what is the difference between public opinion and propaganda

Now that people are finally coming forward and acknowledging the stupidity of humanity with all these ridiculous classifications, people with inferiority complexes, whove relied on these classifications and the hierarchies that were created because of them, are having emotional meltdowns! Humans who left Africa bred with others outside of Africa such as the Neanderthals. i started to think what am i. i started to ask myself . This is a textbook example of white supremacy and white nationalism. I think Harvard should close it for further comments. Be glad to field/debunk any other points in it. How is this possible if this cannot be determined by genetics. The League of Nations Concept & Symbol | What is the League of Nations? Told needed give up theirs cars, home, whatever of value to others. Of course I dont hv scientific proof of this but honestly, youd have to have grown up and lived around it to understand what I mean. Let the Caucasian lawyer defend me in court. Nancy, theres ABUNDANT biological-genetic-morphological for multiple, several, many human races, which is very plainly obvious, as with that the sun, the moon, and the earth are spherical. Less than 1% of the worlds Muslim population was affected by the travel ban!. [178] Lincoln is said to have showed these employees "a peculiar care and solicitude," and it was, perhaps surprisingly, noted that Lincoln treated them "like people". But what about sickle cell anemia, I hear you ask. no racist ever claimed there was no variation within races or that there was no nuance to it. The primary factors in intelligence are consistently shown to be wealth/class and education. A true genealogy of Racism should start somewhere, bar room insult? I do to some extent. For the love of every scientific thing you believe in, why the heck start out with a politicized thesis/starting paragraph. The following are key vocabulary terms used in this lesson: Add these words to your Word Wall, if you are using one for this unit, and provide necessary support to help students learn these words as you teach the lesson. More TV shows, commercials show only one thing. Studies have also shown that there are huge differences in intelligence . If there were only more heavily pigmented skined spouses for each generation then the generations would get progressively darker skinned and ultimately be black. Why not bring up how hundreds of thousands of whites died fighting to free the slaves? The alt right isnt about white supremacy. [ Matthew 18:7 ] If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came. Fondly do we hope fervently do we pray that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. The act also prohibited anyone in the military from returning escaped slaves to their masters, even if the slaves had escaped from a Union slave state. To say he was a racist, you have hypothesized (i.e., claimed) that after his discovery about genetic variation among species that he held onto a notion completely contradictory to his findings. I love thiz feed. Although Lincoln stated in the Emancipation Proclamation that he "sincerely believed [it] to be an act of justice," he issued it as a "military necessity," because he believed that the U.S. Constitution would not permit it on any other basis. While this is not a correction necessarily I just dont think its healthy to use such identity politics with someone you disagree with. We all need to aspire to excellence. It turns out they are all from the African continent. You should too. Whether or not propaganda was truthful or tasteful was irrelevant to the Nazis. It is about penis envy. Thats why the sun the life giver kill white people with melonoma Lets say, almost half is 52%. Science is trying be political correct, racism is just stupid and its a humanity issue, whites didnt invent racism, its been around since the first humans. 's' : ''}}. Scream all the names. In 1845, he successfully defended Marvin Pond (People v. Pond)[36] for harboring the fugitive slave John Hauley. Yeah and ok to have stayed out of other nations that were not so called white where your kind stole lands and stayed behind till date,payback is coming. But skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, and other physical traits are all under the control of genes, so doesnt our DNA have something to do with race? Luckily this comment section doesnt require you to write down sources. Which do you want? The only explanation of this unique behavior in white people, is that they are mixed with a primitive type of hominid that makes them way more susceptible to hate and fear. They are to terms for unrelated entities. Secondary sources contain information based on research, but not from firsthand knowledge. Dance Music Art Cuisine all exist among cultures because we are individuals with differences but essentially humans are a monolith in the grander scale of things. But in eastern Missouri, when General John C. Frmont issued a decree emancipating the slaves of disloyal owners in areas the Union did not control, Lincoln ordered the general to revise his decree to conform with the law. The environment has no effect on intelligence??? Let us not get stuck in name calling and labelling people groups as inferior or superior. It portrays the massive 1934 Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, and it includes scenes that strongly suggest the Nazi vision for national community. Consider showing students a clip from the film, such as the opening scene of Hitlers arrival at and parade through Nuremberg (00:0009:15) or the Nazi Youth Encampment (13:4018:05). not individual differences, but differences in the population as a whole. We are a nation of immigrants and color and diversity. Modern day NE Asians and Europeans as identifiable groups are dated to between 8-10k yrs ago. Of course, thats a persons individual right if they choose to be proud of their skin color, but the courts, or better said, the LAW should not have to deal with such trifles. Your arguments about hate and fear in white European societies is completely baseless. Trump inherited the Obama revival of racism legacy. NMTA Social Science (303): Practice & Study Guide, {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, What is Inference? color versus colour). As we look forward to 2017 and onwards, it becomes ever more important to understand what our DNA says about what it means to be human. Everyone like to be right, a lot of people need to feel better about their assigned class / status. do they want to re-collapse into the international? Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that to achieve its purpose, propaganda must "be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. i am liable to commit crimes of passion. According to historian Paul Escott, Lincoln favored a system of gradual emancipation that would allow for controlled management of free Negroes. Ignoring science is not the solution for ending racism or sexism; equal opportunity is . In fact, one of the best arguments in favour of the similarities of races is the fact that ALL of them developed similar traits of hatred and fear. Real science and truth are rarely this comforting, it is obvious that this is what you get only after suppressing those who disagreed. Some of them seem willing to fight for you; but, no matter. However, there is plenty of genetic evidence that tracks where homo sapiens originated from. There is no way scientific or otherwise that you can catigorize the first humans as any specific color. During the Cold War, for example, the United States used public diplomacy to persuade European audiences that the foundations of democratic government and capitalist enterprise were superior to Soviet alternatives. When are we going to learn to stop viewing events of the past through todays standards? Academia is now eating itself. Episode 1: The Fight for a True Democracy", "Lincoln & Race. the recessive housing market I am by no means defending Donald Trump nor admitting that the accusations flying are true. Significant differences between ethnicities are no basis for racism, eg. then would it also be safe to say that evolution/adaptation which took place elsewhere has created differences to people living outside of africa. The white race is shrinking because of race mixing because theres never to this day been known a white child born from a union with a black person unless of course that person is so water down in their genetics that the mix with a white makes them basically white- Thats an absurd argument and its not true ! Published: "[14] The proclamation immediately freed on paper millions of the enslaved, but it had little practical effect until the Union Army was present. out of africa or europe. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Culture plays into this. [82] Lying is not only to be avoided because it harms others, but also because it goes against the Buddhist ideal of finding the truth. Both sides of World War I used propaganda, for example. No data are available for East Asian children at the youngest ages. And this is why: race is used to mean group ancestry. [158] Since the mid-twentieth century, historians have debated the validity of Butler's account, as Butler wrote it years after the fact and was prone to exaggerating his prowess as a general. As early as the 1850s, Lincoln was attacked as an abolitionist. Core statements of this article like The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environments and external factors, not core biology. and race is a social construct, not a biological attribute are scientific inaccurate. Additionally, I feel that you have latched on to one trait, skin color, to lend support to your point of view, but why that particular trait? When I came across this article , my affect mood) changed as I read the exchange of ideas or more accurately prejudices, I started with interest, then sadness, depression & I finally despair. We grew up in the same house with our biological parents. Just one. The ones we lie to may fail to solve problems they could have solved only on a basis of good information. People with prejudices are the problems, and they are present in every race. Black, white yellow, green stick to your own and shut the hell up and get on with it. In the last lesson, students looked at how the Nazis used laws to accomplish this goal. Thank you for your post debunking the idea that whites created intellectual curiosity and the notion of knowledge making. [168] Former slave and leading abolitionist Frederick Douglass unequivocally regarded Lincoln as sharing "the prejudices of his white fellow-country-men against the Negro",[170] but also observed of Lincoln that "in his company, I was never reminded of my humble origin, or of my unpopular color. Every phenotype can be found in Africa..Caucasians look Nilotic.think Tilda Swinton and Cate Blanchett. Show one country in the entire globe where the Whites went (except for 5 countries, they colonized everything) which did not prosper. Guerrero, L., Anderson, P., Afifi, W. (2007). Noooo. Whether these differences are enough to constitute different species, is ofcourse another question. Before Obama, there was little conflict that involved racism, and our country was not divided over race or history. the question is not whether there are identifiable sub-groups of humans biologically; youve stated that, but call these ancestral rather than racial differences, due to the ugly history of racism. First Congress could block the admission of any new slave states. Not more evolved. Which definition, what one? Of course vive la diffrence , however difference is in the eyes of the beholder some people Value it, some use it to strengthen their weak identity strangely though it is white people (scientifically colorless) who persist in equating visible differences with the baseless concept of race. And no amount of leftist, social justice, wishful thinking, and creative statistics will change that. Whites arent about supremacy anymore. Due to that over over every year. We are essentially genetically alike and there are no separate races. [4] Throughout the 1990s, the use of spin by politicians and parties accelerated, especially in the United Kingdom; the emergence of 24-hour news increased pressures placed upon journalists to provide nonstop content, which was further intensified by the competitive nature of British broadcasters and newspapers, and content quality declined due to 24-hour news' and political parties' techniques for handling the increased demand. Most races are curious or interested in different people yet white people seem to be scared or threatened by what is different. You are so correct Susan. No one cares that much about the white identity or taking it away. He concluded by referring to a congressional resolution passed in March that stated the federal government's intent to provide compensation to assist states that were willing to voluntarily abolish slavery and encouraged all slave states to come up with a plan to carry it out.[82]. When you destroy the western European people that you forced yourself on over and over Im glad your world will be a dangerous hell. not all people left africa, some stayed. The liberal media twists every truth into a lie they can use to get Power. In late 1990, Kuwait hired an American public relations firm to convince U.S. voters that liberation from the dictator Saddam Hussein was worthwhile and morally correct. Objectively speaking that was never his fault. i like darwins quote about, white is not a race. Influence of Geographic Factors on Politics in East Asia, Enlightened Despots in Russia: Reforms & Goals, The Spread of Pastoralism and Agriculture in Africa, Post-Modernism & Historiography in the 20th Century, Reference Sources & Materials Used in Historical Research, History & Its Relationship to Other Academic Disciplines. If you cant explain something simply, you dont understand it. Use the following prompts: Identify a part of the image that first caught your eye. I hope that you didnt emotionally invest too much in the notion that they werent. my conclusion from data collected by observation. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/10/171012143324.htm. scaremonger . If we were genetically tested only l (and his father) would match as his parents. If you do not agree that there is more variation within ancestral groups (debunked term races) than between them, you do not even comprehend the basics of what we have already learned. ", "The Criminalization of Lying: Under what Circumstances, if any, should Lies be made Criminal? For the full text, see Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Donald Yacovone, eds. And it seems the only way to eliminate people groups and the further speciation/evolution of H. sapiens (evolution along the lines of Caucasians, Asians, Africans, Americans, Arabs, Jews, etc.) Mmmis it scientific or political? Universities and other scientific communities should be ashamed. There were the rise and eventual fall of six World Empires, starting out with Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. When reading history, it's very important to always ask yourself if the statement is a fact or an opinion and whether or not the statement can be objectively verified or not. And likewise, if a state of war exists for a group of people at home, they could wind up being messed up too. Caucasians had the biggest recent wars cuz they were most developed, but Japan also did it when they also could, same with China and others, everybody did it when they could and deemed it a need. [5][6] More generally, people's ability to make true judgments is affected by biases towards accepting incoming information and interpreting feelings as evidence of truth. but that would mean Neanderthals and Denisovans were not different species. When participants to a focus group in 2004 were asked what exactly is a race, they ended up mirroring a debate that had been happening among scholars, because its not an easy concept to define. Spanish (espaol or castellano, Castilian) is a Romance language of the Indo-European language family that evolved from colloquial Latin spoken in the Iberian Peninsula of Europe.Today, it is a global language with more than 500 million native speakers, mainly in the Americas and Spain.Spanish is the official language of 20 countries.It is the world's second-most spoken Identify a part of the image that is designed to make certain individuals feel included in or excluded from the German "national community.". We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office. These empires are all represented in the Bible book of Daniel, in a vision that Nebuchadnezzar received by way of a dream, described at Daniel 2: 1-43. In fact it would be illogical if no differences would be found between races. "[80] The second proclamation declared all the slaves in Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina "to be 'forever free,' not just those belonging to disloyal masters. The article by Vivian Chau was a lesson on political bias masquerading as science. i also dont want to make the assumption that like other species which leave and adapt that they are somehow superior to the original which hasnt changed over time as it has remained in the same environment with less opportunity to reproduce outside of a closed genetic system. i think callousness leads to narcissism.. i find the story about the serpent in the garden of eden interesting. I didnt find any of your comments at all made any sense. Kendrick, Paul, and Kendrick, Stephen (2007). The problem isnt peoples iQ though, its the college system. was he really a bald man. The racism I experienced in that community for 15 years, well they saw me as white even though thats only half true. Forms of activism range from mandate building in a community (including writing letters to newspapers), petitioning elected officials, running or contributing to I was hoping to read an intelligent, objective article about an area Ive had a long interest in. He discussed slavery throughout his second inaugural address, describing it as not only the cause of the Civil War, but claiming that, as an offense to God, it drew God's righteous judgment against the entire nation. Anatomical Anthropology. This is literally bullshit! To what races do these women belong? Syndicated news and opinion website providing continuously updated headlines to top news and analysis sources. If a Sparrow has a different feather on its head than another one, it is considered a separate species. I see people who cant face the reality of biology. Weather has no bearing on success. Factors like culturally determined attitude towards work, socioeconomic status, health and educational differences are divided unequally between races. Should Ms Chu wish to debate.. make my day. A recent DNA test showed hes barely Italian though: (because of where his city is located) : 65% Eastern Europe & Russia (Genetic Community North East Italy, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzogovina), 17% Italy, 11% France, 4% Germanic Europe, 2% Baltics, 1% Greece & The Balkans.My mother is 82% Polynesian (Maori) (Genetic Community Hawaii Tonga & Samoa), 4% Tongan/Samoan (a mix) and the rest is European (Ireland & Scotland, Germanic Europe, England, Wales, North Western Europe). The point is, he proved genetic variation occurs within the same species. Now, thats our problem. Look it up. No. The fact that kind, gentle and passive people will always be the most common victims shows the inequity of concentrations of power. Thank you! Do note, this very likely reflects average educational level and other factors and not race. For example, she highlights that 87,000 Muslims were affected by the travel ban. They are rings all right, but they almost completely overlap. we need voices like yours in this issue. Good luck (not) with that. But neither predicts or determines the other. What is the message the creator of this image is sending? He made his feeling clear in an eloquent letter a year later to James C. Conkling on August 26, 1863.[95][96]. But, out-of-Africa Homo species and intra-species evolution occurred also. [57] The presumption is that humans are individuals living in a world of competition and strict social norms, where they are able to use lies and deception to enhance chances of survival and reproduction. First! As this is just an opinion piece, probably of someone with more of a social science bent then actual science, i think that you have to take what they say with a bit more then a grain of salt. Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing and disseminating information from an individual or an organization (such as a business, government agency, or a nonprofit organization) to the public in order to influence their perception.Public relations and publicity differ in that PR is controlled internally, whereas publicity is not controlled and contributed by external parties. I know middle eastern and Mediterranean people some can be a light dark olive tan color and I dont see the difference even if they are Muslim. yes curly haired people think logically. But lets leverage guilt to get power, right? ", "Deceiver's Distrust: Denigration as a Consequence of Undiscovered Deception", "Intrinsic Honesty and the Prevalence of Rule Violations across Societies", "Guide to Washington Post Fact Checker Rating Scale", "Why We Lie: The Science Behind Our Deceptive Ways. I hate to break it to you seeking a white nation on the North American continent, but your ancestry is in Europe. i am arrogant. From my research Ive found that the tribes of so called Europe became civilized in building,reading,writing, chemistry,astronomy an so on thousands of years later than other tribes. Heres a Inferiority based *Question* for any person that considers themselves quote on quote White .. Thank you for sharing. There are measurable differences between the races, and those differences developed from natural selection in the region where that race evolved. But I disagree! As scientists we know that there is ONE human race! [78][83], The fourth precept includes avoidance of lying and harmful speech. Good for you. As the article clearly stated the far alt-right is obsessed with race, hence the supremacy part. We must face reality we bleed the same blood and if you need a transfusion or a transplant the last thing youre going to ask is that from my race- Be Blessed (WE R ONE) wish you all HEALTH AND WEALTH . So what would you say is Liam Neesons race? It was called the Barbary slave trade when Arabs and East Africans worked together to enslave whites and capture them. In 1862 he began to warn the states that if they did not abolish slavery on their own, the institution would succumb to the "incidents of war" and would be undermined by "mere friction and abrasion." We also like people who look similar to us. Old whitey taught to fear darkskin humans. 191-232. The war has certainly progressed as favorably for us, since the issue of proclamation as before. The advances in human genetics and the evidence of negligible differences between races might be expected to halt racist arguments. It has impacted on our relationship in terms of the fact that she and I hv never really been close. Europe has had its dark ages. I agree . Its of immediate importance! But, with humans, its PROOF OF THE OPPOSITE. Cant dislike disagree with any thing public. Uhhhh, I like your findings. Oh and the Eve gene, Adam and Eve first two right, they had Kane and Able, Kane kills Able, Kane says to God Different, separate ethnic groups absolutely, 100% exist. Check out what Im doing at eraseraces.com. Incest is considered an abomination in most African cultures so ure the illiterate idiot. David The government funded no more colonies after the rescue of the Ile Vache survivors in early 1864, and Congress repealed most of the colonization funding that July. We share 50% of our DNA with bananas, that does not make humans fucking bananas. I realize you mentioned this 3 years ago, but if you hadnt heard there was a discovery in 2020 of a skull from 200,000 years prier to the skull in asia, that was located in southern africa. 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what is the difference between public opinion and propaganda