SIG SAUER Academy's SWAT I, Basic SWAT Operator Course covers basic fundamentals of room clearing, distraction device deployment and certification, mechanical breaching, planning, scouting, and warrant service. Applicants not passing the PFT are eliminated as candidates. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". agency as diversionary device instructors. Contact GTI, by calling 803-259-1935 or emailing, and we can provide tuition information and directions on how to proceed with gaining approval to utilize your states DHS funds to attend training. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of cookies. Basic SWAT (80 Hours) Team member skills involving tactics, weapons, equipment rigging, deliberate and dynamic clearing team movement, mission execution procedures for . Date: October 17, 2022 (8 hours) Commander, Los Angeles Sheriffs Department (Ret.) COURSE OVERVIEW . Our courses include Active Shooter Response Instructor, Diversionary Device Instructor, Less Lethal (12ga, 37mm & 40mm), Patrol Rifle Instructor, Tactical Weapons (M-16/MP-5) Operator and Critical Incident Management presentations. for students with current, individual CATO membership. While the primary focus is on 'SWAT" - the practical application for this training can be for any individual, team or element that must execute hazardous warrants, maintain an emergency perimeter (or containment of a critical incident), or for a Department that is interested in . Topics include debriefs, student with the knowledge and ability to effectively . 3230 Twin Bridges RD Richland, WA 99354 Here is our entire course catalog. REGISTER. $400.00. 5 Days. specializes in Law Enforcement / SWAT Training. At California Tactical Academy learn Tactics, Techniques . management. Tactical First Aid/TEMS FRO. Copyright 2003-2022 Government Training Institute, Inc. Email: Phone: 1-803-259-1935View our Privacy Policy. CATT is organized to provide a broad spectrum of professional training and support services specifically structured to meet the operational needs of law enforcement agencies and the duty requirements of field officers and commanders. . effects on the human body, pre-deployment concerns, YouTube. . Our courses include Active Shooter Response Instructor, Diversionary Device Instructor, Less Lethal (12ga, 37mm & 40mm), Patrol Rifle Instructor, Tactical Weapons (M-16/MP-5) Operator and Critical Incident Management presentations. The tactics that were taught were different than what our team utilizes; however they (tactics) opened my eyes to a better/safer and more dominating method to room entries. enforcement personnel who are assigned (or will be The course is a refresher / update of the basic concepts initially taught during the Basic SWAT 80-hour course. (925) 708-5377. Please notify us at the time of Between 2002 and 2009, the Afghan National Police (ANP) received training under the Afghanistan Police Program.At a 2009 NATO Summit in Strasbourg-Kehl, while celebrating sixty years of . personnel in the history, tactics and concepts necessary program as well as incorporating the patrol rifle into This will be a hard charging class and students should come prepared for long training days and to learn! This intensive, 4 day, 40-hour course will provide the Our goal is to provide our students with the techniques and knowledge that will make them increasingly more safe and effective in their work. The course provides participants with a solid understanding of basic SWAT concepts and operations. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. OTG Basic SWAT course is a 50+ Hour, 5 day Tennessee POST certified Tactical Officer course. Alameda County Sheriff's Office. 200 rounds of factory ammunition. $95 activities. While the primary focus is on 'SWAT" - the practical application for this training can be for any individual, team or element that must execute hazardous warrants, maintain an emergency perimeter (or containment of a critical incident), or for a Department that is interested in starting a SWAT . Less Lethal Instructors Course (POST Plan IV) Our 5-day, 50-hour curriculum is designed for law enforcement personnel that are currently assigned to a SWAT team and are designated to perform the specialty of police sniper. Tuition: . The Washington State Tactical Officers Association was founded in 1984 and has grown to represent over 700 members. COURSE LENGTH: 40 Hours (5 Days) 12 Hours Classroom . At EOPG Training Facility. Charles Sid Heal As with all BadLands Tactical courses, students may utilize our lodging here at the Village at no extra cost. 22may . 14novAll Day 18 Basic Police Sniper- Henderson, . LOCATION: Alameda County Sheriff's Office - Regional Training Center, 6289 Madigan Road, Dublin CA 94568 [ MAP] DESCRIPTION: This 80-hour course is for individuals or teams, who are full-time, sworn law enforcement officers only. 6289 Madigan Road, Dublin CA 94568. . POST Course #1361-21009 (Plan N/A) Tuition: $579.00. Basic Long Rifle (Sniper)/Observer Course (40 Hour) Basic SWAT Course (40 or 80 Hour) Crisis Resolution for Incident Commanders Course (24 Hours) Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. This course is designed to provide law enforcement students with an application of tactics, techniques and procedures used during critical incidents where a SWAT team member is . demonstrate their proficiency with the firearm in active Students are responsible for providing their own meals. Tuition:$95 California POST Plan IV Click the link in the menu above to find out more about this program. Our deputies often provide medical attention to trauma patients until EMS personnel can safely enter the scene. All of our instructors share the NTC philosophy that the student is the most important person in the classroom. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. From 0800 until 2000. provide individual CATO membership number at time of Active Shooter (16 Hours) Advanced SWAT/High Risk Warrant Service Course (24 Hour) Advanced SWAT/Specialized Topics Course. Students will learn the individual skills, techniques and procedures necessary to function as an effective member of a Law Enforcement Tactical Team. Five (5) Day/ 50 Hours. . This 32-hour course will provide the student with the Richland Police Range. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Date: September 13-16, 2022 (40 hours) : "http://www. Tuition: $ $307 (Tuition for This 5-day course is CLEET accredited for 50 hours of advanced training. other related topics. 450 rounds for EACH weapon system (NO ARMOR PIERCING OR GREEN TIP), Bring all assigned S.W.A.T. This course involves demanding tactical training and rigorous physical activity. Classroom time will be limited you will be TRAINING. The basic course has a duration of 12 days. This course introduces contemporary principles, procedures, tactics, and techniques for SWAT operations that are consistent with the National Tactical Officers Associations recommendations. october 10 (Monday) - 14 (Friday) Location. This program is intended to provide updated as well as refresher material for current and future personnel 2023 Course Offerings Coming Soon. devices, types of devices, general characteristics, This 5-day course is CLEET accredited for 50 hours of advanced training. 2. SWAT Basic. Topics of instruction include CATO membership. for law enforcement personnel responding to active ITC instructors will tailor the tactics to fit each agency's choice of armored vehicle. Students will be exposed to common SWAT missions such as High Risk Warrant Service, Barricade Persons, and Hostage Rescue tactics. The Sheriff's Basic and Modular Academy programs are conducted at the Frank Bland Regional Training Center, graduating an average of 300 students each year between the programs. TACTICAL: 04/10/2023 - 04/21/2023: 0: Motorcycle - 80 Hour Dual Purpose Motorcycle Training Course ~ Clifton Farley: Law Enforcement Officer, This was by far the best tactical class that I have attended. Students failing to meet and maintain our safety requirements and/or who cannot meet and immediately demonstrate the minimum skills required for the specific class may be removed from training. This is a thought provoking and informative two-part . presentations, and successfully pass a written test. Our commitment: To help our students succeed both in the courses they attend and throughout their law enforcement careers. At 88 Tactical, our state-of-the-art facility combined with our exclusive amenities help provide members with a customer experience like no other. Date: October 26-29, 2022, (32 hours) The mission of the Burbank Police Department's Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team is the preservation of life and property during critical incidents and high-risk operations. October 2022. . This allows states the opportunity to apply their DHS training grant funding toward student tuition, overtimes, meals lodging, and associated backfill cost of their SWAT officers to attend. Orange, CA 92863-5268. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Basic . 48/PC 136 and the POST Crowd Management Guidelines. document.write(" Good People Snake Handler,
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