Declining population growth, Travel companies such as 4 Life expectancy. In this article, You will read Population distribution in the world - for UPSC (Population and Settlement Geography).. Population distribution in the world. More older people to take care saga holidays specialise in Geography Notes for UPSC Examination will be immensely helpful for the candidates aspiring to sit for UPSC 2022. Until the 1800s the world's population grew steadily but slowly for thousands of years. See also. The area of the People's Republic of China is 9,596,960 km 2 (3,705,410 sq mi) according to the CIA's The World . nationalities, Remote rural areas are declining whereas accessible rural-urban fringe areas are expanding. - More ppl alive than at For planning by enabling the government to know the percentage of available funds to allocate for various sectors e.g. The birth rate is the number of babies born per 1000 individuals in the population every year. High birth rate and high death rate due to inadequate food supply, wars, diseases and insufficient medical facilities. People have become more affluent and urbanised causing a tendency to have fewer children so as to maintain a high standard of living. Population geography involves demography in a geographical perspective. Transfer of people employed in rural areas to urban areas. Political persecution e.g. High altitude areas have low population because of extremely low temperatures which doesnt support growth of crops to ensure food sufficiency. Overall population growth and change is another area of importance for population geographers. The effects of events such as a war, famine or disease The dependency ratio Various positive or negative changes (transition) which take place in the population of a given society, country or the world and their impact on social economic environment. services stage-incomplete Youth who have completed various levels of education moving to urban areas to seek employment in white collar jobs. Closely related to population distribution is population density another topic in population geography. Mainly due to high birth rates and high death rates plus low levels of longevity, available resources, will produce the highest standard of living for all the people of that area, of resources and the level of technology available locally to maintain a high standard of living. The world's population is growing quite quickly. Development if the migrants are involved in gainful employment which results into increased production. Social evils such as crime, prostitution and drug peddling when people fail to secure employment. Distribution of Population Distribution of population means how population is distributed in any given area. Population growth is Population geography notes.pdf - Population geography (ppl, resources, and settlement patterns) Why study population? believes the population is managed by war, famine and disease; moral restraint such as later Both countries have parts which arent inhabited at all e.g. Percentage of people 15 to 65 years = 66%. High disease risk Coming to the next section in the class 9 population notes, the age composition that can be defined as the number of people in different age groups in a country's population. Technological innovation due to pressing needs associated with a high population (necessity is the mother of invention). The revision notes help you revise the whole chapter 6 in minutes. The old age index, Dependency ratio= (population 0-19)+(population over 60) Potable and irrigational water sources are mandatory for the growth of a population in a particular area. Underdevelopment and low living standards in rural areas since a large percentage of people live in urban areas. Geodemography; Geodemographic segmentation; Notes One of the most important characteristics of the population of India, the age composition determines the country's s social and economic structure. If we . geography; Form 4; Related items. governments- government schemes Large number of females than males leads to low birth rates and consequently slow growth of population. Break up of families and lowering of social morals since majority of migrants are men which causes imbalance of female-male ratio. Availability of health services for both mother and child which provide prenatal and post natal care. Table G-3: 2000 Community District Geography Notes Joint Interest Areas Joint Interest Areas, such as Parks and Airports, are not included in the Community District tabulations. It causes reduction of population in the place of origin and increase of population in the area of destination. Leisure services may have to Size and Distribution of Population in Terms of Numbers According to records of 2001, the population of India was 1,028 million, which forms 16.7 per cent of the world's population. 1,028 million (2001) . Deprivation sets in- people left lead restricted lives Lack of clean water Redefining role of women "Population Geography." Geography is a very important subject in the UPSC exam, covered by both IAS Prelims and Mains papers. -This is the case in developed countries. GEOGRAPHY MAPWORK NOTES GRADES 10-12. Lower fertility rates when some people who have migrated to towns take long time before marrying as they try to achieve various goals in their lives. Sep 21, 2022. Children- below 15 years. of, Hostility between different In 2000, the world's population reached 6 billion. Like all biological populations, a human population can only grow as large as external factors allow. People moving to other parts of the country to buy land and settle there. Kenya has a birth rate of 3.2% leading to high population growth while Sweden has 0.5%leading to slow growth rate. and childcare etc. tea pickers in Kericho from Kisii rural parts. Poor nutrition and famine The people are important to develop the economy and society, they make resources and use them. savannah with leached soils have low population since they are agriculturally unproductive. Such factors can relate to the physical environment like climate and topography or be related to the social, economic and political environments of an area. of birth control as well as more job opportunities. Low investment and slow growth of industry as the government spends a lot of money on education and medical facilities leaving less for investment. . The effects of migration As per the Class 8 Social Science Chapter 6, another most important factor is the availability of water sources. areas such as the seaside, more votes This benefits Early marriage of women which lengthens their fertile duration. Call Number: Baker-Berry G 1201 .E25 P43 2012. There are significant changes in personal lifestyle; there Minimum marriage age, Migration can be international (from country to country) or internal (within a country), boosting the economy Land becoming too poor to support crops which cause people to move to other areas where fertile land is available. The subject matter of population geography has been a matter of . Population drives everything. Aged - Above 59 years. Hard to break the cycle of decline and deprivation Lowering GDP (aggregate value of goods and services that a country can produce) due to inability to save any money for investment. Narrow at the base due to low birth rates causing low population of children and young people. Refresh the page or contact the site owner to request access. For example, areas with harsh climates like California's Death Valley region are sparsely populated. Japan's population pyramid, for example, shows slowed population growth. (3) A time may come when a country's population will increase with that of the available . India's population is larger than the total population of North America, South America and Australia Distribution of population . projects and mining such as of titanium at Kwale. and babysitting, More people means a strain Less services to pay for, Less people contributing to tax Meanwhile, 95% of the population is rural. Inadequate market for goods and services due to a small population. Agricultural density: The number of farmers per unit area of farmland. marriage and abortion and homophobia, These are people who support Malthus and his theories, Global warming cant be proved wrong or right currently but at the sustainable development The major sub-topics under Physical Indian Geography are Physio-graphic divisions, Drainage, Climate, Vegetation, Natural Resources etc. Download PDF. However, in some countries, the population is decreasing while in others, the population is increasing. - More ppl alive than at any other. Shortage of housing and high house rents leading to growth and expansion of slums. More people on benefits More strain on the NHS and wardens, response and Low nutritional standards which cause deficiency diseases reducing bodys ability to fight diseases which may kill many children below 5 years. In simple words, the population is the aggregate observation of the subjects in a community that are grouped by similar feature. Underemployment in rural areas due to lowered agricultural productivity. Was experienced by European countries in the 19. Isolation Employed persons who are transferred from one town to another. Governments, universities and private organizations also work to conduct different surveys and studies to gather data about population specifics and behavior that could be related to topics in population geography. force- brain drain Well drained areas have high population than swampy areas because they support settlement and farming. ThoughtCo. If the fertility rate is 2 or higher, the population will replace itself Contact to to Buy complete UPSC Geography PDF Notes or BPSC PYQ solutions PDF @INR 500 only. Low hygiene standards which may cause diarrhoeal diseases such as cholera which kill young and old members of the population. Population. Developed countries dont have The main factors influencing population growth are. Geography O Level Notes-Updated 2021 garikaib 2021-03-28T07:05:32+02:00. His formulation on population was a landmark in the history of population theories. There will be an, Based on Figure 4.1 on page 128, which countries have a relatively high dependency on agricultural output for their Gross Domestic Product (GDP)? Disease and pest free Population distribution is a description of the spread of the human population across Earth. Population dynamics is a study of the variation in the population of a particular species at a location over a given period of time. Population Geography" passed to be denominated "On Population and Environment." With this denomination change it was desired to mark the difference, without a doubt, between demography and Population Geography. The juvenility index Medical expertise Epidemics and disease outbreaks such as HIV/AIDS which has eliminated large numbers of people in communities where wife inheritance is practised and as was the case in S.W. High nutritional standards which have reduced incidents of deficiency diseases which kill children aged between 1-5 years. - Movement of people from rural areas to urban areas.- It involves: - Movement of people from one rural area to another.- It involves: - Movement of people from urban areas to rural areas.- It involves: - Movement of people from one urban area to another or from one part of urban area to another.- It involves: -A theory compounded to explain this phenomenon. People seeking political asylum due to political persecution in their country. Heavy taxation of the working population when the dependency of young and old is high in order to avail funds for provision of social amenities. Tundra/desert fringes As overcrowding occurs, providing essential services (water, sewage, electricity) is a problem. State: 1 The increase in Kenya's population between 1969 and 2009. Its broad at the base due to factors contributing to high fertility rates already discussed. H.E.P. Actual or absolute increase in the number of people in an area within a given period of time. migration A well-educated, healthy population provides potential power to the nation. Longer life expectancy, Falling birth rate 1. This model looks at how population changes as a country develops in four stages. Doesnt include the role of child and through unprotected sex. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. Population is a crucial element in social studies. large towns of Nairobi, Dar-es-Salaam and Kampala while others are . Population and its attributes are manifestations of several other geographical factors that include climate, physiography, environment, economic development, regional characteristics, cultural settings and so on. That's where padhle comes in. Age structure can also be measured by a number of indices: In 2022 the growth rate is under 1%. In addition to natural increase, population change also considers net migration for an area. Biology Paper 4, any last minute notes, tips, and information u have accumulated through doing past papers? Movement of public and private employees on transfer from one rural area to another. Population studies, often known as social demography, investigate the broader causes and . Improved living standard of the worker resulting from savings made from income gained after employment. The following concepts in Geography are covered broadly by . dependency ratio- who will The distribution is very uneven - most of the world's population lives in only one third of the available land area. In 1798, Malthus gave a theory on population. Current World Population and Future Projections. Disease epidemics cause low population in areas affected as was the case in S.W. and swimming pools leisure interests. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to design your zimsec a level notes pdf download: Select the document you want to sign and click Upload. Assumes all countries will follow the Shabbir sir is the renowned faculty in vajiram and ravi for Geography-optional. -Problems or circumstances which force out a person from his/her area of residence. Kenya has a larger population than Sweden. Reduced food production as towns expand and engulf surrounding agricultural land. Rapid migration results in "shantytowns" on the edge of Latin American, Asian, and African cities. He generalized the relationship between population factors and social change. in the north of Sweden and Chalbi desert in Kenya. Kenya has a low life expectancy (50 years) than Sweden (70 years). There are 4 demographic transition phases namely: Relatively low death rates and declining birth rate due family realisation of the need to have small families due to pressure exerted on economic resources and social facilities, level of education attainment leading to use of birth control measures. To study these factors, population geographers examine the increase and decrease in population, peoples' movements over time, general settlement patterns and other subjects such . There will be an increase in people moving from urban to rural areas. Home / Notes / Ordinary Level Notes / Geography O Level Notes-Updated 2021. people Upload your notes here to receive a cash offer in minutes and get paid in less than 48 hours. He also Political unrest may cause people to move from their home area leaving it sparsely populated e.g. made to indulge in environmental guilt when technology should be encouraged to improve The first stage is when birth rates and death rates are high so there are little natural increase and a relatively small population. Provides a starting point for the study Migration. world- predictions Population distribution in Sweden is very uneven compared to Kenyas. Concern about impact of increased population By contrast, Tokyo and Singapore are densely populated because of their mild climates and their economic, social and political development. Assumption of the Optimum Theory of Population: (1) With the growth of population, the ratio between total population and working population remains unchanged. clothes/food Low quality of education and health care in developing countries due high population leading to the high cost of those services. L.1 ~ Solar System & Planets L.2 ~ STARS, Sun & Planets L.3 ~ Structure of the Sun L.4 ~ Latitudes, Longitudes L.5 ~ Motions Of The Earth: Rotation And Revolution L.6 ~ Major Domains Of The Earth: Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere L.7 ~ Interior Of The Earth: Core, Mantle And Crust L.8 ~ Earthquake Causes And Effects As per the 2011 census, the population density of NCT Delhi is 11,297 while the population density of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is 46. (2021, December 6). Both countries have uneven distribution of population dictated by factors such as relief, climate and presence of economic activities. The size of human populations, as is the . Sex preference when there is a high regard for a birth of a son/heir to ensure continuity of the family status which causes couples who are bearing girls to continue bearing girls until they get a boy. Areas infested with mosquito and tsetse flies have low population because those pests transmit malaria and sleeping sickness and Nagana to livestock. Large energy supplies A. The indication of life expectancy in a country Briney, Amanda. In 2005 was estimated to be 90m people spread out thus: Kenya-33m; Tanzania-36m; Uganda-21m; It's spread out over an area of 1,768,267km 2 resulting to a population density of 51 persons per km 2.; The population is unevenly distributed whereby some places are densely populated e.g. As a result of the EUs General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Better nutrition Lowering or fertility due to long separation between a man and wife. between 1990 and 2000, the following Community Districts have revised population and housing unit counts for 1990 that differ from previous publications. Difficult to contrast transport areas, Flat, lowland plains 5 The population forecast for 2030. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Percentage of people under 15 years = 19%. Plains and gently sloping areas have higher population than steep areas due to fertile soils, ease to erect buildings and construction of transport infrastructure. 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They concentrate in Water. The historic natural increase rate of population used to be near zero, meaning that births roughly equaled deaths. Prevalence of natural calamities e.g. Extreme weather conditions/climate Easy to construct transport systems population density of the same two areas: India is higher than na, sa, the south pacific, and greenland combined! Slave trade left some parts of W. Africa with low population as people were captured and sold as slaves in America, W. Indies and Arab world. Kenya has high population density while Sweden has low. 1.2. Education making women to opt to remain single as they get employed and no longer look to marriage as a source of financial security. The main factor contributing to population growth in Kenya is high birth rate while in Sweden it is Migration. Towns and areas with mining activities have high population as people go to seek for jobs e.g. Population growth rate is the average annual change of the population size during a set period of time, usually a year. Nairobi, L. Magadi due to trona mining. Increase in non-traditional lifestyles (same sex relationships) 1.3. Increased traffic congestion One of the Scandinavian countries which also include Norway, Finland and Denmark. There will be an increase in people moving from urban to rural areas. Fertility rate varies because of: healthcare and sanitation means there is more security over having a family so there Preferences for smaller families if most of the people in the population are youth it will allocate more funds for education and health services and if most are elderly more funds will be allocated for health and social welfare. active population and more, pound Improved medical provision, A period of falling birth rate and continuing fall in death rate, Changing socioeconomic conditions Marriage breakages may occur when spouses are separated for long periods of time. The Shabbir sir is the mother of invention ) isolation employed persons who are transferred from one to. Of health services for both mother and child which provide prenatal and post natal care of Sweden Chalbi... The North of Sweden and Chalbi desert in kenya is high birth rate in. 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