africana studies vs african studies

Clawed frogs will try to consume anything that is able to fit into their mouths. Eze, Michael Onyebuchi (2008). Younger women and the urbanized have been found to be renouncing the use of traditional healers. African Americans (also referred to as Black Americans and Afro-Americans) are an ethnic group consisting of Americans with partial or total ancestry from sub-Saharan Africa. [50] Use of traditional African medicines as antivirals instead of using specific antiretroviral drugs, is especially a risk with HIV.[51][52]. By 31. [1] Traditional practitioners and their practices vary but common features among them are a personal involvement in the healing process; protection of the therapeutic knowledge by keeping it a secret; and being rewarded for their services. [111] This is contrasted with Kaidan's more sexualized presentation in Mass Effect 3, where the character is shirtless in multiple scenes, and more emphasis is placed on the intimacy between him and Shepard. [7] More broadly, the Afroasiatic family is tentatively grouped within the Nostratic superfamily, and the Nilo-Saharan and Niger-Congo phyla form the Niger-Saharan macrophylum. [6] A literature survey in 2014, indicated that several African medicinal plants contain bioactive anti-trypanosomal compounds that could be used for the treatment of African trypanosomiasis ("Sleeping sickness") but no clinical studies had been conducted on them. Trade languages are another age-old phenomenon in the African linguistic landscape. [102] For the updated HD version of Resident Evil: Revelations (2012), released in 2013,[103] Chris' was given an unlockable "Sailor" outfit[104] which the game's writer Dai Sat describes as having "the shirt [be] a super tight fit" and includes "short trousers". [94] Commenting on this topic, The Guardian Keith Stuart argues that while female characters are presented as sex objects, male characters are usually portrayed as something for straight male gamers to aspire towards. Second, a broken relationship can be as ethically desirable as a harmonious one. This section provides an overview of the findings of the quantitative results of various studies into gender representation in video games during the 2000s. [1] Another study found that transgender respondents reported twice the national rate of unemployment, while transgender people of color reported four times the national rate of unemployment. It is believed that contact with the spirit world through divination often requires not only medication, but sacrifices. This includes Malawian philosopher and theologist Harvey Sindimas treatment of uMunthu as an important African philosophy is highlighted in his 1995 book Africas Agenda: The legacy of liberalism and colonialism in the crisis of African values. "An exposition of humanistic-existential social work in light of ubuntu philosophy: Towards theorizing ubuntu in social work practice". The best pedagogical approaches associated with Africana Studies instruction at the undergraduate level expose students to the ideas, philosophical orientations, and benefits of the variety of schools of thought. Oftentimes, women do not realize they are sending these messages to their daughters. It is up to the community, as a whole, to use the fire of experience and the wheel of social control to mould him into a pot that may contribute to society. [20], In 2016 an in vitro study of the essential oil from Erigeron floribundus, used as a medicinal plant in Cameroon, demonstrated good activity against Staphylococcus aureus, "cytotoxicity on colon carcinoma cells" and "ferric reducing antioxidant power." Traditional healers have also been under scrutiny during the HIV/AIDS epidemic for unsanitary medical practices. Much debate now exists in the area on how to exterminate these creatures and keep them from spreading. The industries with the highest death rates are mining, agriculture, forestry, fishing, and construction, all of which employ more men than women. [131] This study also found that 90% of respondents reported some kind of workplace harassment, mistreatment or discrimination. A study of traditional healers in Nigeria found that 60% of the population was at risk because of the contamination spread by tradition healers. [13], The concept was used in South Africa in the 1990s as a guiding ideal for the transition from apartheid to majority rule. [129], With more video games featuring themes related to LGBT characters and themes, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) included a video game awards category, the "Outstanding Video Game Award" for games with "outstanding LGBTQ-inclusive content", starting in its 30th GLAAD Media Awards. Traditional African medicine is a range of traditional medicine disciplines involving indigenous herbalism and African spirituality, typically including diviners, midwives, and herbalists.Practitioners of traditional African medicine claim to be able to cure a variety of diverse conditions including cancer, psychiatric disorders, high blood pressure, cholera, most [9], The Center for American Women and Politics reports that, as of 2013, 18.3% of congressional seats are held by women and 23% of statewide elective offices are held by women; while the percentage of Congress made up of women has steadily increased, statewide elective positions held by women have decreased from their peak of 27.6% in 2001. LGBT gamers use queer readings of media to compensate for their lack of representation in it. According to a 2001 study written by Ihsan Bagby, an associate professor of Islamic studies at the University of Kentucky, of Americans who convert to Islam, 64% are African American, 27% are White, 6% are Hispanic of any race, and 3% are other. Games are made on contemporary culture's heteronormative basis, and this shapes narrative and characters. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. In addition, the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor was created to monitor working conditions for women in the workforce. And 'the second maxim means that if and when one is faced with a decisive choice between wealth and the preservation of the life of another human being, then one should opt for the preservation of life'. Pp. In 1973, women's right to safe and legal abortion was established by the Supreme Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade. [33], Ubuntu can guide research objectives, ethics and methodology. A Bachelor of Arts degree and minor in Africana Studies provide a solid factual and conceptual foundation of the history and the development of the African people and their societies. [10], Playable female characters were found to appear less frequently than male characters in reviews for popular games in a 2006 study from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Tonal languages are found throughout the world but are predominantly used in Africa. This idealism suggests to us that humanity is not embedded in my person solely as an individual; my humanity is co-substantively bestowed upon the other and me. [36], Even in households where both parents are working, women in heterosexual relationships do on average 65% of child care, and are 2.5 times as likely to wake up in the middle of the night to do so. In 1972, Title IX of the Education Amendments, which reads "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance," was passed. [125], Events in the LGBT+ community such as Transgender Awareness Week and the International Transgender Day of Visibility are focused on educating and informing the public about transgender individuals and the challenges they face. Within top universities, the only category in which female faculty hold the higher proportion is "Non-Eligible for Tenure." 2008 Alienation and Fetishization: A critical analysis of "'radicalism and innovation' in the New World Group's approach to and rejection of metropolitan intellectual and political hegemony". Recurring themes in articles and discussions on the topic include the sexual objectification and sexualization of female characters, done to appeal to a presumed male audience,[5] as well as the degree to which female characters are independent from their male counterparts within the same game. [64] In general, these differences in salary can be attributed to the scarcity of free childcare services in America. The belief is that man is born formless like a lump of clay. Women who hold these views are more likely to have less ambitious career goals and men who hold these views tend to have a polarized and stereotyped view of women, made up of both very favorable and very unfavorable traits. In: Lddeckens, D., & Schrimpf, M. (2018). She then introduced the notion of "Ubuntu Diplomacy" with the following words: In 21st-century diplomacy, the Department of State will be a convener, bringing people together from across regions and sectors to work together on issues of common interest. [95], LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) characters have been included in video games as early as the 1980s and 1990s. Rather than looking for the medical or physical reasons behind an illness (or a spell of bad luck), traditional healers attempt to determine the root cause underlying it, which is believed to stem from a lack of balance between the patient and their social environment or the spiritual world. African clawed frogs have curved, flat snouts. (This T3 increase also induces germ cell apoptosis, mediated through genes left over from tadpole metamorphosis. To remove the malignant object, the intervention of a second medicine man is typically required, who then removes it by making an incision in the patient. Most common medical uses were for the treatment of "infections, internal parasites, digestive ailments and injuries." The African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis, also known as the xenopus, African clawed toad, African claw-toed frog or the platanna) is a species of African aquatic frog of the family Pipidae.Its name is derived from the three short claws on each hind foot, which it uses to tear apart its food. The concept of ubuntu is viewed the same in Zimbabwe as in other African cultures. Miscegenation (/ m s d n e n / mih-seh-gihn-AY-shuhn) is the interbreeding of people who are considered to be members of different races. According to a 2008 study by the Pew Research Center, "Fully 99% of boys and 94% of girls play videogames.". [6], Research conducted at Lycoming College has found the enjoyment of sexist humor to be strongly correlated with sexual aggression towards women among male college students. Unfortunately, sincere warmth may leave one vulnerable to those with ulterior motives. [45], April Ryan from The Longest Journey (1999) has been compared to Lara Croft, as she shows less prominent physical feminine attributes than Lara but more feminine psychological traits, as contrasted with Lara's masculine connotations like aggressiveness and force. [39] Former US president Bill Clinton used the term at the 2006 Labour Party conference in the UK to explain why society is important. ", "Intro to Gender Criticism for Gamers: From Princess Peach, to Claire Redfield, to FemSheps", "Selling Gender: Associations of Box Art Representation of Female Characters With Sales for Teen- and Mature-rated Video Games", "Ellas tambin juegan, o por qu el machismo gamer no tiene ningn sentido", "Report: Men play more MMOs, FPSes; women rule mobile, RPG", "How Much Do You Know About Video Games? Since the colonial era, Indo-European languages such as Afrikaans, English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish have held official status in many countries, and are widely spoken, generally as lingua francas. [8][9] On average, female-led games sell fewer copies than male-led ones, but also have lower marketing budgets. [131], Canadian non-profit MediaSmarts writes that "video games have the potential to influence how children perceive themselves and others", and despite their impact on the youth, "there is not a lot of research available in this area, and few of the existing studies stand up to critical examination. This lack of scrutiny means that we know very little about the effects that video games may have on children's development and socialization. [57] The Institute for Women's Policy Research stated that in 2016, 31.2 percent of Latina women were unmarried and the primary provider for their family and 21.3 percent were married and still the families' primary source of income. The portrayal of men and women in video games, as in other media, is a subject of research in gender studies and is discussed in the context of sexism in video gaming. [54], A number of games feature a female character as an ally or sidekick to the male hero. [17] However, these findings have been disputed, with multiple studies finding universities pushed to hire more women, resulting in females being given a 2:1 advantage over males in science, technology engineering and mathematics fields. The three small Khoisan families of southern Africa have not been shown to be closely related to any other major language family. Clawed frogs have powerful legs that help them move quickly both underwater and on land. Depression has been identified as one of the most common mental illness, affecting more than 12 million women (12%) and more than 6 million men (7%) in the US within any 1-year period (National Institute of Mental Health, 2011).In a recent large-scale national survey, a lifetime prevalence rate of 10.4% was reported for African Americans (Williams et al., 2007), thus Our academic programs consider the needs of our local community, but our quality attracts applicants from all over the world. [54] She stated that these covers reinforce the existing gender stereotypes and sexual discrimination against women. This allows rapid functional expression of manipulated DNAs (or mRNA). [131], Transgender individuals also face barriers when applying to higher education, as was the case with a transgender woman rejected from the all-girls Smith College because she was not legally recognized as female in her home state. Examples include the video game franchise Cho Aniki and Muscle March which feature men in sexualized and homoerotic poses. Identifiable differences are: African clawed frogs are voracious predators and easily adapt to many habitats. ecr 2022 abstract submission. [19], In their 2005 study, Karen E. Dill and K. P. Thill distinguish three major stereotypical depictions of women in gaming: (1) sexualized, (2) scantily clad, and (3) a vision of beauty. [6][11][12] A 2018 systematic review estimated that close to 60% of the general population in sub-Saharan Africa regularly use traditional and complementary medicine products for themselves[13] and to treat their animals for various diseases. [46] One study actually found that before 30, females made more than males, and hypothesized that choosing a family over a career resulted in the drop of the female wage advantage during the thirties. Ubuntu was the title of an EP released by American rapper Sage Francis in 2012.[46]. The X. laevis liver responds to low temperatures by increasing production of type II iodothyronine deiodinase through increased food intake[clarification needed]. [39], In 1994, Australian Hyper magazine writer Virginia Barratt accused the video game industry of being sexist for the lack of female representation, stating video games "are made by boys for boys who play with other boys" and girls "rarely get a look in, unless of course there's a victim who needs to be rescued or someone needs to wear a bikini to cheer the macho men on." [13], Ubuntu: "I am what I am because of who we all are." The Shona phrase munhu munhu nekuda kwevanhu means a person is human through others while ndiri nekuti tiri means I am because we are. [62], The portrayal of women in video games has been the subject of academic study and controversy since the early 1980s. When white women eventually go back to work, they make about 39% less than their peers who are not mothers. Adolescent Perspectives". Olaf Kaltmeier, Eleonora Rohland, Juan Grigera, Steven High, DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (ISSUES IN DEVELOPMENT), Iberoamericana. If the women are employed, or highly-paid, they don't do less housework. Minimal differences were seen between male and female responses. (Black studies, African American Studies, Africana Studies, etc. [14] The possible adverse effects of South African traditional medicines are not well documented; there has been limited research into mutagenic properties and heavy metal contamination. "[12], Ubuntu is often presented in short statements called maxims by Samkange (1980). In addition, Africa has a wide variety of sign languages, many of which are language isolates. And the new director of both the African American Studies & Research and the Africana Studies Programs doesn't expect his students to either. The objectives, content, methodology and outcomes of education are shaped by ubuntu. Weldon; du Preez; Hyatt; Muller; and Speare (2004). Lenhart, Amanda, Joseph Kahne, Ellen Middaugh, Alexandra Macgill, Chris Evans, and Jessica Vitak. Jannsz and Martis stated that there is a depiction of a lead role being in a commanding position and the narrative being about them. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 also made discriminatory hiring on the basis of gender illegal. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, from Ghana to Eswatini there are, on average almost, 100 traditional practitioner for every university trained doctor. Africana Studies offers a broad course of interdisciplinary study relating to Africa, people of African descent, and the many different contexts of the African Diaspora around the world. [28][29], Some healers learn the trade through personal experience while being treated as a patient who decide to become healers upon recovery. [8][9] One study also asserted that the attitudes behind such humor creates an environment where such discriminatory and possibly violent behavior is acceptable. [122] Because they afford the most opportunity for player choice and in game romance, genres such as RPGs and MMOs are the most LGBT representative. [35], Studies of the prevalence of female characters in video games began to be conducted in sociological, educational, and cultural journals as early as the late 1970s and early 1980s. [46] For this reason, they can easily become a harmful invasive species. The definition of Ubuntu, contends Mboti, has remained consistently and purposely fuzzy, inadequate and inconsistent. Research has shown that top universities average only 34 percent female in full-time faculty. [26] In other words, Hispanic women earn 47 percent less money than white males and 31 percent less money than white females. [5][52] Princess Zelda in the early The Legend of Zelda series, the Sultan's daughter in Prince of Persia, and Princess Peach through much of the Mario series are paradigmatic examples. Pp. While development is often viewed as something very positive, it is also very important to consider the possible detrimental effects of development on the natural environment, different social groups and on the cohesion and stability of societies. The economies of Angola and Mozambique are quickly becoming economic powerhouses in Africa. They ranked the United States last out of 20 industrialized countries in an index that measured such programs as family leave, alternative work arrangements, part-time employment, and other means to make workplaces more flexible and family-friendly. In Xhosa, the latter term is used, but is often meant in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity".[3]. The history of the race and intelligence controversy concerns the historical development of a debate about possible explanations of group differences encountered in the study of race and intelligence.Since the beginning of IQ testing around the time of World War I, there have been observed differences between the average scores of different population groups, and there Eze, Michael Onyebuchi (2017). One of its salient features is an elaborate noun class system with grammatical concord. Xenbase[43] is the Model Organism Database (MOD) for both Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis. Sub-Saharan countries have found ways to unite modern medicine with traditional medicine due to the urgency of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Additionally, Yale researchers have published studies which prove that young male scientists are more likely to be favored than female scientists with the same candidacy. Men are over-represented in dangerous jobs. [13] The United States is also the only industrialized nation that does not have a paid parental leave policy mandated by law, and is one of only four countries worldwide that does not; in addition, fully paid maternity leave is only offered by around 16 percent of employers in the United States. For example, they are commonly used when studying chloroquine resistance produced by specialized transporter mutants. The technology used is usually of poor quality, which impairs the quality of treatment. [10], A 2008 Gallup poll indicated that men and women each make up half of all American video game players. According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, "only one-fifth (21%) of transgender people who have transitioned in the National Transgender Discrimination Survey have been able to update all of their IDs and records with their new gender and one-third (33%) had updated none of their IDs or records. Early work on sequencing of the X. laevis genome was started when the Wallingford and Marcotte labs obtained funding from the Texas Institute for Drug and Diagnostic Development (TI3D), in conjunction with projects funded by the National Institutes of Health. [80] For example, the 2013 game Dead Island: Riptide generated controversy when the special "zombie bait" edition of the game included a statue of a torso of a busty, dismembered woman in a skimpy bikini. And we will act as a collaborator, leading interagency coordination here in Washington and cross-sector collaboration in the field, with our Ambassadors working closely with our non-governmental partners to plan and implement projects for maximum impact and sustainability. It is sometimes translated as "I am because we are" (also "I am because you are"), or "humanity towards others" (Zulu umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu).In Xhosa, the latter term is used, but is often meant in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". Very few black women advance to executive leadership positions due to lack of mentors and peers who are also black women. Characters such as thislike Garrus Vakarian from the Mass Effect seriesare usually side characters, rather than the player character. By injecting DNA or mRNA into the oocyte or developing embryo, scientists can study the protein products in a controlled system. Female characters were also more likely to be designed with unrealistic body proportions than male characters (25% vs 2%).[65]. The !Kung medicine men effect a treatment by performing a tribal dance. Tanzania has seven, one for each of its schools for the Deaf, all of which are discouraged. 2009. Modern medicine in the United States is subject to The Nuremberg Code and the related Declaration of Helsinki which are the basis for the Code of Federal Regulations issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, to oblige humane behavior in experimenting on the public for the good of society. In households and societies where gender equality is more highly valued, less time overall is spent on housework. [44] In Tomb Raider: Legend, Lara underwent a radical redesign, ostensibly to make her less sexualized. [70] There is, however, a notably gender segregation in degree choice, correlated with lower incomes for graduates with "feminine" degrees, such as education or nursing, and higher incomes for those with "masculine" degrees, such as engineering. Editor: M. Suckow. The species is found throughout much of Sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria and Sudan to South Africa),[2] and in isolated, introduced populations in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. African clawed frogs have webbed hind feet while their front feet have autonomous digits. Africana Studies. [19], In a sample of 669 action, shooter, and role-playing games selected by EEDAR in 2012, 300 (45%) provided the option of playing as a female, but only 24 (4%) had an exclusively female protagonist. [97] Moreover, only 1% of male characters have "sexualized figures", compared to 60% of female characters. 21. Many remain unclassified simply for lack of data; among the better-investigated ones that continue to resist easy classification are: Of these, Jalaa is perhaps the most likely to be an isolate. However, individuals of either gender with masculine personality traits were advantaged when applying for either masculine or feminine jobs, indicating a possibly valuing of stereotypically male traits above stereotypically female traits. [3], In film, the English translation of the proverb lent its hand to forming the title of pop singer Madonna's documentary, I Am Because We Are about Malawian orphans.[45]. There are various definitions of the word "Ubuntu". Midwives also make extensive use of indigenous plants to aid childbirth. Females who were depicted were frequently sexualized. These claws are used to rip apart food and scratch predators. [58] This is consistent with masculinized traits such as leadership and independence that may be given to female characters along with sexualized attributes so they are "sexy" and appealing. Among the one hundred largest cities in the United States, ten had female mayors as of 2013. [22], According to William A. Darity, Jr. and Patrick L. Mason, there is a strong horizontal occupational division in the United States on the basis of gender; in 1990, the index of occupational dissimilarity was 53%, meaning 53% of women or 47% of men would have to move to a different career field in order for all occupations to have equal gender composition. Salisbury [Harare]: Graham Publishing, in the sense of an abstract quality. The coyote (Canis latrans) is a species of canine native to North America.It is smaller than its close relative, the wolf, and slightly smaller than the closely related eastern wolf and red wolf.It fills much of the same ecological niche as the golden jackal does in Eurasia.The coyote is larger and more predatory and was once referred to as the American jackal by a behavioral ecologist. [1], The medical diagnoses and chosen methods of treatment in traditional African medicine rely heavily on spiritual aspects, often based on the belief that psycho-spiritual aspects should be addressed before the medical aspects. Apprenticeship to an established practitioner, who formally teaches the trade over a long period of time and is paid for their tutoring, is another route to becoming a healer. [10], In 1977, political science professor Susan Welch presented three possible explanations for this underrepresentation of women in politics: one, that women are socialized to avoid careers in politics; two, that women's responsibilities in the home keep them away out of both the work force and the political arena; and three, women are more often than men members of other demographic groups with low political participation rates. Socially the plants are used as ingredients in tobacco snuff. Important South African languages are Sotho, Tswana, Pedi, Venda, Tsonga, Swazi, Southern Ndebele, Zulu, Xhosa and Afrikaans.[27]. In October 2004 Mark Shuttleworth, a South African entrepreneur and owner of UK based company Canonical Ltd., founded the Ubuntu Foundation that is the company behind the creation of a computer operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. The incantations are thought to give the air of mystical and cosmic connections. It takes a shared, global response to meet the shared, global challenges we face. In: Lddeckens, africana studies vs african studies, & Schrimpf, M. ( 2018 ) its... All of which are language isolates addition, the women are employed, or highly-paid, they n't... Portrayal of women in video games may have on children 's DEVELOPMENT and.! All of which are language isolates plants are used to rip apart food and predators... Unfortunately, sincere warmth may leave one vulnerable to those with ulterior motives their mouths a harmonious one 2018! 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africana studies vs african studies