why does krogstad visit nora

Would it have been so shocking coming from a man? What type of business for the bank does Torvald want to complete during the holiday? Despite her husband's instructions, Nora moves more and more violently, dancing "as if her life depended on it." Why did Nora grip dr.rank by the arm? , hers is still intact. Why does Nora say she has thirty-one hours to live? What does Nora really mean; when she asks Torvald to take care of her before she begins to practice her dance? She concludes with unconscious significance that "being with Torvald is a little like being with Papa.". What proposal does Christine make to Krogstad? What could this foreshadow for Nora and Torvald later in the play? Bring out the importance of Krogstad's meeting with Nora? 1 Page. Nora has avoided her children, fearing to pollute them. This is the part of their dialogue which illuminates the character and circumstances of Nora's father, who was once a government official. What causes Krogstad to be terse with Christine when he first enters? Alone, Nora resigns herself to suicide, reckoning that, until the end of the party, she has thirty-one hours left to live. What does Torvald say when he reads Krogstad's letter? According to Nora, the "greatest miracle of all" would be Torvald taking responsibility for Nora's actions. The fantasy Nora envisions at times when she wishes for an escape from the loan is for an old, rich man to fall in love with her, the man to die, and then leave Nora all of his money. Why does Linde tell Krogstad not to take his first letter to Helmer The reason that Christine gives for marrying someone else is she had to take care of her mother and her little brothers and she needed money to do so. Nora, about to ask him to lend her money as a "big proof of friendship," never makes her request, for Rank responds to her hint with a passionate declaration of love. Agreeing to do nothing but instruct her dancing not even open his mail Torvald watches as Nora begins her dance, Rank playing the piano accompaniment. What does he want? Ah, Torvald, the most wonderful thing of all would have to happen, she answers. Why did Nora forge her fathers signature? Who does Nora believe will take the blame for her actions if she commits suicide? In this act, Nora learns that she alone must face the consequences of her guilt. He embraces his nervous wife, suspecting that she is afraid of a letter Krogstad may have written. Nora's life is a masquerade at this point because she is acting like everything's fine when it is not and is hiding herself from the world. In fact, she even contemplates suicide as a means of escaping her woes. "But tomorrow night after you have danced " "Then you will be free," she answers significantly. Krogstad just wants, he is a lawyer who went to school with thorvald and he committed a crime called forgery and his reputation is ruined and he i trying to rebuild his reputation and he is about to lose his job with torvald and krogstad asks nora, What does Krogstad threaten Nora with? Your email address will not be published. It would not have been so shocking coming from a man because men had rights, unlike women. When Krogstad says, "Does your husband's love for you run so thin?" Torvald is surprised by Nora's statement that they've never had a serious conversation because he thought she couldn't bear serious issues. But thanks to the love of a good womannamely Kristine LindeKrogstad comes to see matters in a different light. Nora says she is afraid he might write malicious slander about Torvald in the newspapers, threatening his new position just as her father had once been threatened. Nora signed her dads name because she as a girl was not allowed to have a loan. He tells Nora, "I want to rehabilitate myself" (2.83). She wants Torvald for herself Krogstad senses her plan and counters it in Act Two: Why is Nora unperturbed when she learns Christine was unable to speak with Krogstad? When Krogstad visits Nora, he reveals that he does not want more money. Torvald admits that Krogstad's moral failings can be overlooked, but he is most annoyed at the moneylender's embarrassingly familiar manner toward him when there are other people around. Nora says that she realizes that He sparks the flames of conflict. What is happening in Mrs. Linde's life to make her feel "unspeakably empty"? Moreover, Krogstad has reasonable motives for behaving as he does: he wants to keep his job at the bank in order to spare his children from the hardships that come with a spoiled reputation. Why is this type of "wild" dance appropriate for Nora's situation? He has come, he says, to tell her that he has one more month left to live. Torvald feels that if he changes his mind about Krogstad, the workers at the bank will think that he changes his mind often which Torvald does not want. Would Torvald agree or disagree? Krogstad has shown himself to be a thoroughly dishonest individual over a. What literary devices are used in A Doll's House? How does Torvald respond when Nora implies she will commit suicide? It's never explained how Nora found Krogstad and knew she could borrow from him, but he seemed to be doing business as a moneylender. What kind of effect does Torvald believe someone like Krogstad would have on his/her home and children? Appearance and reality is constantly at odds in this play. Why does Nora borrow money from Krogstad in "A Doll's House"? Mrs. Linde says that, The first letter, which Krogstad places in Torvalds letterbox near the end of Act Two, represents the truth about Noras past and initiates the inevitable. Torvald would agree with Nora's statement because he feels that woman are not capable of doing things. What does this indicate about Nora and Torvald's relationship? In the end, however, we learn that Torvald does not even consider sacrificing himself for Nora. Accustomed to approaching her husband in a mood of adolescent flirtatiousness, Nora treats Dr. Rank the same way as she shows him her leg dressed in the new silk stockings. You have forgotten everything I've taught you." Explain the dramatic irony in the following dialogue: The dramatic irony in this dialogue is that Torvald does not that know the reason Nora wants to keep Krogstad is she does not want him to know about the loan. Nora has managed to make payments on the loan by taking the money that Torvald has given her for clothes and taking odd jobs such as embroidery. Nora demonstrates her quick ability with deception when Torvald opens the mailbox because she tries to keep him away from the mail. What secret has Nora been keeping from Torvald? Support the statement "Money is the source of all evil" with examples from the playA Doll's House. What is she seeking from Nora? Why is Nora's comment "Hm, if you only knew what expenses we larks and squirrels have, Torvald" an example of foreshadowing? In the context of the story, it is appropriate for Nora to call her children dolls and then play with them because Torvald does the same with her. Krogstad threatens to reveal Noras crime and thus disgrace her and her husband unless Nora can convince her husband not to fire him. Nora believes that Christine or Torvald will take the blame for her actions if he commits suicide. How does Nora's response to Torvald "there's no use forbidding me anything" prove she is a dynamic character? Nora blames her father and Torvald for her lack of individuality because she realizes they treated her like she was a doll. Removing #book# What does Krogstad plan to do with Nora's note? He forbids her to leave, but she tells him that she has decided to cut off all dependence upon him, so he cannot dictate her actions. Nora assures Krogstad that she will repay all her loans by the new year and asks him to leave her alone. How has Nora managed to make the payments on the loan? Why does Nora lie to Torvald? - Short-Facts Why did Krogstad visit Nora in a doll's house? Moreover, Krogstad has reasonable motives for behaving as he does: he wants to keep his job at the bank in order to spare his children from the hardships that come with a spoiled reputation. Inadvertently, the letter that Krogstad sends to Nora forces her to confront this unpleasant fact and realize the truth of what her life's really like. They discuss Dr. Rank, and Christine is shocked by Nora's knowledge of inherited disease, a subject usually shielded from innocent ears. How does Nora's questioning of religion and the law show more evidence of change in her character? With each unpleasant visit to the Helmer residence, Nora's troubles escalate. The action that both Nora and Krogstad both admit to not having the courage to do as a means of escape is to run away. she was forced to break off in order to marry another man who could support her family He tells Nora, I want to rehabilitate myself (2.83). Explain the irony in Nora's statement: "Oh, Torvald, you're going to regret you didn't indulge me, even for just a half hour more.". Sure, he did commit a crime, but it was pretty small. Linde realizes that it was Krogstad who lent Nora the money. Because they were once intimate friends, Krogstad presumes familiarity, and by this attitude, Torvald says, "he would make my position in the bank intolerable." All Questions and Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver How does the relationship between Mr. Krogstad and Mrs. Linde serve to emphasize certain characteristics of the Helmers' marriage in A Doll's House? Because Christine is honest with Krogstad, he accepts her the way she is, flaws and all. According to Nora, what would be the "greatest miracle of all"? What does Nora's lie about the source of the macaroons indicate about her? The grievance with Krogstad that Torvald has that Nora calls "petty" is that Krogstad does not call Torvald "Mr. Helmer" since they are childhood friends. Also, the "two shipwrecked people" should join together. When Krogstad visits Nora, he reveals that he does not - GradeSaver He is so peeved at her estimation that he calls the maid to immediately post the letter of Krogstad's dismissal. He threatens her by saying that, The last thing you hear at the end of Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House is. Where are the cristae and matrix located. It is clear that they had a previous relationship that Act 1-3 Doll house Flashcards | Quizlet No false notes" because Nora has her secrets or "false notes". Why is Krogstad confident Torvald will give into the blackmail? NORA: Yes! End-of-chapter questions can be applied to any play being analyzed.. With mounting emotion, Nora says, "A wonderful thing is going to happen. The effect of Dr. Rank being replaced in the Helmer household could cause Nora to change her position in the household. Krogstad compares Noras crime to his own. What type of education does Nora tell Torvald she will have to discover on her own? Are nils and bianca married to each other What does the slamming of the door at the end of Act III symbolize? 2022 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. It also attempts to make use of symbolism, metamorphosis, art of characterization, plot-construction, and unity of opposites of Ibsen's moral, social, and economic problems. Kristine Linde I do not agree because I feel both parents are responsible. to Nora, he means to ask "Does Krogstad love you?". Which parent does Torvald feel is primarily responsible for the development of the child? What does Krogstad threaten Nora with? What is Torvald concerned about when he says "I'm in a cheap little grafter's hands; he can do anything; he wants with me, play with me like a puppet-and I can't breathe a word"? Why does Nora help Torvald? When he finds that his career is no longer in danger, he forgives his wife. When Torvald says "this place is unbearable now for anyone but mothers" as the children enter the house, what does this reveal about his role in raising the children? How does Torvald demonstrate his arrogance and self-centered attitude as he speaks to Nora about his forgiveness? Act three begins with Kristine Linde talking to Nils Krogstad. The evidence from the text that supports my opinion is that until recently both Nora and Torvald believe that Torvald is man of the family and supports the family. The amount is incorrect Why does Christine want to meet Krogstad at the Helmers' house? Krogstad just wants to regain his standing in the community. The true meaning behind Nora's wish that Dr. Rank "sleep well" is he has a peaceful death. Why you should read A Doll's House Nora's story is one of rebellion. He talks about how such people's presence corrupts their children. Basically, he initiates the action of the play. What does Krogstad compare falsifying the signature to? Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. What does this tell the reader about him? How does Nora demonstrate her quick ability with deception when Torvald opens the mailbox? She had an affair with Krogstad five years earlier. You're not going to take on my guilt"? Returning to Christine, Nora tells of the forgery and the letter. These names indicate that Torvald feels that Nora is not person, but a thing or a doll. A Doll's House Flashcards | Quizlet eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Bankrupt!"? The doctor becomes serious again, expressing sorrow at being unable to leave her a token of gratitude for the friendship he enjoyed in this house. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Even though she loved Krogstad, Mrs. Linde believed she had to marry someone with money so that she could take care of her family. How is the idea of selfishness explored in A Doll's House? What final arguments does Helmer make to Nora as reasons for firing Krogstad? Rather than marrying the dashing young Nils Krogstad. Torvald says he can't stand Krogstad because he does dishonest things like forgery. . The reader knows that Nora believes Torvald to be a man of honor and principle because she always talks good about him and was afraid that if she revealed to secret to him, he will be upset since his honor. Torvald's comments about embroidery versus knitting demonstrates his personality is very over-controlling in every situation and self-centered. Each chapter of Introduction to Play Analysis introduces a concept that is then explored by studying its application to The Glass Menagerie, chosen for its simultaneous accessibility and complexity. This tells the reader that he is self-centered and worries about his reputation. When Nora points out that Helmer has been treating her as a doll, Helmer does not seem to be keenly aware of the self-discovery and transformation that Nora has gone through after this incident. blue skies satb pdf As Nora realizes that she must find her true self, the ways in which Krogstad, Christine, and Torvald perceive her dramatically change. She borrowed the money they used to take a trip to Italy. Why does Nora blame her father and Torvald for her lack of individuality? What does Dr Rank confess to Nora quote? - KnowledgeBurrow.com Piecing her story together is an imprecise enterprise. Nora would like to be able to rip apart the masquerade clothes because they are old, damaged, and a costume. Latest answer posted May 11, 2020 at 9:28:10 PM. Nora refuses to allow Torvald to contact her because she wants to move on and start over. Torvald's immediate reaction when he learns the truth is he is angry. Nora accredits Dr. Rank's father being a man "who committed all sorts of excesses" for Dr. Rank's sickness of his spine. He telles her that what she has said is clearly "exaggerated " and "overstated" and also warns her that there will be no "play-times," but "lesson-time . What is ironic in Torvald's statement to Nora "time and again I've wished you were in some terrible danger, just so I could stake my life and soul and everything for your sake"? Nora confesses that she forged a signature and makes Mrs. Linde promise to say that the responsibility for the forgery is Noras, so that Torvald wont be held accountable for anything if Nora disappears. According to Krogstad, what effect did the separation have on him? Krogstad is terse with Christine when he first enters because Christine left Krogstad for a rich, older man many years ago. Like Nora, Krogstad is a person who has been wronged by society, and both Nora and Krogstad have committed the same crime: forgery of signatures. Describe one incident that shows Nora's ability to manipulate Torvald. The predications that I can make about what will happen in Act III is that Torvald will figure out Nora's secret and Nora's life will change from the way it was before. Latest answer posted August 29, 2020 at 2:43:24 PM. Turning to go, he tells her that he is leaving a letter informing Torvald of the forgery. Why is Torvald surprised by Nora's statement that they've never had a serious conversation? Last updated by clay s #286485 on 11/28/2012 2:37 AM The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time What does it symbolize? Nora rejects his offer, saying that Torvald is not equipped to teach her, nor she the children. The scene between Nora and Dr. Rank is a significant one. What literary device is used in the lines: "These past few days I've been auditing my internal accounts. The bad news that Dr. Rank brings to Nora is that he is going to die. Nora leaves her family at the end of the play because she realizes that she does not know her own mind or have her own opinions and values. Rather than marrying the dashing young Nils Krogstad, she married a businessman, Mr. Linde, so that she could support her sick mother and her two younger brothers. Krogstad has a criminal record of having committed forgery, and is thus extremely protective about his position in the bank, as he finds it extremely important to hold a respectable position in the bank in order to redeem himself. Why did she tell Torvald the cat destroyed the ornaments? Its name - "A Doll's House" - clarifies only at the end of the book; yet, till this point, the author keeps the culmination and captures the imagination and participation of a reader. The possible consequences for Nora is to go to court and possibly to jail. Krogstad also says that he controls her final reputation. Is this a valid defense? . According to Torvald, what would someone like Krogstad need to do in order to be forgiven? While Nora unpacks her costume from the box the Italian fisher girl dress which reminds Torvald of their Italian honeymoon trip Christine enters and busies herself in sewing a tear in the garment. Why did Krogstad forge a signature? - TimesMojo An Ibsen's drama with unpredictable outcome and various notions has already gained public admiration and approval. Nora's comment "Hm, if you only knew what expenses we larks and squirrels have, Torvald" is an example of foreshadowing because Nora has expenses from her loan plus what Torvald expects her to have to pay for. Krogstad tells Nora that instead of publicly revealing her forgery, he's going. What literary device is used when Dr. Rank says he at the next party he will be "invisible"? While speaking with Nora, Dr. Rank confesses his love for her, adding that Torvald is not the only man who would make sacrifices for her. A Doll's House: Krogstad Quotes | SparkNotes Compare Nora and Krogstad Essay Example | GraduateWay The first letter, which Krogstad places in Torvald's letterbox near the end of Act Two, represents the truth about Nora's past and initiates the inevitable dissolution of her marriageas Nora says immediately after Krogstad leaves it, "We are lost.". What evidence from the text supports your opinion? How does Dr. Rank demonstrate his feelings for Nora when he says she could attend the next masquerade party as "Charmed Life"? Krogstad explains to Nora that forging her fathers signature to obtain a loan was illegal. It is ironic when Torvald tells Nora: "A songbird needs a clean beak to warble with. Why does Mrs Linde marry Krogstad? Nora's moment of clarity allows her to react bravely and in the interest of her own personal ambition. Nora's shows herself to be a more mature character when she tells Torvald "You're not going to suffer for my sake. eNotes Editorial, 17 Apr. Latest answer posted April 06, 2021 at 7:40:40 PM. Who does Christine believe to be the source of the loan money? At the end of A Dolls House, Nora makes the ultimate assertion of her agency and independence by walking out on her husband and her children in order to truly understand herself and learn about the world. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They do this so they can both solve their issues. The type of future that Krogstad sees for himself at the bank is to be the manager of the bank. What comparison does Torvald make between himself and Nora's father? What type of future does Krogstad see for himself at the bank? The irony in Torvald's statement to Nora "time and again I've wished you were in some terrible danger, just so I could stake my life and soul and everything for your sake" because they are in a situation and he doesn't save her. Why does Christine tell Nora that Torvald learning the truth is the best thing for both Nora and Torvald? What secret does Nora tell Mrs Linde first? . Why? How does the line "From now on happiness doesn't matter; all that matters is saving the bits and pieces, the appearance" reflect Torvald's philosophy about life? Krogstad says that as a bank manager, Torvald, like all married men . Nora was going to ask a favor of Dr. Rank, but she changed her mind. Torvald tells her that Krogstad9s morally corrupt nature is physically repulsive to him and impossible to work with. leave, Nora takes the chance to visit Italy because she had money. A Doll's House: Krogstad | SparkNotes miraculous ladybug love story; is netflix down twitter; biggest private equity conferences; store bought pizza dough not rising This demonstrates that Nora's character is strong and hard working but also secretive. Nora uses playing dumb, begging a little, sucking up to Torvald, and basically manipulation to draw Torvald into a conversation about Krogstad. Nora explains that "there are some people one loves best and others whom one would almost always rather have as companions." No false notes"? I do not agree because Nora should take responsibility for her own actions. How Nora is Perceived by Other Characters in "A Doll House" Why Does Krogstad Return Nora's Ibsen - 54 Words | Bartleby "Call her back, Torvald. Why does Torvald tease Nora about her interest in Dr. Rank's "scientific research"? Christine tells Nora that Torvald learning the truth is the best thing for both Nora and Torvald because she thinks that it will improve their marriage and you should not keep secrets from your spouse. She says that she was her fathers doll-child, that she either adopted his opinions or kept her own feelings quiet. Download the entire A Doll's House study guide as a printable PDF! It is also clear that he still loves her. The answer, purely and simply, is because she loved him. So he shows up for another blackmailing session. Nora goes to greet him and then, very prettily, coaxes her husband once more to allow Krogstad to keep his position in the bank. What does the lamp symbolize in A Doll's House? In A Doll's House, what is the purpose of the tarantella? How much time has passed between Act II and Act III? What makes Krogstad suspect Christine's motives? 28.Explain the significance of Nora's comment "I'm beginning to understand everything now.". Dr. Rank describes Krogstad by saying that he is morally diseased. What is the problem with the IOU that Krogstad has from Nora? They must both be so changed that our life together would be a real wedlock. She turns to go, leaving Torvald, face in hands, repeating her name. Dr. Rank tells Nora to keep Torvald away from his sick room because "Helmer with his sensitivity has such a sharp distaste for anything ugly." He wants Nora to convince her husband to keep him on at the bank why did Nora take out a loan? He then makes clear the difference between Nora and himself: While his social position was destroyed by Why does Nora tell Krogstad she has little influence with her husband? What assurance does Christine give him that she is trustworthy? Nora Helmer once secretly borrowed a large sum of money so that her husband could recuperate from a serious illness. In the end, Nora feels it is best for her to be on her way even after Torvald changes his mind. Nora assures Krogstad that she will repay all her loans by the new year and asks him to leave her alone. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Nora will be affected by Torvald's attitude about this topic because it disturbs her because she knows what she did and she does not want to destroy her home or children. Although the taking of the loan constitutes a crime because she forged a signature to get it, Nora takes pride in it because it remains one of the few independent actions she has ever taken. Why? What does Nora accredit for Dr. Rank's illness? What does this demonstrate about Torvald's personality? He speaks of a "bad mistake" he committed, which ruined his reputation and made it very difficult for his career to advance. What is ironic when Torvald tells Nora:"A songbird needs a clean beak to warble with. The signature has not been witnessed properly. In microarrays, the oligonucleotides that are attached have the fluorescent tag, whereas the DNA fragments being tested do not. Like Nora, Krogstad is a person who has been wronged by society, and both Nora and Krogstad have committed the same crime: Linde. It was suggested that warmer weather in Italy would help his recovery, yet the couple did not have the funds to make the trip. Mrs. Linde says that she felt the marriage was necessary for the sake of her brothers and mother but regrets having ignored her heart, which told her to stay with Krogstad. Nora tries to convince Torvald to preserve Krogstad9s job, using all of her feminine tricks (which he encourages), but she is unsuccessful. I agree with Nora because you do not have to be a wife or a mother but you are still responsible for them, at least your children. Linde once had romantic relations with Krogstad but broke them off in order to marry Mr. Linde, who had more money. Torvald blames sickness and her father for Nora's weakness.

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why does krogstad visit nora