this temperature for 1 min and then was further cooled down to -90oC at a heating rate of 1.5 C/min. Jet fuel is a gas turbine fuel used in propeller and jet aircraft and helicopters. Much of this information is taken from the helpful document ASTM D1655 The Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels. Aviation fuel must be checked daily and before every flight for contaminants such as water or dirt. Concentration unit: mg/g, Table 6. Won, S. H., Veloo, P. S., Dooley, S., Santner, J., Haas, F. M., Ju, Y., and Dryer, F. L. (2016). Chem. Performance Properties Since the primary function of aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel) is to power an aircraft,energy content and combustion quality are key fuel. There are several types of jet fuel, with the main ones being: AVGAS (short for aviation gasoline) is used by traditional propellor aircraft and small piston-engine airplanes. An IKA C200 Calorimeter was used in this analysis. It is interesting to notice that the fuels with higher content of aromatic compounds presented lower content of hydrogen. Hileman, J. I., and Stratton, R. W. (2014). Its important to emphasize that the presence of olefins in jet fuels is undesirable, as these are the most reactive class of hydrocarbons. The octane number of a fuel is the percentage of iso octane in the mixture that duplicates the knock characteristics of the particular fuel being rated. When naphthenic acids are added alone to fuel, there is little effect on the rate of hydroperoxide decomposition. Two alternative fuels, AJF 1 and AJF 6, did not meet the requirements, and both military fuels did not qualify according to this specification. Phenols are the most common oxygenated compound in jet fuels and represent the class of oxygenated compounds, which are resistant to hydrotreatment. Expanding domestic SAF production can help sustain the benefits of our biofuel industry and forge new economic benefits, creating and securing employment opportunities across the country. Distributed processing of biomass to bio-oil for subsequent production of Fischer-Tropsch liquids,Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 229-238. The international standard describes the minimum property requirements of two types of aviation turbine fuels: Jet A: This type of jet fuel is used primarily in the United States, and it typically does not contain static dissipater as an additive. Besides, AJF 1 and CJF 2 are the fuels with higher density. Observe that AJF 1 was the fuel with a higher value of TAN. Furimsky, E. (2000). 2006). These resources include: This vast resource contains enough feedstockto meet the projected fuel demand of the U.S. aviation industry, additional volumes of drop-in low carbon fuels for use in other modes of transportation, and produce high-value bioproducts and renewable chemicals. (2015). The data presented herein include: Description of Fuels; Specifications; Aviation Gasoline (Av Gas); Turbine Fuels; Missile Fuels; Composition of Fuels; Hydrocarbon Missile Fuels; Fuel Density; Viscosity; Surface Tension; Volatility; Low-temperature Properties . But beyond the essential numbers, its good to know why they matter. Alternatives to conventional fossil-based aviation fuels, new fuels made via the biomass to liquid method (like sustainable aviation fuel) and certain straight vegetable oils can also be used. There are no specification for surface tension; however, the Handbook of Aviation Fuel Properties (Coordinating Research Council Incorporated 1983), report an average of 23.5 mN/m at the test temperature. Forrestal Building1000 Independence Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20585, Learn more about this multi-agency strategy on the, Sustainable AviationFuel: Safe, Reliable, Low Carbon, SAFs lower carbon intensity makes it an important solution for reducing aviation GHGs, which make up 9%12% of, A Menu of Sustainable Feedstocks for Producing SAF. A techno-economic and environmental assessment of hydroprocessed renewable distillate fuels,Massachusetts Institute of Technology(http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/65508/746766700.pdf?sequence=1), acessed 20 February 2014. The base (shoulder) of the peaks, indicated by diamond mark, represents the measured cloud point temperatures. We have . It has a boiling point of 150C-250C, a flashpoint over 38.0C (100F) and a maximum melting point of -47.0C. 0.1 g of EDTA) were run before the next step. Because there is only one attachment point, fuel distribution between tanks is either automated or it is controlled from a control panel at the fueling point or in the cockpit. The viscosity was measured at eight different temperatures (15 C to 50 C, in intervals of 5 C). NREL has extensive knowledge in the process of bringing new fuels to market. Fuel Systems E29 Practice for Using Signicant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specications 3. Many phenols are approved for use as antioxidants in jet fuel; however, their presence in the fuel is related to thermal and oxidative deposit (Sobkowiaket al. SAF is a biofuel used to power aircraft that has similar properties to conventional jet fuel but with a smaller carbon footprint. Biomass fuels (bio-jet fuel) have recently attracted considerable attention as alternatives to conventional jet fuel. A substantial fuel spray characterization effort was conducted to . A small quantity of aviation gasoline is still used in small aircraft. An increase in the jet fuel flash point specification will result in shifts of fuel properties. Most of the time, you wont have to worry about these because the fuel will. %, AJF 6: 73.18 wt. Compressed natural gas and liquified natural gas, Convention on International Civil Aviation, American Society for Testing and Materials, "Hydrogen-powered aircraft may be getting a lift", "Highly efficient conversion of plant oil to bio-aviation fuel and valuable chemicals by combination of enzymatic transesterification, olefin cross-metathesis, and hydrotreating", "Biofuel blending reduces particle emissions from aircraft engines at cruise conditions", "Aircraft Design - MIT Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment", "Could natural gas fuel commercial flights of the future? All the deviations from current jet fuel specifications are likely to be compensated by blending the alternative jet fuels to the commercially available jet fuels.

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aviation fuel properties