digital economy report unctad

Global Health Observatory (GHO) data - NCD mortality and morbidity. 2021. 2018. This global assessment provides a clear diagnostic to put in place the policies needed. The examples demonstrate how transformative measures, especially inclusive governance mechanisms, technology, data and innovation (in addition to legislation, standards and other measures), can lead to successful transformation of food systems. For example, the high amount of investment required for food systems transformation will require new and innovative financing mechanisms, in addition to enabling legal and regulatory frameworks, while innovative components in social protection programmes can increase their effectiveness and improve their sustainability and positive effects in facilitating the access to healthy diets for the most vulnerable.249 The COVID-19 pandemic has put a tremendous pressure on these areas, which have called for innovative solutions: in some sub-Saharan countries, including Malawi, Nigeria and Togo, satellite images have been used, combined with other methods, in the selection of new beneficiaries entitled to stepped-up cash transfer programmes following increased support needed as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.13. Actions to protect food workers and close gaps in food distribution are critical to reach the most vulnerable.37 Importantly, social protection is more than a short-term response to acute situations of food insecurity and malnutrition. 65 Von Braun, J., Afsana, K., Fresco, L., Hassan, M. & Torero, M. 2021. This section presents a scenario (see Box 6) of how the COVID-19 pandemic could potentially affect the prevalence of child stunting and wasting by 2030. 300 World Bank. [Cited 25 May 2021]. Rome. 2021. The new 2019 estimates presented in Chapter 2 provide an important opportunity to better understand how these are related to food insecurity, and how changes over time affect food insecurity and the different forms of malnutrition. 2021. In: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [online]. For purposes of annual SDG monitoring, the questions are asked with reference to the 12 months preceding the survey. Nick Leung and Joe Ngai are senior partners in McKinseys Hong Kong office. As such, this internal driver acts within food systems, and more specifically within food environments (food environment, affordability of healthy diets) to negatively affect food security and nutrition (Figure 14). 208 Bosi, T., Erguder, T., Breda, J. Given the exceptional situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Chapter 3 presents a separate analysis of the drivers of food insecurity in 20192020 along with more specific definitions. Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19.2 million participants. Future food systems also need to be inclusive and encourage the full participation of Indigenous Peoples, women and youth, both individually and through their organizations. 46 WHO. An integrated community food systems approach has been set up to revitalize their beliefs, cosmogony and governance, and a local food systems governance coalition has been established to restore their lands and waters to sustainably produce nutritious foods for their people. Chika Hayashi and Richard Kumapley (UNICEF) and Elaine Borghi and Giovanna Gatica Dominguez (WHO) were responsible for the analyses in Section 2.3 and Annex 2, including on progress towards global nutrition targets and of the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child stunting and wasting by 2030, with input from Julia Krasevec and Vrinda Mehra (UNICEF). Refers to the percentage of countries reporting a negative per capita GDP growth between two successive years (annual % change) during the period 20112021, with sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Western Asian countries being disproportionately affected (Figure 15C). [Cited 28 April 2020]. The digital economy is a portmanteau of digital computing and economy, and is an umbrella term that describes how traditional brick-and-mortar economic activities (production, distribution, trade) are being transformed by Internet, World Wide Web, and blockchain technologies. It is important to recall that the majority of the chronically food insecure and many of the malnourished live in countries affected by insecurity and conflict. Washington, DC, World Bank. )forest: 31.4% (2018 est. Of the total number of undernourished people in 2020 (768 million), more than half (418 million) live in Asia and more than one-third (282 million) in Africa, while Latin America and the Caribbean accounts for about 8 percent (60 million) (Figure 2). af Also see Charles, Kalikoski and Macnaughton (2019).113. 167 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). [2020].8, Based on this threshold and comparing the cost of the diet with country income distributions, we obtain the percentage of the population for whom the cost of the diet is unaffordable. Importantly, social protection is more than a short-term response to acute situations of food insecurity and malnutrition. Since 2014, FIES data provide evidence on recent changes in the extent of severe food insecurity that might closely reflect changes in the PoU. Childhood overweight (part of SDG Indicator 2.2.2) has immediate impacts on childrens health and well-being and increases the risk of diet-related NCDs later in life. Globally, 149.2 million (22.0 percent) children under the age of five years suffered from stunting (SDG Indicator 2.2.1) in 2020.32 Stunting (defined as being too short for ones age) undermines childrens physical growth and cognitive development and increases their risk of dying from common infections. Double-duty actions for nutrition: policy brief. [Cited 26 May 2021]. Northern America: With respect to the M49 classification, it excludes Saint Pierre and Miquelon. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 84: 8593. Brussels and Geneva. 5. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of digital transformation and added urgency for Governments to respond. However, child stunting decreased from 24 percent in 2019 to 21 percent in 2020 for low- and middle-income countries. 2003. 86 Independent Group of Scientists appointed by the Secretary-General. 302 Bai, Y., Ebel, A., Herforth, A. 275 FAO & Centre for Indigenous Peoples Nutrition and Environment (CINE)., UNICEF, WHO & World Bank. One such effort by members of the Standing Together for Nutrition Consortium involved the application of a combination of modelling tools to estimate the joint effects of economic, food and health systems disruptions induced by the pandemic on various forms of maternal and child undernutrition in 118 low- and middle-income countries.47 They estimated how many more children may be affected by wasting in 2020, 2021 and 2022 as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the food processing level, the capacities of womens groups and local agribusinesses are strengthened to produce fortified blended foods and fortified staples to improve the nutritional quality of food available on the market. This dataset tracks change in monthly general and food CPIs at the national level with reference to a base year of 2015. 204 Agncia Nacional de Vigilncia Sanitria (Anvisa). Of the 107 countries with information available on PoU in 20192020, 66 countries report a higher increase in PoU in 20192020 compared to 20172019 (Figure 19). Call for best practices in transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets and addressing key drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition. Building climate resilience for food security and nutrition. Report of the open-ended intergovernmental expert working group on indicators and terminology relating to disaster risk reduction. An estimated 29.9 percent of women aged 15 to 49 years in 2019 around the world are affected by anaemia now a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator (2.2.3). The ongoing nutrition transition thwarts long-term targets for food security, public health and environmental protection. )industrial: 3.358 billion cubic meters (2017 est. Guideline: fortification of maize, flour and corn meal with vitamins and minerals. The exceptional nature of 2020 calls into question this regularity. Consumer food prices in Latin America and the Caribbean, for example, increased by 16 percent between January and December 2020, with the largest increase in South America.p, p Calculated as the annual percentage change in the consumer price index for a country. There are many unknown factors, such as the extent and scope of virus mutations; potential resurgence of the epidemic and associated mitigation practices in various settings; the trajectory of economic recovery; the speed at which any disruptions of essential nutrition services and food access will subside; and whether there may be other shocks and what the lasting effects of those shocks might be. ** The 2030 targets for six of the seven indicators are available from The extension of the 2025 Maternal, Infant and Young Child nutrition targets to 2030.26 Please note that only a 2025 target is available for adult obesity. Further descriptive statistics and tests of significance suggest that this positive association is attributable mainly to lower-middle-income countries. The introduction of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) to control the fruit flies led to the suppression and eradication of the fruit fly, which subsequently led to substantial increases in production and international trade in the fruit sector i.e. Nonetheless, the past four editions of this report revealed a humbling reality. Mogadishu and Washington, DC, FAO and FEWS Net. Guyana, for instance, grew at a rate of 43.5 percent in 2020, having completed an extraordinary year of oil production. During 20142019, more than 14 600 enterprises were supported, creating an additional 5 367 additional jobs of which more than 40 percent specifically for youth.181 The approach aimed at inspiring companies working in agri-food value chains to coordinate more effectively, while developing and refining business models that are more youth-inclusive. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. a country can be affected by both climate extremes and conflict. In: United Nations Childrens Fund [online]. 176 Quisumbing, A.R., Sproule, K., Martinez, E.M. & Malapit, H. 2021. Nevertheless, in the context of building portfolios of policies and investments towards the transformation of food systems, ensuring coherence among those policies and investments specifically aimed at food systems on the one hand, and those in the broader agri-food systems domain on the other, is important for a number of reasons not least given the importance of agri-food systems in providing income and employment for millions of households. Harvesting Prosperity Technology and Productivity Growth in Agriculture. The surveys were conducted via mobile telephone with samples intended to be representative at the national level as well as the first subnational administrative unit (admin-1) level. ICN2 2014/3 Corr.1. In particular, for 13 of the countries, this simultaneous occurrence is recorded for two years; three countries (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gambia and Lebanon) witnessed it for three years.

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digital economy report unctad