I wish to get an advice on this issue. Karen this becomes a case of public nuisance. we have a building boundary witch is 3 metre away from our property boundary . I still dont know what he means. Do have any recourse. Making these numbers the Aquarians daily winning lottery numbers.The Aquarius absorbs information, and while others write down their lucky numbers on a piece of paper, the Aquarius will remember them by heart.Aquarius lucky dates and days of the week. Are we going to have a problem? Flat bars run longitudinally with the direction of travel. A system like Terraforce would probably be ideal. Part R of SANS 10400 covers stormwater disposal which is the deemed to satisfy part of the NBR gives guidance on how stormwater should be disposed e.g. Precast Unfortunately we dont have the building regulations for West Bengal. You must put your objection in writing and include the pictures so that it is on record. And this includes the foundationswhich of course will be wider and longer than the wall itself. If I were you I would go in to the local authority and ask for clarification from another person someone in the planning department. If the wall comes down My dog or son could be blamed. On viewing all other units built by this developer there was a full boundary perimeter wall. This sounds like an illegal building. My neighbour gave me documentation to sign, requesting us to approve bulding plans , First of all I would ask them to get the surveyor to replace all the pegs in terms of their survey. These 'stick-on' tiles have been used in some of our towns and cities where retro-fitting of concrete, clay or stone tactile units to a crossing point is deemed impractical for whatever reason. (wall is on the boundary/ or on my property). Trevor this is really a legal question and I would think that it is tantamount to encroachment. If this results in water running onto your property then no it is not allowed. If they are unreasonable youre going to have to get legal advice. size of brick or block, and whether there were piers included in the design. Thanking you in anticipation for your advice. In any case, I suggest you contact the municipality and ask them to send a building inspector to have a look at your neighbours structure. [Para. North facing property. He however did not ask or informed us of his plans. 48m ngen. Complete the form and well be in touch soon! Some local authorities allow building up to 2.1 m without plans. consistent curing temperature equal to +/- 1 C. I dont think so Susan. Their Boundary Walls and Fences Policy attempts to control the appearance of boundary walls and fences and the installation of security devices on top of walls and fences. Hello I need some advice on how high can I build a boundry wall,using I really expected better service than this from you. Contact your local authority for details. This he did. Now my problem is this balcony is only hip height and faces my backyard. If your local authority says this person should be a engineer, then so be it. The neighbor adjacent to my property has a boundary wall which is also a street boundary wall which exceeds 2.1m. This was done when I was 13 years old, I bought the house not knowing who or when this wall was erected. Would it be legal for us to break through my balcony wall..onto our common propertyand build the wall where it is supposed to be? So no I dont think what he has done is legal. Pieter Ive a little confused. There is still a lot of work to do with this new site, so please bear with me while I get images updated and the new content coralled into the right place. property was at approximate natural ground level having originally been the drive way access for that Also your excavations must not threaten the stability of any part of any building on his land (according to the Readers Digest Family Guide to the Law in SA). existed in 1985. How high can I build it without municipal approvals.? Thanks. TRL - Tactile markings for the guidance of visually handicapped pedestrians. And new assume anything! This is most commonly achieved by having a distinctive raised profile that can be detected by users, such as ribs running across the paving, or spots that create a bumpy surface. Does the neighbor have a case and who can I contact that specializes in this type of law ? My left neighbours property was built first and fenced by them. Again, you will need to check with them. This could have been resolved then before any building took place. In short the regulations say: You have every right to ask to see the approved plans, and if he refuses, call the Citys planning department and ask them what is going on. Hi By the same token they could not then demand that you maintain that side of the wall and you could demand that they paint it etc. Kelsey the NBR define a 1.8 m wall as minor building work. I would also like to know about the 40% that is not allowed to be retained. GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL ERVEN, 2. He started immediately with ripping the We informed him when we moved in 5 months ago that we planned to put up electric fence, but fear he may have forgotten. Can I build a solid boundary wall between us, next to my wall that does not touch my house? And if this wall is considered to be a common wall, your neighbour needs your permission to raise the height. thanks However, this retaining wall was constructed to stop approximately 7.5 meters back from the southern boundary and then curve westerly across the property. (This is no longer the case in Cape Town the zoning by laws changed a couple of months ago.) Hi Need some assistance. I may be wrong. $59.00 $28.00 - On Sale -. Interlocking Top Flat Top. Mariaan, It is not clear what permission you neighbour has given i.e. Where can I get more information on this. We are currently in the process of relaxing a boundary wall that was built 0ver 12 years ago.we have been told that clauses from the title deeds of property have to be removed in order to do this.pls advise on good motivational reasons for the allowing of this relaxation. I just want to know if you want to build a wall around your house what do u need to do must you go to city if council with your house plan.Pls tell me where to go and what I must do. My question revolves around the following: Our property is stepped i.e. If I were you I would first establish exactly where the corner pegs of your property are. Then you or she can take the report to your neighbour with written notice for the wall to be removed. Thank you very much. Those pegs are crucial. Easy to move with a lifting cable in the top. The two most important issues here are the position of boundary walls and fences, and ownership. But thanks. trellis fasteners. My concern is that the area is sloping and on the one side of the property the electric fence is high however on the one end it is less than 1metre high. I imagine that the municipality must have a contact address for the fifth neighbour for rates and taxes etc. For you to build now, you will need plans drawn up by a competent person. Peet. They are currently using traffic cones which they dont even pick up but moving them by their feet to allow cars to pass and stop not too far from our gate. dell power manager download for windows 10. potential for future additional runs) a 4' X 4' X 4' handhole can be used. Through constant product diversification and continued investment in the latest production equipment, we have remained at the forefront of our industry. The neighbor did, whilst i was renovating, update me to the fact that the previous owner and him had had a fallout over the erection of a boundary wall and sharing costs incurred. Message: near me The property in question has been back filled, and the height of the garden Hi Jaya. Sell. I have to contact our local town planner this week and I will also ask her for her opinion and let you know if I find anything more out. Hi, But I am not certain. In terms of the electric fencing, local bylaws cover this. Is this allowed please? You will need neighbours approval for any building on the boundary. I have recently been informed that these animals are dangerous but the owner is not willing to consider our issues. If the wall is going to be 1,8 m high or less, then it is regarded as minor building work and you dont need plans, but you do have to notify your local authority that you plan to build. property on my western boundary (referred to as The Developers who developed an old house into 2 back to back duplexes) already had concrete sewer collars into which were planted wild banana trees and a picket fence dividing the two properties. Our property boundry wall is normal 1.7 m wall (non Brick.) Lastly, local authorities DO sometimes take action, and we have sourced a number of court cases that have resulted in people being forced to demolish homes. Boundary Walls and Fences I got someone out for a quote for a vibrecrete to make it higher at the back and then in front a little lower. Penny Swift is a highly regarded journalist and author of books relating to homes and construction. She has a girl friend who is visiting her any time of day and night and they sit and talk loud and giggle the whole time. Hi Penny I have a brick retaining wall at my house that is approximately 1m in height. You should do this because if you maybe want to sell at a later stage they will find out about the illegal alterations and fine you then. Now i am getting married and we want to build up on top of this one bedroom flat so only wanting to add 2 additional rooms on top of the exisiting flat. Hi. They will also tell you whether they need plans. I viewed plans on record for the adjoining property and noticed that there was no mention of this structure. Cape Town. Good day, do I require a plan if I intend to build a 1.5 m wall and remove my delapated precast wall. Please check product description. Need advice on the following: I live in region B Johannesburg next to a single building corner house. Heres a link to the City of Cape Town policy. We now have water draining from the neighbours property directly in a line to our front door. The neighbouring property was sold in 1990. Dont worry you are not in contravention of the regulations as long as the walls are not higher than 1.8m. Vikesh you will have to deal with the current owners of the property and this may now open a huge can of worms. Thank you for your website, it is a wonderful source of information. After completing it our one neighbour is now demanding that we plaster his side as well. Perfect for high footfall areas both outdoors and under cover, our concrete slabs come in a diverse range of colours, sizes and textures to meet the demands of any environment. how much does fedex pay contractors per mile. What is my legal right and recourse. We are suggesting that the new fence be positioned just on their side of the existing fence, and leaving this one as is. My neighbours double garage and my double garage are joined at the boundary wall i.e. Because the NBR specifically state that it is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure proper drainage. We currently residing in a complex, the challenge we are facing is that our neighbour fence is an easy access for criminal to gain entry into our property. complained to me that the previous owner had back filled soil against his watcrete fence and it is bowing. Essentially,from what you say, it was the developers responsibility to ensure that the pegs were in the right place and if hes messed up then it should be he who has to rectify the situation by possibly negotiating a servitude with the person who is the legal owner of the land he sold you! I stay in Durban and overlook the sea. Each suburb has its own by-laws as to how close to the boundary you can build. (Note H3 and H4 are Domestic Residence and Dwelling House respectively) It is very unsightly and, I feel, brings down the value of our home. Charesse. Hi. My neighbor has put up a 2,3m wall between our properties. There are 10 other properties in the area that have walls above the 1.2 meter max limit. My backyard has a vibocrete wall. I would appreciate if you could confirm. This is rather like boundary walls and fences where the focus is on the roadside fences/walls. I dont want to have issues with my neighbours but I also need to be able to sleep at night which Im not at the moment. In the past we have had intruders that scale the neighbours walls and even from the petrol station side and have jumped onto our flats roof which is a safety concern. We used a builder that told us that we didnt need plans to raise sections of the boundary walls between us and our two neighbours, only that we needed written consent, which we obtained. he now wants me to remove the soil against his fence. The property boasts a modest 672 Sq Ft cabin that was built in 2011 with 2 bedrooms and one full bath.. View all log cabins and log homes for sale in Ohio.Narrow your cabin search to find your ideal Ohio log cabin home or connect with The fact that he specifically excluded the retaining wall and not the boundary wall would surely stand up in a court of law. The agreement I had with the previous owner unfortunately was a verbal one. i would like to know, do i need his permission to remove my vibe? Go for it. owned by both of you then you will have to a) agree on what is built and b) agree to pay 50% each. If you shared the costs, it is probably a common fence, in which case ownership is shared. If you or anyone else who previously owned your property built the wall then he has no right to alter it. Angela have a look at the section above under Ownership of Boundary Walls and Fences. I would contact the local authority and check what their requirements are just to be safe. The sad fact is that the municipality can do this. Where, in the opinion of the Council, it is impracticable for stormwater to Most of us wouldn't think to combine two different formats of a tactile, but it may have benefits. Certainly there is no change that allows people to blatantly build something that is not on the approved plans. Whos wall was this Des? Please help as I am aware its illegal to have electric fencing that low. Alternatively you could get in an engineer and have a proper retaining wall designed and built. Two years ago I had building work done to convert existing domestics quarters and the adjacent garage into a garden cottage. that they claim that they did not require plans for this work. If you scroll through the comments on this page, you will see that I have written quite a lot on the subject. If it is the same then you should be fine. They must be at least 1,8 m above the level of natural ground at any point. Go and talk to them and tell them what you intend to do. We are constantly contacted by people from all parts of South Africa who want advice or have some sort of problem relating to boundary walls and fences often because neighbours have erected something that is offensive or clearly illegal. Pre-cast concrete and clay units are available from various manufacturers. She did not inform us that she would be doing this, and intended to give away our precast away before I confronted her. i recently moved into a home, there is a watcrete fence between my property and next door. Could he have build it without my permission ? Style Earth Precast's drainage chamber has distinct characteristics widely used in various applications, including commercial, residential, and industrial sectors. Behind our house is a caltex garage and a neighbour on the adjacent wall. Your local authority will be able to advise. SANS 10400-R (the deemed to satisfy SANS) describes acceptable ways of dealing with stormwater e.g. back of my house to the height of 1.8mt from ground. The one side of my property the vibracrete wall is 2.7m high, I want to raise the back and the other remaining side of my property to the same height, my neighbours are happy with this, Do I require a building plan or do I have to get permission for the City to do this? above ground. I guess if thats what you are using then you could use the same foundations if you went up to about 2.1 m which is usually the maximum allowed possibly even a little higher. Does that mean the wall of my house now belongs to my neighbour and I. At this date the same owner owned both my property and the neighbouring property. But a municiple representitive came to our house and said that we do need plans. Mike this is clearly a bylaw it is not governed by the National Building Regulations that state any wall up to 1.8 m does not require plans. Now the vacant plot next to us is being built on. I If you want to build anything higher you must have plans approved by the local authority and the bylaws kick in. I have a neighbour who extended the boundary wall to 2.3m high. In terms of the National Building Regulations, any freestanding wall built with masonry, concrete, steel, aluminum, or timber or any wire fence that does not exceed 1,8 m in height at any point above ground level and does not retain soil, is considered to be minor building work and you therefore do not need plans to build it. You could do a rough measure yourself if you have the surveyor generals plan of the property. From the interior of the property, the boundary wall may just comply with the 2.1 meter regulation, but from the exterior of the adjacent stand, the wall is a lot higher than 2.1 meters. order to put up a boundary wall on our stand? b) 0,5 m for walls with no openings, constructed with non-combustible external cladding and a surface area of not more than 7,5 m2, where such walls have a fire resistance of less than 30 min but which, when tested, comply with the requirements for stability and integrity for a period of not less than 30 min; '2' is the Driver-Index of the I2C3 interface Uninstalled kmdf hid minidriver for touch i2c device, i recently upgraded to windows 10, and have had problems with my touchscreen driver The maximum speed of the software-based solution is ultimately determined by the CPU clock speed, and usually a Master implementation can easily '0x10' is the display control register We. The information give here is based on the official policy of the City of Cape Town, drawn from a document that was published in 2009. or will the other three applicants approval be enough. There is a full history of the building regulations on this website. The first is that the approved plans do not coincide with the actual building, nothing major except that one interior wall has been removed. Precast Peter this is an issue you should address to the City of Cape Town. I hope it helps. It became very obvious that behind my balcony wall is a large part of land (about 14-17 sqm) that is registered in the deeds office as common property belonging to our sectional title. If your neighbour had had a plan drawn by a competent person, this would not have happened. No plastering needed on its smooth soffit. If they arent then you will need to get a land surveyor to verify their position according to the official documents. At most you would be obliged to re-erect the fence on the boundary. we life on a small holding and build in the corner of our property from the boundery wall 2 walls that connect with a gate just to keep dogs inside during the day the walls are1.2m high is it legal our not we life in Pretoria thankm you. We are based in Durban. If he refuses, put him to terms (i.e. The fact that he has plastered his side and not yours is good grounds for complaint and while you were not around. Recently the neighbor decided to erect a wall between they house. Some legal authorities state that then each part is separately owned by the owner of the property on which it stands. FREE ESTIMATE: (210) 880-3929. Apologies for the delay in answering your question Bernhard. I am not aware of other legislation covering this specific issue. What does the law says, how far from the road can my front fence be? Janine I am sorry I have absolutely no idea. In addition the building regulations will class this as minor building works see the page here: minor-building-work. This obnoxious little p$#@k arrived at my gate this afternoon and told me that I will take the wall down. Is this legal? The neighbor signed these plans whereby we crossed out the big window and left the small window. Width (mm) Depth (mm) Height (mm) Unit Weight. Prior to the new National Building Regulations coming into affect in 2008, the regs of 1990 were in force and I see that the neighboring property was only sold in 1990! the poles are placed in the inside of the property. You probably also need to reassure you neighbour that jumping over your wall in case of fire into a courtyard might be a very bad idea. Romeo if it is a freestanding wall and no higher than 1,8 m then no you dont need plans because it is regarded to be minor building work (see link). Here is a link to the Tshwane Town Planning guidelines. I dont think this is legal. Kim the City of Cape Town has strict policies in terms what is and what isnt allowed, and Razor or barbed wire is Not permitted in any form in residential zoned and commercial zoned areas but will be permitted in industrial zoned areas. My question is can i lay the foundation over the electrical supply cable running to my property. However, if he has damaged your paving you can claim damages but that will mean going to an attorney. is it legal Who can I approach to remeasure my property as I think my neighbour is encroaching on my property? I could not find any restrictions of the height of the wall on the bylaws of Germiston as well as the Ekhuruleni website. Hi Penny, They are legally liable to pay for damages. Both myself and my neighbour have decks facing directly out to sea. He said that he can build on his property what he wants. But you are right that building regulations are often not enforced and often this is due to a lack of manpower. The cliff may be part of the property and the property may well extend beyond the cliff. Mike have you discussed this with the Gardens Management (would this be the municipality Parks & Gardens?). Essentially the reasoning is that while electric fencing is erected to keep intruders out, it must not be erected in such a way that a passer-by could touch it accidentally. The Dodge M37 3 4-ton 4x4 truck was Dodge's follow-up to their successful WC Series from World War II. (b) (i) is not so satisfied; or the branch of the City that is in charge of planning. we put up proposal to the owner and they refuse us to be install anything on their boundary wall. But please do go to a lawyer. You do not say where in SA you are situated. Is this allowed? G = total weight of the precast unit Adhesion to mould Adhesion forces between the mould and the concrete vary according to the type of mould used. An engineer would be able to advise. If the walls were already in place when you built when you started building they dont have a leg to stand on. They have constant attempted break ins as they front wall is low and now these thugs jump on this and over our electric fence and gain entrance into our property. when were these standards established ? The height in most municipalities now is 2.1 meters. The fence, and the retaining wall on which it sits, that they have constructed along the driveway is now starting to tilt. The term base material was used by the ABSA assessor to reject my claim for damages to my retaining wall. The bars run parallel to the direction of travel so as not to impede cycles. Ridwaan it depends what was used to build the wall i.e. But do so in writing and hand deliver the letter and make sure somebody signs for it at the local authority. * firstly, given the height, would I require building plans for my wall or can it be considered minor building work. I suggest you check with your local authority first. Hi David, What bylaws did they quote? we are homeowners in randburg, would we need to submit plans if we are going to break down our existing front boundary wall which is precast 1350mm heigh and replace it with 1800mm heigh double brick wall? 2022-2023 ANNUAL LICENSES - Valid Sept. 1 - Aug. 31. which will go on sale Monday, August 22, 2022. Your local building inspector must intervene and sort this out. CAN YOU SUGGEST WITH SPECIFICATION IN LAW THAT WHAT IS THE ACTUAL RULES IN WEST BENGAL TO BUILD UP A LAND BOUNDARY WALL BY LEAVE THE SPACE FROM ANOTHER LAND? The problem is that his entertainment area looks over the 1.8m boundary wall into my front garden, driveway, garage and consultation room. You have taken responsibility for the wall by having it repaired at your expense. This page provides an overview of the various types in use. We are not in a position to paint our entire boudary wall because of the mess they created. In many towns and cities where cycle lanes are delineated by means of a kerb or similar, the bicycle-only lanes are now being identified by using a red or green surface dressing or bitmac to give a strong visual indicator.
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